The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 986: Town Hall Stele

Is Liu Ruian really generous?

Obviously not!

Even with Liu Ruian's current vision, it's really hard to see these things. "Le \u003cWen" novel www.lw

However, whether it was the former Army Soul Yin Soldiers or the current Undersea Immortal Mansion, they are all somewhat useful for studying the Dao of Heaven in this world.

The reason why he was so generous was that he had other plans.

First of all, the world of Xianxia pays the most attention to karma, no matter how careful Liu Ruian is, he still can't get rid of it.

Being generous can just make Zhou Qing and Xuanwu old Taoist owe karma, and they will naturally repay in the future.

This is like in the Legend of Shushan Swordsman, after Guangchengzi ascended, he left Guangcheng's golden boat and a bunch of treasures on it.

Isn't it for the sake of letting those who have benefited from him help accumulate merit and virtue in order to achieve Consummation.

Although Liu Ruian's plan is not exactly the same as the other party's, it is similar in some respects.

The second thing is, the things that Liu Ruian really likes are actually the ones that belong to the owner.

Regardless of whether it is the Tianluohuaxue Knife, the God Whip, or the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, they are all chess pieces that can be dropped by some powerful players.

Even though Liu Ruian was not afraid of the power of this world, he still chose to eat the sugar-coated shells and hand them over to others.

With Liu Ruian sitting in Ziyun Palace, the search for the Undersea Immortal Mansion went smoothly, and everyone soon came to a magnificent and magnificent hall.

The main hall is open on both sides, and it is extremely open-minded. In the middle is a golden altar with a radius of ten acres.

On the altar stood this huge cyan stone tablet, and everyone looked at the big tree like ants in front of the stone tablet.

Next to the golden altar stands nine large crystal pillars, the whole body is surrounded by smoke and clouds, and spells are flying.

Behind the very far hall is a passage, which seems to be a big garden.

There are countless towers, halls and pavilions. Looking thousands of miles away, there are golden courts and jade pillars, Zhulan and green tiles everywhere, which are bizarre and colorful.

With the eyesight of Zhou Qing and Xuanwu veterans,

He quickly saw the clues of the crystal pillar and the sky-reaching stele.

They used powerful means to bombard the prohibition on each crystal pillar, and saw thunder and fire, clouds flying, and the smoke clouds lingering on the giant crystal pillars were blown away, completely revealing the body.

Each of the tall and large crystal pillars is clear and transparent. I don't know what material they are made of. They are hundreds of feet high, but they still don't support the top of the main hall, which further highlights the grandeur of the main hall.

These nine large crystal pillars have several empty grids from the top to the bottom, and each grid is filled with precious light.

The huge spiritual energy fluctuated and rolled, obviously there was a powerful magic weapon stored in it.

The treasures in the nine holes closest to the ground are clearly visible, including a bright red broadsword, multicolored gourds, bronze mirrors, treasure mirrors, silk screens, and even a cloud of clouds.

However, next to each magic weapon is this cyan jade slip floating, which is obviously the method of refining and using the magic weapon.

It's just that there is another phantom of a fire dragon hovering next to each hole, which is obviously a forbidden or spiritual thing that protects the magic weapon, and it looks extremely difficult to mess with.

Especially the higher one goes up, the more intense the spiritual energy fluctuations in the hole, and the precious light is also dazzling.

When we reached the hole at the top, the precious light emitted by the magic weapon in the hole was simply a ball of blazing light, illuminating the originally resplendent hall even more majestic.

The fire dragons of these nine crystal pillars become more and more energetic as they go up. Although the top few are covered by the precious light, they can't see the figure clearly, but there is a huge sound of dragons, and their momentum is not inferior to that of the Xuanwu old Taoist. help guys.

Seeing the magic weapon inside the nine crystal pillars, even the old Taoists of Xuanwu couldn't help but swallow their saliva secretly.

No way, there are too many treasures here.

Moreover, even the relatively poor quality magic weapons at the bottom of the crystal pillar are all top-notch for the current monastic world.

Not to mention that there is a method of sacrificial refining next to these treasures, which will be an excellent cannon fodder when the catastrophe comes.

As for the power emitted by the magic weapons at the top, in the eyes of Xuanwu veterans, they are even stronger than the Xuanyin Beast Gathering Banner used by the master Jiyin of Xuanyin Island in the North Sea.

That is to say, Zhou Qing and Xuanwu Laodao are lucky enough, and they both have the treasures of the ancient gods.

But Tianshui Sansheng and the others were not so lucky. Seeing these treasures right in front of them, it would be pure nonsense to say they were not impressed!

However, if you are tempted, you will be tempted. After blasting the nine crystal pillars out of the body, everyone present did not act rashly.

What a joke, this undersea fairy mansion was completely built by Liu Ruian.

Even if I said before that it depends on chance, but there is no reason to be too ugly because of emotion and reason.

Fortunately, what Liu Ruian wanted was only the core of power implied by these magic weapons and sacrificial refining methods, and he was really not interested in the magic weapons themselves.

After renegotiating the conditions for everyone to get the magic weapon and classics, and only need to let themselves comprehend for a while, Xuanwu Laodao and the others made their moves one after another.

Compared with the nine crystal pillars, Liu Ruian was more interested in the golden altar blocked by the mist and light, and the huge blue stone tablet.

Regardless of the fact that the crystal pillar has not been cleared, the altar and the stele will not show their true colors, but Liu Ruian knows that this stele is the core of the entire fairy mansion.

Although I don't think this undersea fairy mansion can compare with the ones in my own hands, yes, they are the jade tower palaces, but this place is Yun Zhongzi's cave after all, Liu Ruian is still quite interested.

He didn't use any blood sacrifice at the moment, he flew directly to the top of the huge stone tablet and pressed it with his hand.

The extremely powerful divine sense rushed into the stone tablet in an instant, smashing the hidden restrictions on it to pieces.

The next moment, the Tongtian Stele trembled for a while, revealing big golden seal characters, but it was a practice of refining magic weapons.

Liu Rui'an, who had obtained the exercise method, was not polite, and directly sacrificed the heaven-reaching stone tablet according to the description of the exercise method.

If it were someone else, even a person at the level of a fairy, it would be quite difficult to refine this heaven-reaching stele in a short period of time.

But for Liu Ruian, whose strength was no longer comparable to that of a fairy, it was not difficult.

Just when Liu Ruian was refining the heaven-reaching stele at a jaw-dropping speed, Zhou Qing also discovered the abnormality here.

Although seeing the word "Town Mansion" revealed on the stone tablet, Zhou Qing recognized at a glance that this thing was the key to controlling the entire Undersea Immortal Mansion.

But it's useless!

Who let the Immortal Mansion be broken by someone else, and he got so many benefits from the other party back and forth.

There is no reason to snatch the Immortal Mansion at this time, both emotionally and rationally.

It was precisely because of this idea that even though Zhou Qing instinctively felt that he was going to miss something crucial, he still only led Fairy Yunxia to attack the crystal pillar, and only focused part of his attention on the stele of the Zhenfu. (To be continued.)

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