The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1035: The best chance

The gentleman's revenge lasts for ten years, but Zhang Nan wants to take revenge and show his strength. It would be too slow to wait overnight!

He was never a gentleman.

With the boss's order, the "joint force" was operating at high speed, not only the company's own combat force, but also those friends in Washington, lest allies be caught off guard.

It is not a trivial matter that a private company launches an undeclared war on part of the armed forces of a country, especially when some people are willing to contribute to the flames.

But Zhang Nan really hopes that some people can jump out, so that it is more convenient than to find it slowly, and let the other party know what it means to revenge the villain overnight is too late!

Usually sending money to those allies is not just for them to give some news, get through the relationship, and get some bargains. When necessary, they have to help the big companies in their country wipe their butts!

This is what Washington politicians are good at. Those multinational groups in the United States are always looking for troubles all over the world. "Sunshine Stars" can be regarded as good gentlemen and good babies.

The "united forces" is going to go to war with the warlords in Angola. If this matter is stabbed out now, it is estimated that a bunch of countries in the world will be shocked!

Ants shake the tree?

That is Angola, not Gambia!

Not to mention the size and population of the country, the Angolan army has almost 100,000 people in the army, tens of thousands in the air force, and more than 300 combat aircraft!

Moreover, the Angolan army is not an unseen bunker tribe. It has the proud capital of fighting against the South African white army for more than ten years and winning each other. It can even be said that it is well-trained and well-equipped, and it is no different from aircraft, artillery, tanks and armored vehicles. few!

In the previous civil war in Angola that lasted for more than ten years, the faction supported by the United States and South Africa was the "Alliance for the Total Independence of Angola", or "UNITA" for short, and the other party that was mainly at war was the "Angola" supported by the Soviet Union and Cuba. People's Liberation Movement", referred to as "An People's Movement".

This civil war in Angola is about the United States, South Africa, the Soviet Union, and Cuba each supporting the factions they support, sending troops, money, and weapons to start a protracted civil war in Angola and Namibia. The final result is that after 88 years, South Africa completely withdraws from Angola.

Cuba helped the "Angolan Movement" establish and stabilize the country and reorganized its troops into the Angolan People's Liberation Army. Castro also spent a lot of money to provide Angola with a large amount of weapons and equipment, almost equivalent to re-arming the Cuban Revolutionary Army. !

Now that the war is over temporarily, the Cuban Revolutionary Army has successfully returned to Cuba, but left all its weapons and equipment to the Angolan People’s Liberation Army. Such a large number of Soviet-made weapons and equipment has made Angola the country with the strongest military strength in West Africa. .

Moreover, with the help of the Cubans for more than ten years, the Angolan army has mastered the various tactics of modern warfare and has learned a lot of experience in the battle with the South Africans.

Even more exaggerated: Angola has continued to obtain weapons and equipment directly from the Soviet Union in the past two years, even including the Su-24 "Fencer, Bomb Truck" fighter-bomber. The Angolan Air Force has the ability to fly long distances in the air!

If Zhang Nan is to go to full-scale war with such a big guy, it will be enough in terms of funding: the Gulf War multinational force also spent 96 billion US dollars. He estimated that he was prepared to recruit 10 or 20 billion troops and make full preparations, even if not. The help of the navy is estimated to be enough to smash Angola into tatters!

But it is not guilty to do this, because it is not necessary to do it in order to get out of a bad fight. For example, it is much more convenient, simple and less risky to engage in decapitation operations.

More importantly: Zhang Nan didn't need to go to war with the actual government forces in Angola this time. The warlord armed forces who killed the company's personnel belonged to UNITA. The site was in the eastern inland region. The original backstage bosses were South Africa and the United States.

Zhang Nan wants to go to war with Angola, this will be the best time!

Washington has been completely lazy to bother about UNITA since a few years ago. As for South Africa


At this meeting, South African President De Klerk is busy announcing the abolition of various apartheid laws such as the Land Act and the Group Settlement Act. The legal pillars of South African racist rule are collapsing, and he is waiting for more. From a developed country into a developing country in 2009!

That's right, the South African black buddies like to play backwards, and the friends all over the world are shocked!

The South African regime itself is so lively and turbulent, how can it still think of the former little brother of UNITA.

There will be a private company jumping out to be fat and beating UNITA, and Washington will be 100% invisible: there is no way, fools will help UNITA, who has lost the value of strategic support, speak, and say that "united forces" is home A real American company, the actual parent company is a Wall Street creates a lot of tax and job opportunities for American society every year. In the United States, this real big taxpayer is not easy to provoke, to a certain extent The above can affect the U.S. presidential election.

This time the teacher is famous, Washington will not do evil, and it will be too late to help with the aftermath and cover.

Besides, Washington also knows that this "united force" cannot destroy UNITA. It will only do so unless Zhang Nan is crazy: Castro has not done anything complete, so he is not interested in taking the game, venting his anger and showing his strength. , Gaining benefits is important.

As for the Soviet Union

The arms and legs are being cut off piece by piece, one by one, and they are almost dying, not to mention it!

Oh, there is another Cuba.

The Soviet Union is going to die, it's

By the way, he seems to be on the side of UNITA's opponent, and he will probably be happy to watch the excitement across the Atlantic.

In the same way, the actual government forces in Angola will probably turn a blind eye to this for a short time, watching outsiders smash their former enemies and current political opponents.

But if this matter becomes a big deal, they will probably also jump out to show their sense of existence, and they may also have to slowly figure out what kind of posture they need to appear, so that they can play with the sense of existence, not lose face, and get the best. Benefit.

As long as An Renyun is not stupid, he will never throw a bomb on the "united forces", or he will offend a coup president who dares to kill a country with a strong mercenary. The even more terrifying giant multinational group is not fun!

This group of people not only have money, but if they make trouble, they are all playing cards out of common sense, and they are crazy!

Among other things, even if people didn't even think about coming to bomb your presidential palace, just let the mercenaries in Nice let out the wind: "Any company that does business with Angola is my enemy!"

This one alone is lively enough!

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