The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter Nine Hundred and Sixty Two

In addition to the small Zhoutian star array in the Kuiper belt, Liu Ruian also centered on the earth in this world, and also deployed asteroid early warning arrays on all sides and eight poles.

These formations, which can be called satellites to some extent, can not only prevent foreign invasion, but also observe the situation inside the solar system.

Relying on the zero-delay and seamless connection between these "satellites", the Alliance of Extraordinary Ones is enough to know the entire civilization of the earth well.

Considering that he did not intend to pass on the essence of the formation, besides these preparations, Liu Ruian also used the massive resources brought by Kuiper to build two motherships for the Alliance of Extraordinary Ones.

A divine shield, a heavenly sword.

The former focuses on defense, maintenance, construction, etc., while the latter focuses on attack.

It's not that Liu Ruian is stingy and doesn't want to provide more starships to the Alliance of Extraordinary that he built.

At first, there was no need for that, the strength of the two motherships was already quite strong.

Instead of spending resources on more motherships, it is better to put them on unmanned attack aircraft.

The spherical unmanned attack aircraft with a diameter of less than two meters comes with two sets of engines.

One set can fly in the atmosphere, and the other is used in space.

The flying speed of this unmanned attack aircraft in the atmosphere is not fast, the highest is ten times the speed of sound.

But in space, it can reach sub-light speed.

In addition to two sets of engines, this thing also has its own deflection field shield and artificial intelligence system.

Although due to power issues, the deflection force field shield can't play much protective role, but since this kind of unmanned attack aircraft wins by quantity, it is enough.

As for the artificial intelligence system, Liu Ruian did not come up with a ready-made one, but asked Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Vision to redesign a high-performance new system.

Xingwang means the interstellar network intelligent platform system.

With this thing, not only the unmanned attack aircraft has a high degree of subjective initiative, but it also makes the equipment of the entire Extraordinary Alliance more worry-free.

Speaking of vision, Liu Ruian was a little speechless.

Although the other party was invited to this Extraordinary Party, Liu Ruian didn't expect this guy to join.

After all, in the original plot, Vision is a member of the conservative faction.

In fact, Liu Ruian didn't intend to let him participate, even though he didn't have any special thoughts about the Scarlet Witch, but he did train her as an apprentice.

In this case, the appearance of an extra guy who obviously has feelings for the Scarlet Witch is somewhat in the way.

Fortunately, the relationship between the two, no, it should be that Vision's unilateral relationship with Scarlet Witch is still in its infancy.

In addition, this product does have a certain use value, so Liu Ruian agreed to the other party's application to join.

However, after the foundation of the Extraordinary Alliance was built, Liu Rui'an took the Scarlet Witch to escape under the pretext of teaching chaos magic.

Although the so-called Chaos Magic is only borrowed from the name in the setting of Marvel comics, it is not fake at all to a large extent.

At least according to Liu Rui'an's teaching, it's not that the Scarlet Witch has no chance to grow to the level of the comic version, even if it's not that easy.

After the Extraordinary Alliance was quietly and formally established in the Kuiper Belt, Liu Ruian became the hands-off shopkeeper.

Either take the Scarlet Witch to travel around the earth to increase the other party's knowledge and sharpen the mind, or take the other party to slip into Asgard, which has changed hands, which is called a retreat, which is actually a vacation.

Occasionally, I will take the Scarlet Witch to other countries through the Rainbow Bridge, such as Vanaheim and Yalfheim.

In these places, Liu Ruian would sometimes roam around as a merchant, and sometimes accept missions as a ranger.

Following Liu Rui'an's Scarlet Witch, I also learned a lot in the process.

Among them, the most unforgettable thing for this innocent girl is the sinister heart.

More than two years is not long, nor is it short.

When the Scarlet Witch returned to the Extraordinary Alliance base in Kuiper, Vision and the others who came over after hearing the news all had the same feeling that things were right and wrong.

Since the Scarlet Witch is regarded as an apprentice, even if it is a named disciple, Liu Ruian, as a master, will naturally not be stingy.

After more than two years, Scarlet Witch's face not only did not show the slightest trace of the passage of time, but became younger and more beautiful.

Coupled with the mature eyes in the bright eyes, this innocent girl has an amazing temperament.

Of course, apart from the changes in appearance and temperament, Scarlet Witch's biggest gain is the double improvement in mind and strength.

No, in a sparring match, the Scarlet Witch alone resisted the attack of the entire Alliance of Extraordinary Ones, and even gained the upper hand.

"How do you say that in China, oh, it seems that you can die when you compare goods, and you have to throw away people when compared with others?"

Tony Stark, who was sent off first, hid his helmet, his face full of shock and pain.

Peter Parker, who was sent off after him, simply took off the spider armor on his body, and said with contempt:

"Please, you are always lazy when I ask you to learn more Chinese. It is obvious that people are more deadly than others, and you have to throw away goods when you compare things."

"It's all the same. Anyway, I really want to ask a certain guy, why is there such a big difference in the treatment of members of the Extraordinary Alliance at the same time?" Tony Stark said with an angry look at the other party.

"Ask for me when the time comes, actually, I think I'm quite talented in magic." Peter Parker, who didn't despise the other party, echoed.

While the two were complaining, Black Panther T'Challa, Vision, Hulk Hulk, and Red Giant Betty were all defeated.

Except for Black Widow and Skye who stayed on the other side of the earth to deal with affairs, the discussion ended with Scarlet Witch winning.

Of course, such a result does not mean that Tony Stark and the others are too incompetent.

On the contrary, when the Scarlet Witch traveled around with Liu Rui'an, Tony Stark and the others did not ignore the improvement of their own strength while perfecting the Extraordinary Alliance.

In fact, with the help provided by Liu Rui'an, such as super gene optimization fluid, anger ring, combat armor, etc., Tony Stark's personal strength is much stronger than in the original plot.

The current one can beat the past ten. That is definitely not an exaggeration, and there are even reservations.

Just when everyone was curious about what the Scarlet Witch went through, she grew up to this point in just over two years, and then held a party to welcome her back. By the way, I heard the Scarlet Witch describe the past two years After experience.

According to the request of an unscrupulous guy, the Scarlet Witch who completed the two tasks of "showing muscles" and "getting together" brought bad news.

Very bad very bad news:

Thanos is coming! (To be continued.)


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