The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 935 What can you do? what do you want?

Liu Rui'an admitted that he lied. The so-called magic mirror space only passed for a moment in the real world. ≧ ≦ ≤

It's not that I can't do this, but I don't want to do it at all.

Of course, if you don't do it, you don't do it. With Liu Ruian's ability to appear today, he wouldn't take this opportunity to do something evil.

"Peggy Carter, born Margaret "Peggy" Carter, played by British actress Hayley Atwell."

"After the disappearance of Captain America and the Strategic Science Reserve Department created SHIELD and became one of the founders of SHIELD."

Liu Ruian, who was standing by the bed, looked at the aging woman on the bed while talking, but his gaze automatically brought her back to the youngest and most vigorous age.

Well, Ryan Lau admits that the British actress who plays Peggy Carter, Hayley Atwell, doesn't fit her aesthetic at all.

Although it is not ugly yet, it is definitely not good-looking, except for the pair of murder weapons!

The word choppy is perfect for Hayley Atwell.

Regardless of whether the actress herself has breast augmentation, at least this Peggy Carter in front of her doesn't.

After appreciating this female man and strong woman, Liu Ruian didn't bother this pair of fateful mandarin ducks anymore.

With just a thought, the whole room was completely isolated by the purple energy shield.

Liu Ruian, who found a chair and sat down, grabbed Xuxu in front of him.

Seeing one blue, one red, one purple, and one yellow starlight appearing out of thin air, it turned into four randomly, no, to be precise, it should be four gemstones that landed on the palm of the hand.

Grains are used instead of grains because the four stones are indeed smaller.

A full dozen are only two carats in size, and they are loose diamonds.

But the size is a bit smaller, but the origin of these four gems is not small at all.

The blue one is that Liu Ruian directly found the S.H.I.E.L.D. after saving the Starks more than 20 years ago.

Then easily obtained the space gem that Howard Stark accidentally discovered on the way to find Captain America.

If this was changed to before, Liu Ruian would definitely take this thing away, but now, he just studied some of the nature of this thing.

Then a part of the original power was extracted from it, so there was this shrunken version of the space gem.

The red one is the gem of reality, and Liu Rui'an didn't sleep all the time during his more than 20 years of deep sleep.

Always wakes up at the right time, and then finds the target and shoots directly.

I also studied the essence of the reality gem ether, and at the same time extracted the original power of this thing, and there was a reduced version of the reality gem.

The purple gem is Liu Rui'an took a moment,

I went to the Nova Empire and got the power gem from the Guardians of the Galaxy.

As for the yellow one, let alone the soul gem from the illusion, and some people call it the spiritual gem.

So far, Liu Rui's security department has handled four of the six infinite gems that have appeared.

After studying the Space Gem and the Reality Gem, Liu Rui'an has gained a certain amount of knowledge about these six existences that are said to have been born from the beginning of the universe.

Although the power of the six gems is not the same, as the collector said, the essence of these six gems is common.

It is precisely because of this that the situation where gemstones can interact with each other occurs.

"I already got four gems." Looking at the four gems floating above the palm of his hand like stars and moving along a certain mysterious route, Liu Ruian thought to himself:

"As for the soul and time gems, there is no definite news so far."

"There are two most likely places for the soul gem to appear. One is the eyes of the patron saint Heimdall in Asgard."

"The other is the big cocoon in the collector's collection, which is suspected to be the magician Adam."

"As for the Time Stone, I have a headache. It's not like I haven't seen Dr. Strange before, but I can't see any traces of the Time Stone on him at all."

"However, this product has a little time travel ability."

"Forget it, as long as I get the power gem again, even if there is no soul and time gem, I can derive it by myself."

"The only difference is that without the original power of gems, even if the soul and time are derived, they cannot be as perfect as these four."

"Fortunately, it's not a big problem for me."

Thinking of this, Chen Kun casually put away the four infinity gems and the shield, and then snapped his fingers.

Captain America and Peggy Carter, who seemed to have been pressed the time pause button, suddenly moved.

Peggy Carter, who was lying on the bed, only had time to show a happy smile before falling into a deep sleep.

Captain America was stunned for a while, shaking his head subconsciously, and finally recovered from a year of fantasy life.

"How's it going, how's this year going?" Looking at the other party who was still a little dazed, Liu Ruian said with a light smile.

"You know, I really want to never wake up again." Captain America said, looking at his beloved on the bed, who didn't answer the question directly.

"Illusions are just illusions after all, and can you really leave everything in this world behind?" Liu Ruian, who patted the opponent on the shoulder, said.

"I can't let go." Captain America shook his head without any hesitation, and then said:

"Tell me, what can you do, and what do you want?"

"I can do a lot. First, I can restore Carter's youth and at the same time possess great strength." Liu Rui'an replied straight to the point:

"Secondly, if she or you are unwilling to do this, then I can still send her to the kingdom of God, where she can obtain eternal life."

"If this is not enough, then I can send her to reincarnation. Anyway, your life span is very long."

"Ten years is nothing to you. Of course, this world must last for more than ten years."

Hearing this, if Captain America still can't understand the hidden meaning in someone's words, then he has been an American hero for so many years.

"What do you mean?" Captain America, who didn't think the other party was threatening or blackmailing him, asked seriously.

Needless to say, during that year in the illusion, if someone really wanted to do something, Captain America didn't think he could stop it.

Not to mention that the other party just snapped their fingers, sent the entire Avengers headquarters to the moon, and then sent it back.

With such a powerful force, Captain America really can't think of what he has to be calculated by the other party.

"From the space gem, oh, you call it the Cosmic Cube." Liu Ruian, who took a chair and sat down, replied frankly:

"When this thing was discovered by the Red Skull, your world has already attracted the attention of a certain existence."

"That existence, we call it Thanos. For you humans, he is a god-like existence." (To be continued.)

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