The Traverser of Marvel World

Nine hundred and seventieth chapters ask for something

To say that these army spirits and fierce ghosts are pitiful is not because Liu Ruian is pretending, but in fact these army spirits are indeed very pitiful.

Not to mention fighting desperately for others in life, there is no peace after death.

Since he felt pitiful, Liu Ruian would not wave the butcher's knife mercilessly while showing mercy.

The military soul sucked into the gourd was quickly divided into three parts.

One is the increasingly ferocious power of the military soul since it was sealed for so long.

One part is the powerful spiritual origin of the military soul, and the last part is the memory of the self left in the military soul.

It has to be said that the Fifty Way of Heaven and the Forty-Nine Dayan Evolution, escaping from one of them is a chance of survival.

This principle is very suitable in the fantasy world of Xianxia. No, although this army soul will not be at peace after death, it retains part of the memory of its self.

Even if these memories are incomplete, even if these memories are quite confusing.

Even if these memories were replaced by the vast majority of people, it would be difficult to deal with them even if they wanted to lend a helping hand, but they could still be regarded as a glimmer of hope.

No, Liu Ruian, who needs to be compassionate and capable, has appeared, and this army soul has finally grasped the ray of life.

After collecting the army soul, Liu Ruian took out another purple jade token from his body.

This is a very rare purple jade tablet, and even Zhou Qing, a master craftsman, can't be sure whether the material of this jade tablet is really jade.

But judging from the glossiness, this strange thing with a foot or so long above the circle should be the best jade.

Is it just dark purple translucent jade? Zhou Qing has never seen it before, and it wasn't even mentioned in the inheritance of the Artifact Sect.

This jade tablet is one foot and two inches long, six inches wide = one inch thick, with the upper circle and the lower part.

The surrounding area is decorated with gorgeous cloud patterns, and the carving of each piece of cloud is so exquisite that it is impossible to believe that it is a fake carved on a jade tablet.

Every thin cloud seemed to be blowing up with the wind. Zhou Qing only took a few glances at the jade tablet, and he had the illusion that a strong wind was blowing around him, and the clouds on the jade tablet were about to be swept away by the wind.

You must know that Zhou Qing's current cultivation base is already in the stage of returning to the void,

It can make him have such an illusion, which shows how extraordinary this jade tablet is.

The periphery of the jade tablet is decorated with cloud patterns, while the side facing Zhou Qing is carved with complex images of stars.

The astrological chart of the twenty-eight mansions and eighty-four thousand stars in the sky is engraved inside the jade tablet with some incredible skills.

Every star emits a faint silver light. At first glance, it seems that these stars are following some kind of mysterious trajectory.

Looking carefully, this translucent jade tablet turned out to be covered with clouds and mist.

Pieces of purple, gold, silver, red, white, cyan, and blue clouds are constantly changing within the jade tablet, and there is an illusion that the jade tablet is a void of its own.

In a trance, Zhou Qing felt that he was riding on a cloud, passing through endless clouds, and gradually came to a magical void.

It is surrounded by stars and stars, and in the middle of the endless space is a huge Tai Chi diagram.

Black and white two-color yin-yang Pisces rotate slowly in front, and countless extremely fine golden particles are entwined with this huge Tai Chi diagram and are spinning rapidly.

Every small golden particle is full of spirituality, and there is a feeling that they are a living person.

The yin and yang Pisces drives the Zhoutian and the stars to rotate slowly, and there is a mysterious and unspeakable 'charm' in it.

When he came into contact with this mysterious and mysterious charm, Zhou Qing's second soul suddenly jumped rapidly, and streams of pure spiritual energy poured in from the top door, gradually filling his whole body.

A mysterious, mysterious, and otherworldly aura slowly rippling from Zhou Qing's body, the gentle but irresistible power fluctuations surprised Xuanyuan Dharma King beside him.

"Haha, I didn't expect Fellow Daoist to have such an opportunity. Congratulations."

Liu Ruian, who wanted to make Zhou Qing perfect, smiled and flicked the jade token in his hand lightly.

"Excuse me!" After a soft sound, a small figure about the size of a thumb, but with a complete body and clear eyebrows rushed out of the gourd's mouth.

After rushing to pay respects to Liu Ruian out of thin air, he threw himself into the purple jade tablet with a happy face.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after the little man threw in the purple jade tablet, Zhou Qing suddenly felt that one of the countless tiny golden particles lit up.

Just when Zhou Qing and King Xuanyuan didn't know what happened, Liu Ruian put away the jade tablet, then picked up the gourd and poured it into his hand.

This time, the orbs were also poured out, but they were divided into two colors: black and white.

The inside of the black orb is like a turbulent undercurrent under a calm sea, filled with hostility, murderous aura, and resentment.

The white orb is shining with soft light, without any evil spirit, giving people a feeling of incomparable purity.

"Three fellow daoists, this is the benefit I got from transforming that army soul just now." Liu Ruian, who was holding a black and white orb, said:

"The black one is the cultivation of the military soul, and the white one is his purest soul power."

"The Dharma King of Pindao Temple is walking with the blood demon. I think this black orb is the most suitable."

Speaking of this, Liu Ruian didn't have the slightest intention of asking, and directly sent the black orb to the other party with a flick of his fingers.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, your cultivation is quite mixed. Although the cultivation of the military soul is good for you, it also has some disadvantages."

"This soul orb is not only beneficial to your profound art, but it can also enhance your soul power."

Also without any intention of asking, Liu Ruian sent the white orb to Zhou Qing with a flick of his fingers.

With the eyesight and cultivation of Zhou Qing and King Xuanyuan, after they each received the orb, they could know that what someone said was true after just a little inspection.

Although both of them also felt that Liu Rui'an benefited from that soldier soul definitely not only this point, but they coincidentally did not mention this point.

They didn't even say why Wen Lanxin wasn't there, but each put away the orbs and waited and watched.

In fact, after delivering the things, Liu Ruian did have something to say.

"Pindao has a proposal, what do you two think?"

"Fellow Daoists have any suggestions, but they say there is no workshop."

Zhou Qing's seemingly generous answer was actually equivalent to saying nothing.

"Fellow Daoist, please say so." Dharma King Xuanyuan was obviously more polite.

"These army souls are also poor people. The poor are just here to save them. Can the power of the two army souls be shared equally?" Liu Rui'an said seriously.

"Uh... Fellow Daoist, you really have to..." Zhou Qing, who was always surprised, couldn't help but say.

Although the words were not finished, the meaning of the words was clearly expressed.

"Fellow Daoist, do you have any requirements for this proposal?" Dharma King Xuanyuan beside him asked sharply.

"The Fawang's eyesight is really extraordinary, and the poor indeed have something to ask for." Liu Rui'an nodded and said with a smile:

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, I want to ask Fellow Daoist to accept a disciple for me. As for why I can't accept it, I have some concerns and can't say more."

"As for the Dharma King, Pindao hopes that the Dharma King will walk in all realms in the future, and if he meets the juniors of the poor Dao, he can take care of him a little bit."

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