The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1076: Want to be emperor?

There are several rows of huge assembly workshops and overhaul workshops on the airport side of the Antonov Design Bureau. Just looking at the huge factory buildings can make the Soviets feel a little proud, let alone the large apron outside. Antonov series aircraft.

There are more than a dozen models of An-type aircraft arranged in zones. The most conspicuous ones are the two huge An-124s on the apron area of ​​the large aircraft and the three slightly smaller giant turboprop long-range heavy military transport aircraft.

Unfortunately, it’s a bit awkward for the Red Devils who have arrived here in the past few days: the paintings of the planes that are continuously transporting materials and equipment to foreign countries are no longer the paintings of the Soviet Red Army Air Force, but have become a private airline. Of the emblem.

They are no longer the property of the Soviet Union, they have been sold!

Moreover, the design bureau's airport has become a cargo airport. Those giant transport planes transported Soviet stocks and returned huge quantities of frozen beef, at least adding some heat to Ukrainians' tables.

As for whether it will be sold on the black market or on whose table, these are not under the control of the Red Devils, nor are they their turn to control.

The giant turboprop aircraft, that is, the An-22, the largest turboprop aircraft manufactured in human history, was delivered to the Soviet army in 1967, but it was discontinued in 1974.

As for the reason for the discontinuation, some people say that it is reliable and economical, but after more than 40 years of discontinuation, it still flies on -22!

Besides, no matter how bad the economy of turboprop aircraft is, it is a turboprop. Where can it go bad no matter how bad?

The more likely reason is: At that time, the Soviet Union and the Antonov Group were very strong, and they began to design a larger An-124, which was a bit unfavorable for the An-22.

So far, "Sunshine Star" has not only bought 3 giant An-124s in stock, and ordered 5 of them, so far it has also bought 8 available An-22s, and even related the Antonov Group. Almost all the accessories and maintenance equipment and personnel of An-22 have been rounded up.

Five of them were put into use directly, and the other two were being fully renovated in the repair shop of the Design Bureau, and there was one outside waiting to be refurbished.

Not only that, but Andre also knew that four An-22s manufactured in the late 1960s were being carefully disassembled into parts in the Soviet aircraft cemetery.

The four aircraft were overloaded for a long time at the beginning of their service and during the war in Afghanistan in the previous years, and the airframe condition could no longer fully guarantee safe flight. In the previous two years, they were sealed up when the Soviet army had sufficient capacity.

Now that it is disassembled into parts, the strength of the body is problematic, but most of the parts are okay. For a heavy transport aircraft that was discontinued 17 years ago, these disassembled parts are the easiest storage parts to get.

The "Prague Spring" Hoi'an-22 allowed the world to see its terrifying transportation capabilities. It can fly 5000 kilometers with a full load of 80 tons, and its maximum fuel-carrying range exceeds 11,000 kilometers. Compared with it, it is one difference. The size of Il 76 is a little brother.

The airport runway was 70 meters wide. The jeep drove along the taxiway on the side of the runway and was close to two rows of huge workshops. There was no guard to ask, which disappointed Andre.

Ukraine was abolished. He and Valentin wore casual clothes. They showed KGB ID when entering the airport. The sentry was released without asking for instructions from any superiors.

This meeting was close to the core workshop of the Antonov Group, and there were no guards. The guards passing by were accustomed to this.

Ukraine and Russia are robbing the property of the Soviet Union, and they are now arguing over similar issues like how the Antonov Group divides the spoils; Ukrainians are rushing for time to play a big sale...

None of this has anything to do with Andre. The two prodigal sons and the poor old father who has worked so hard to accumulate wealth: the old father has been stuffed into the coffin by a group of unfilial sons, and the mud on the top is almost full. The qualifications of a bystander.

Seeing that the door of the repair shop was half open, I could see that many workers were busy facing the JiaAn-22, and there was another one in the deeper area.

Valetin noticed that Andre looked sideways and looked at the situation in the repair shop for a moment, and said: "What is Alan doing with so many large transport planes?"

Similar to talking to himself, he really couldn't understand what that person thought: playing in private military without such a game, and organizing large air cargo companies seems to be a bit overcapacity.

"That is because you know too little. When you have at least US$200 billion of usable funds, large mines all over the world, two countries have their own sites, and elite troops with more than three to five thousand people, this The annual net income can reach at least thirty to fifty billion U.S. dollars, and you will play that way.

A person's heart will grow bigger, do you think he will only be satisfied to be a rich man?"

Speaking of Andrei pointed to two giant aircrafts not far away that are undergoing loading operations, one of which is An-22, a huge 2S7 203 mm self-propelled cannon is entering through the cargo bridge at the rear of the freighter. An-22 large cabin.

Several heavy cannons of the same model and supporting ammunition supply vehicles were parked nearby, and the shell boxes were piled up into hills, and many people in Soviet military uniforms were busy.

As the jeep was getting closer and closer, Andre looked at this scene and said, "He not only recruited but also those people. Will those who want \'peony flowers\' have no ambition?

The equipment left by the Soviet Union is his logistics warehouse, so that's good, so that those people don't have a place to eat.

It is a waste to leave things to the prodigal people in Ukraine, and it is better to use them outside than to waste them as scrap iron.

The Americans used C-5, C-141 and C-130 to perform global airlift missions. C-5 was responsible for intercontinental long-distance strategic air transport, then transferred to C-141 and transported to the rear base of the battlefield, and finally C-130 was finally transported to front.

Relying on our An-22, he can complete the American's three-stage walk in one go. Buying An-22 is very smart.

The supporting equipment, spare parts and personnel are all available. The frequency of use by the private army cannot be as high as that of our army. These aircraft can be used for at least 30 years in his hands!

With the addition of the An-124 and the 225 of the honor guard, the C141 and 130 fleets bought in the United States, the large-scale rapid strategic projecting capability is incomparable to Britain and France.

These planes can also be leased for civilian use, are self-sufficient, and they are not too hard to raise.

Some time ago, he said that he was protecting his own mine interests and sent some mine protection teams to Angola. Now even the Savimbi of UNITA has been wiped out, relying on the ability of strategic projection.

The airport system has been built seven or eighty-eight, unless the big countries come forward to make life with him, a few years later, at least one tenth of the countries in the world will not be his opponents.

As for those small African countries, as long as they don't touch the fundamental interests of the big countries, they won't destroy whoever they want.

I think he will want to be emperor or president one day. Anyway, he will be similar to the Chinese emperor in Gambia and central and northern Botswana. "

Zhang Nan wants to be emperor?


What years are these?

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