The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 949: Evil God Loki

In Liu Ruian's sight, a figure quickly appeared on the originally empty steps in front of the treasure house gate.

With golden armor, a golden spear, and a blindfold on his left eye, no matter how you look at it, he is the contemporary god-king of Asgard, Odin.

"Okay, Loki, I admit that this illusion of yours is really good, and it can fool many people." Throwing the Infinity Gauntlet into his treasure house, Liu Rui'an said with a smile:

"But to me, your illusion is still immature. If you want to use this to take me down, you should go to sleep."

Just as Liu Ruian was speaking, a cold chill came from behind.

With a sound of "Pfft!", the sharp spear pierced through Liu Ruian who was still boasting just now.

The bright red blood spurted out from the mouth in an instant, turning into a cloud of blood mist in the air.

Seeing his successful sneak attack, Loki, incarnate as Odin, was just about to sneer at someone's overreaching, but his face suddenly changed drastically!

"I really don't know that these are just clones of you, Loki."

As the sound sounded, Loki, who subconsciously turned around, realized that at some point, a guy who had been stabbed to death by himself was already standing behind him.

"Speaking of illusion, I have also done some research, why don't we discuss it?"

Under Liu Rui'an's playful smile, Loki soon discovered that one figure after another began to appear in the Dingku.

In just a few breaths, the originally empty treasure house was already full of people.

Looking at someone whose number was at least hundreds, Loki's eyes suddenly shrank.

There is no way, as an expert in illusion, Loki knows nothing about illusion.

But the large number of mysterious intruders in front of us are real people, not illusions, regardless of their facial features or magical perception.

"Loki, do you want to start a war with me, or have a good talk?"

The tone of the sentence was very plain, but it seemed very shocking when a large number of avatars spoke together.

"What do you want?" Loki, whose body is not here, asked simply.

"There are many things I want,

Why don't you listen to what I can give first? "Liu Ruian said with a smile.

Coming to Asgard this time, Liu Ruian didn't just want to loot Odin's treasure house.

Although the movie version of the Asgardians is nothing more than a stronger alien civilization.

More strength, faster speed, sharper response, oh, and the ability to self-recovery is also quite strong.

Besides, a knife still bleeds, a gunshot to the body damn or die.

If it weren't for the powerful technological power and mysterious power, the so-called king of the gods would be nothing but a joke to Liu Ruian.

If it weren't for worrying about the hidden powerful forces in this world, such as the three goddesses of fate, Liu Ruian would never talk nonsense with Loki.

After snapping his fingers with a "snap!" and taking back all the numerous avatars, Liu Ruian said with a light smile:

"Loki, I know that you want to prove your worth in front of Odin and everyone else."

"But in this world, it's really not easy for you to accomplish your goals."

Having said that, Liu Ruian shook his finger, interrupted with a smile:

"Don't rush to deny it, yes, you have stolen Odin's throne now."

"But don't forget, you can't sit on that throne with your true colors."

"How can such a result prove your worth?"

"I really want to hear how you can prove my worth." Loki, who had recovered his image, said with a sneer.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that you still haven't figured it out. In fact, your idea was wrong from the beginning." Liu Ruian shook his head and said jokingly:

"A real man, a pure man, doesn't need to rely on other people's approval to prove himself."

"Only those with low self-esteem need the approval of others to support their weak hearts."

"Shut up!!" Loki, who had been told his true nature to the point, shouted angrily at the golden gun in his hand.

"Do you think it's justifiable to have a loud voice? Or did you become angry after I told the truth?" Liu Ruian, who didn't care about the other party's attitude at all, smiled.

Looking at the hateful smiling face in front of him, Loki really wanted to tear the opponent apart and throw him into the abyss to torture him for 10,000 years!

However, Loki also knows that the opponent can easily invade Odin's treasure house, and he can't even confirm whether the opponent is real or an illusion, so the power he possesses is not insignificant.

"Are you just trying to annoy me?!" Rocky asked, suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Of course not, I just want you to know that everything you've done now has gone astray." Liu Ruian shrugged and said with a smile:

"I can send you to a world. Listen clearly, it's a world, not a planet or a dimensional space."

"There, you can show your ambitions. It doesn't matter whether you want to rule the human race or the entire universe."

"Of course, that world is not without it?

For such an answer, Loki was not enough to be a little stunned.

Aside from the truth of what someone said, a world, if you can control a world, wouldn't it be...

Thinking of this, it would be a lie for Loki to say that he is not tempted.

But be tempted to be tempted, as a generation of evil gods, he is not so naive as to say what someone says.

"How do you prove what you said?" Loki, who was silent for a while, asked.

"It's very simple, I can open the door to that world." Liu Ruian replied frankly:

"As for whether it's true or not, it shouldn't be difficult to verify with your strength, Loki, right?"

"Okay, then open it." Loki, who seemed to have no hesitation, said very simply.

Compared to Rocky's straightforwardness, Liu Rui'an's reaction was also very straightforward.

He didn't say anything else at the moment, and just stretched out his hand to stroke the air around him.

The next moment, a vertical blue light door appeared in front of the two of them.

Seeing this scene, Loki's eyes suddenly shrank again.

Being able to tear apart the space barrier with one hand, and in a place like Asgard, this strength is already quite terrifying.

I didn't see that even God King Odin can only go through the Rainbow Bridge when he goes out to do errands.

"You wouldn't close the gate after I entered, and take the opportunity to exile me, would you?" Loki said after looking at the light gate and then at someone.

Liu Ruian was not surprised by this reaction at all, but it would be strange if the other party didn't say so.

"This question is very simple. I can build a gate of time and space at the place you specify." Liu Ruian replied with "sincerity":

"Then I will give you enough time to verify the situation in that world, but you have to arrange a comfortable place for me." (To be continued.) 8



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