The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 946 Black Widow's frankness?

Liu Ruian, who hadn't planned to receive the representative of the Ministry of National Defense in person, was soon attracted by another visitor. 【No pop-up window..】

Seeing the other party dressed as an OL walk into his office, Liu Ruian, who was leaning on the boss chair, said with a smile:

"Natasha, I really don't know whether to say I'm happy or unhappy when you appear in my company at this time."

"I don't want to come either, but above, you know, I don't have any choice." The black widow who walked up to the chair and sat down on the chair said frankly.

"As long as you want to choose, there is room for you." Liu Ruian said with a smile, poured a glass of wine for each of them and said:

"Tell me, Natasha, what do you want to do when you come to me, it won't be like being an undercover agent with Tony before?"

"I really guessed it right for you." The black widow who took a sip from the wine glass looked at the glass with ice cubes in surprise and said:

"Where did you buy this wine and what brand is it, you must tell me, it tastes really good and special."

"You don't have a place to buy this kind of wine in this time and space. If you want to drink it, I'll give you a box later." Liu Ruian shook the wine glass and said with a smile:

"But Natasha, didn't you offend someone? Isn't it ridiculous that you were sent to me as an undercover agent?"

"They also know it's ridiculous, but I asked to come here." Black Widow, who took another sip of wine, said straight to the point.

"What? You're not afraid of the aftereffects of the benefits I gave you, are you?" Liu Ruian shook his head with a smile, and said:

"Don't worry, whether it's for you, your government, or anyone in this world, I don't have the time to play any calculations."

"If I really want to do something, I will do it directly. I won't be like your government, who obviously did it and refused to admit it."

Regarding this, Black Widow has no doubts at all.

From the last reversal meeting when the monitoring agreement was about to be signed to the present period, a lot of things have happened.

These things are basically difficult to prove what Liu Rui'an said just now, just do what you really want to do, and you will never play any dirty tricks, because it is meaningless.

"I'll be your secretary, you just say whether you want it or not." He drank the wine that wasn't too much in one gulp,

Black Widow asked frankly.

"Yes, of course, when can I come to work?" Liu Ruian, who didn't hesitate at all, said with a smile.

Just as she was about to put the wine glass with only ice cubes back on the table, the black widow found that the amber liquid seemed to automatically appear in the glass again.

"Wow, this magic is really convenient, can you teach me?" Asked the black widow in surprise, shaking the glass to let the wine fully contact with the ice cubes.

Liu Ruian, who shook his head with a smile, knew very well that this seemingly encountered topic was actually one of the purposes of the other party appearing in front of him.

"Don't even think about chaos magic, you don't have that talent."

It has to be said that a senior agent is a senior agent.

In the seemingly refusal words, he just found a chance for Black Widow.

"So what about non-chaos magic?" Asked the black widow who grabbed the key.

"That's fine, but what can you give? You know, we Chaos Mage..."

Before Liu Ruian could finish speaking, Natasha interjected:

"I know that you Chaos Magicians uphold the principle of fair trade, and you must pay an equal price for any transaction."

"That's why I'm here to be your secretary, and I'm available for work anytime."

"It's ugly that you came here wearing this outfit today, so..." Liu Ruian glanced at the other party's ol's clothes, said "Snap!" and snapped his fingers.

"Boss, what are your orders?" A sweet female voice suddenly sounded in the office.

"From now on, Natasha will be my secretary. You can arrange the authority and treatment of Xiaguan." Old God Liu Ruian said on the ground.

"It has been arranged, and the personal terminal is being transmitted..."

As the sweet female voice sounded, Natasha found a beam of light suddenly flashed on the desk in front of her.

After the beam of light flickered away, I saw a beautifully shaped thing that looked a bit like a Bluetooth headset appearing in front of the Black Widow.

"Natasha, you still have a chance to regret it now." Drinking the fine wine in his hand, Liu Ruian smiled.

"I think you have a better chance here."

Without any hesitation, the Black Widow took the "Bluetooth headset" in front of her as she spoke.

In fact, this thing is used in the same way as a Bluetooth headset, just plug it into your ear.

But in terms of function, it can throw the Bluetooth ear out without knowing how far.

Or to be more precise, the two things are not comparable at all.

No, Natasha, who looked at the blue light curtain projected directly in her line of sight and operated it according to the instructions that suddenly appeared in her mind, said in shock:

"Oh wow, this thing is much better than the wrist-style smart personal terminal that Sanctuary Industry will launch soon."

"It's natural to use good things first, and then throw them in the market to collect money after the new generation of products comes out." Liu Ruian shrugged and said disapprovingly:

"Don't all major companies do this, including that guy Tony."

"Okay, I'm your secretary now." After confirming that her identity and authority were ok, the Black Widow stood up and said:

"So, is there anything I can do for you, boss?"

"It's true. I'll leave it to you to take charge of the nano armor project." Liu Ruian, who was shaking his wine glass, said with a smile:

"If you don't understand anything or need help, just go to Protoss directly, and she will help you with everything."

"It's a pleasure to serve you, Natasha," followed the sweet voice.

"I am also very happy to work with you, Protoss." Natasha replied politely.

Seeing someone automatically come to the door to share the work for him, Liu Ruian, who was happy to be the shopkeeper, stood up after drinking the wine in the glass and said:

"Okay, now that you're here, Natasha, I can do something else."

"Boss, you don't mean to go on a long trip, do you?" Black Widow asked.

"Let you be right, but there is no prize."

Liu Ruian, who returned a mysterious smile, didn't even give the other party a chance to speak again, and disappeared into the huge office with a bang.

"This guy, you haven't talked about magic yet!" Natasha, who had no time to stop him, said.

"It's okay, Natasha, I can help you with basic magic." The artificial intelligence Protoss said.

Just when Black Widow was surprised that someone's artificial intelligence seemed to know too much, Liu Ruian appeared in New Mexico.

Soon, a blue beam of light rose into the sky! ! (To be continued.)



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