The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 925 Major events in life?

Waking up from sleep, seeing the familiar ceiling, Liu Ruian purposely stayed lazy for a while before getting out of bed.

He walked to the window and opened the new curtains that hadn't been put on for a long time, and stretched comfortably against the rising sun.

If Huang Xin and the core members of the main god space were on the spot, he would definitely find that his boss looked completely no different from ordinary people.

Regardless of whether it is a powerful force that seems to have never existed, or in terms of temperament, facial features, etc., there is no difference at all.

Of course, in the eyes of ordinary people, even those with a certain degree of power, Liu Ruian was no different from ordinary people before.

But for Huang Xin, who has grown to a certain level of strength, they can still feel the difference from their boss with their innate intuition, even if this feeling is very weak, so weak that it can be ignored if they are not careful.

After admiring the rising sun for a while, Liu Ruian walked out from the bedroom door that slid open automatically.

After washing up in the bathroom and changing clothes, he calmly walked towards the adjacent parents' house.

Although it was only a few steps away, I still ran into a few neighbors.

Taking advantage of the time of greeting, Liu Ruian observed these few people.

Although most of the neighbors who can wake up so early are people who have already retired and lived at home, but from the perspective of mental outlook, all of them are very good.

With the rapid development of medical technology, the average health of human beings is now much higher than before.

Even the life expectancy is not longer than before. No, some people have proposed to postpone the retirement age and re-employ retirees in the municipal team.

If this were changed to the past, if you dare to raise such an issue, you will be scolded by the common people as stupid and disregarding the life and death of the common people.

After all, the later you retire, the later you will naturally get your pension, and you will have to work hard for a few more years.

There was a time when the state also proposed new policies to extend the pension payment period, increase the pension payment amount, and delay retirement.

As a result, not to mention the complaints, the common people scolded him enough in private.

Who will benefit from this new policy will always be those officials and lords, and the later they retire, the longer they will have power.

The later you retire, the more benefits you get.

But it is different now, as human beings have officially stepped out of the earth and into the universe, various fields are developing at a high speed.

At the same time of rapid development, it also means that more manpower is needed.

Even today's technological power has developed machines with low intelligence to replace manpower.

But most of the jobs still need to be done by humans, and only some high-risk or high-intensity jobs will be undertaken by these machines.

The huge demand for employment has turned the problem of difficult employment into a difficulty in recruiting people.

Coupled with the fact that the new generation of young people hope to conquer the stars and the sea, it is also a solution to hire retirees.

It is also through public opinion and personal experience that everyone basically knows the situation in this regard, so the reactions of the common people are considered supportive.

Some people think that re-employment is very good. It can pass the boring time and earn an extra income for the family. There is nothing wrong with it.

Of course, some people think that after decades of hard work, it is better to take a rest.

Anyway, today's retirement security is quite good. It's nonsense to be rich and wealthy, but it's okay to live a well-off life.

If you have time to go back to work, it is better to go out with your wife and enjoy the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

If conditions permit, it is a good enjoyment to go abroad, even to the Moon Palace.

Regarding the development of human society, Liu Ruian has long since stopped asking about it.

Even Liu Ruian, who is already on the right track, has stopped interfering with the operation of the solar system.

As long as you don't touch your bottom line, then everything will be fine.

After Liu Ruian finished greeting his neighbors, he turned around and entered his parents' house.

As the door slides open automatically,

A scent of porridge mixed with faint aura soon lingered in front of Liu Ruian's nose.

There is no need to deliberately distinguish, Liu Ruian knows that this porridge is made from five-grade sapphire rice over a slow fire.

This kind of jade rice is actually the product of hybridization between fairy rice and human rice. This rice has five colors, green, yellow, red, white, and black.

For wood, earth, fire, metal, and water in the five elements, they are also divided into nine grades according to their quality.

Level 9 is the lowest and Level 1 is the highest.

In addition to corn and rice, there are also crops such as wheat, corn, and soybeans that have been hybridized with Shenting's wonders.

These varieties not only taste good, but also have a certain aura.

Long-term consumption combined with the method of physical fitness, immortality is nonsense, and longevity is still no problem.

It's just that the things are good, but the price is not cheap at all.

Even if it is the lowest grade of jade rice, it is a bit of a burden for a well-off family of five to enjoy it every day.

But for Liu Rui'an's family, whose net worth is already hundreds of millions, and their business is booming, eating five-grade sapphire rice every day is nothing.

If it wasn't for not wanting to disturb the leisurely life of his parents, with Liu Rui'an's strength, there are some good things that Liu's father and Liu mother would not be able to enjoy.

"Mom, why is it porridge again, can I change it to something else?" Liu Ruian, who walked into the house, yelled deliberately dissatisfied.

Then, without accident, my mother scolded me all over, what is not enough, porridge nourishes the stomach, drinks less, don't stay up late, etc.

But the counting and counting counted, and in the end Liu Ma agreed to make some good jade beans for the porridge tomorrow, soak them in the spring water of Pearl Spring, and then grind the soybean milk to drink.

The porridge, which has been boiled for a long time, is soft and smooth. It is served with two dishes of side dishes and a few baskets of steamed buns. There are not many varieties but the taste is not bad at all.

After drinking three bowls of porridge in a row, six buns and some side dishes, Liu Ruian wiped his mouth and patted his belly to say that he was full.

As for the important life event that her mother started nagging again during the meal, Liu Ruian perfunctory again, and then said that the company had something to do, so she gave her parents a big hug, then rubbed the soles of her feet with oil, and slipped away.

But slipping away, Liu Ruian also had to admit that the major issues in his life really needed to be resolved.

Even if you don't care about the problems that will inevitably cause people to discuss if you live alone, your parents can't explain it.

And in addition to finding a bright wife for himself, he also had to consider the children's issues.

To say that it is easy to find a daughter-in-law for yourself, you can just choose a saint from your own kingdom of God.

Whether it is appearance, figure, or filial piety, there will be absolutely no problems.

But it's a bit troublesome to have a child. At this point, it's really troublesome for Liu Ruian to want to give birth to an offspring.

"It just so happens that the next big world is about to be opened, why don't we go there and think of a way?" Liu Ruian, who was walking towards the underground parking lot, couldn't help thinking.

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