The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 989 Human Paradise?

After sending off the old Taoist Xuanwu and the others, Liu Ruian did not leave Beihai in a hurry, but had a good talk with Zhou Qing who stayed behind.

The Earth Immortal Realm is definitely going to, but before going to the Earth Immortal Realm, Liu Ruian plans to do one thing.

"What? Fellow Daoist intends to unify the mortal world of cultivation?"

After listening to someone's words, Zhou Qing said that he and his friends were shocked.

There is no way, although this matter was done by Zhou Qing in the original plot, but because of Liu Ruian's intervention, part of the plot has changed.

At least for now, Zhou Qing has no idea of ​​unifying the world of mortal monks.

"This is just part of the plan." Liu Ruian, who nodded, replied seriously.


He wanted to ask what the other part was, but when the words came to his lips, Zhou Qing was a little hesitant.

For one thing, the relationship between the two parties has not reached the point where you can inquire about such confidential matters at will.

Now, since Liu Ruian said this, he obviously wanted to drag himself into the water, so Zhou Qing had to consider the pros and cons.

"The other part of the plan is to promote and popularize the method of practice in the mortal world." The understanding Liu Ruian said with a smile.


If it was said that Zhou Qing, who unified the monastic world before, only admired the courage and strength of the person in front of him, then the answer just now is not as simple as admiration.

After all, even in the original plot, Zhou Qing only unified the world of monasticism in the mortal world at the beginning, and did not interfere too much with the mortal world.

The methods that can be promoted and popularized are different. Even if it is impossible to promote and popularize the advanced methods, the consequences will be shocking just thinking about it.

Just imagine, what is flying in the sky is no longer an airplane, what is swimming in the sea is no longer a cruise ship and a submarine, what is driving on the ground is no longer a car or train, all have become magic weapons of flying swords.

Real estate with higher and higher prices will also be replaced by various portable home-based magic weapons.

In addition, all aspects of life have changed from the original sci-fi side to the fantasy side. Such a scene made Zhou Qing feel very sour!

"Back then, the three religions achieved the holy position, and the merit of enlightenment was very important." Liu Rui'an said with a smile:

"Pindao wants to follow the example of one or two, unify the entire monastic world, and then establish a paradise of humanity in this mortal world."

"Fellow Daoist's great ambition is really admirable." Zhou Qing, who was a little stunned for a while, said with emotion.

"Ha, it's just following the old path of the predecessors." Liu Ruian, who smiled freely, waved his hand and said:

"How about it, fellow daoist, are you interested in getting involved in the middle?"

"There must be interest, but I don't know the specific plan of fellow daoist?" Zhou Qing nodded and asked.

Feelings are emotions, Zhou Qing also knows how big things will be involved in this plan.

If you don't have enough benefits and rush into the pirate ship, it will not be that simple to think about it later.

"It's very simple..."

Knowing that the other party was indeed interested, Liu Ruian explained his plan in detail.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this plan to put it bluntly. The first thing is to use force to unify the mortal world of cultivation.

As for those Taoists or casual cultivators who are unwilling to be unified, there are only two fates.

If it is not eliminated, it becomes the nourishment in the process of humanitarian achievement.

Or the whole family enters the Earth Immortal Realm and continues to practice in another place.

The second is to reintegrate the power of the monastic world and the secular government to establish a complete cultivation and supervision system.

After all, it is easy for people to get lost in things like cultivating the Tao once they gain great power.

Without a sound monitoring system, problems of one kind or another will surely arise.

In the end, it is to start from the domestic monastic circles and sweep the mysterious forces all over the world.

Of course, Liu Ruian didn't intend to wipe out all the mysterious foreign forces.

In Liu Rui'an's view, how can a unique talent be as valuable as a hundred schools of thought contending.

But contention belongs to contention, and foreign mysterious forces must also be improved and a monitoring system must be established.

The specific plan is naturally impossible to be so simple.

With Liu Rui'an's strength and experience, it is really not difficult to come up with a complete humane paradise system.

After all, before this, Liu Ruian had already tried many similar methods in other worlds.

After such a long time, I have already collected enough data to know what to do best.

Not to mention that there is a ready-made world with the same name as the plan that can be used for reference. This plan naturally seems so far-sighted in Zhou Qing's ears.

"Friend Daoist, your plan really impresses me so much that I don't know what to say." Zhou Qing pondered for a moment and said with a wry smile:

"Also, I really don't see what I can do in this plan."

"Fellow Daoist, don't underestimate yourself. Your ability is far more than what you know." Liu Ruian waved his hand and said seriously:

"As for what fellow daoists can do in it, do you think Tiandaozong has become the only existence in the mortal world of cultivation?"

Even though Zhou Qing had seen too many things that shocked him today, he was still taken aback.


"Fellow Daoist heard it right. Poverty Daoist wants Tiandaozong to be the only existence in the mortal world of cultivating Taoism." Liu Rui'an said seriously.

"The fellow Taoist, you..."

Zhou Qing really wanted to ask, the benefit of the whole plan was given to Tiandaozong, so what are you planning?

Of course, he definitely didn't say what he said, but the look on his face made it very clear.

"Haha... It's enough for the poor to get a share of merit." Liu Ruian, who saw the other party's intention, smiled and said:

"And in the inheritance of the mortal world of cultivation, there will also be the existence of the poor way."

As for "you are the son of luck born in response to disaster, how can you be safe if you don't pull you into the chariot, or do you think I want to give you benefits for Mao?" and so on, Liu Rui'an is absolutely, absolutely, absolutely not going to say anything.

"Fellow Taoist, do you mean that you want me to sit in the mortal world of cultivating Taoism?" Zhou Qing couldn't help asking, his heart fluttering.

"No, no, it's Tiandaozong, not you." Liu Ruian, who shook his head, reminded:

"The plan here in the mortal world will not bear fruit in a short period of time. If you really trap fellow Taoists in the mortal world, it would be a crime for the poor."

"Of course, at the beginning, you and I need to work together. When the situation is stable and everything is on the right track, we can hand it over to the people below to handle it."

"In order to show sincerity, Pindao is willing to hand over this Yuzhu Immortal Mansion to fellow Taoists as the Taoist place of the Heavenly Dao Sect in the mortal world."

Hearing this, the successive shocks have already made Zhou Qing calm down.

The sincerity of Yuzhu Immortal Mansion is not unreasonable!

At the very least, Zhou Qing is quite tempted! !

But if you are tempted, Zhou Qing knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

It seems that the benefits I can get from this matter are great, but the price I have to pay and the danger I face are equally heavy.

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