The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1080: Riding a donkey to find a donkey

Yeh's playing politics is very good, otherwise it is impossible to follow the map brother's blind play in the past few years to make a **** way to get to the top, but on the surface of playing economics, it means that kindergarten graduates.

This big pit dug with economic interests looks more and more like a trap set by his company’s hidden enemies in the Western world. Zhang Nan has no conflict of interest with the Ye family, and it can even solve the biggest problem currently facing Russia. : No hard currency!

Dealing with the most economically demanding Chinese American rich is better than that of Western politicians who grasp both political and economic hands. Even if the economic aspect is naive, Ye's should have a clear mind.

Asking people to contact and sell Sukhoi, several people analyzed that the possibility of Ye's digging is unlikely, because in this way, it will hurt others and not himself, and 250 is not willing to do anything.

In addition to Ye's, there are only his political enemies or "Sunshine Star" itself, those enemies from the West-Ye's political enemies are unlikely. Is it possible to count on Zhang Nan to kill Ye's?

It was almost the same for those people to win over Zhang Nan. With their original political and military strength, coupled with the support of huge Western funds, they added a weight to the confrontation with Ye's.

After eliminating all the impossible, the remaining one is the truth!

Among the five people under the straw shed, only Vallena had actually done intelligence work. This would cause her to notice that Mr. Guan, who was always cruel, had no intention of expressing any opinions, and immediately said: "I'll contact Mrs. Nicole immediately.

However, boss and madam, our people in the United States can only be regarded as indirect investigations to understand these situations. The key point lies in Moscow. "

Guan Xingquan also returned to Botswana a few days ago: Savimbi is dead, and now it is the rainy season over there. It is useless for him and Alyosha to stay in Angola, so it is better to come back.

Besides, the recruited Red Devil is coming. Guan Xingquan couldn't believe in those people. He had fought against KGB people at the beginning, and now there are souvenirs from the KGB at Huaxia's house, so be careful.

He also noticed that there was a problem just now, but since everyone has already felt the problem, he is not a person who likes long talks, and is happy to sit in the audience.

The point is that in Moscow, if the guess is true, then you have to figure out who gave Ye's idea of ​​digging such a big hole. This matter is not clear in the United States.

Yeh is proficient in politics, but this time he is naive to want to integrate Russia into the Western world, so that the Western world can accept Russia. It can be said that he accepts the "reform plan" tailored for Russia by those Western "economists". Also relying on it, step by step will bring Russia to the edge of hell!

Those "economists" who run into such a kindergarten graduate are considered good generals to meet the master, and are about to fight an economic plundering war that is almost unprecedented in the history of human civilization.

There will be more and more Western “brokerage experts” around Ye’s. Their reform plan will be public and semi-public, but those privately specific suggestions for specific targets will never be exposed to the sun, only It is possible to figure out the inside story in Moscow.

It is obviously unrealistic to rely solely on the "united forces" to find out these inside stories: the base camp of these guys is in the United States, not Russia.

what to do?

At this time, Xiang Weirong on the other side smiled and said, "I said everyone, we are riding a donkey to find a donkey, isn't there a red devil?

Xingquan said that those people are not only action players, but also all-around players. Now that they are disbanded, the KGB will have more people unemployed as a whole, and there will definitely be a lot of those who have no food to eat!

If eating is not active, there is a problem with the brain!

People become very courageous when they are extremely hungry. In order to eat, more than nine out of ten people are willing to do everything and know how to do it!

The Soviet Union is going to be gone. I don’t know if the Red Devils will treat themselves as members of the Russian Federation, but they must still be Russians. "

Speaking and looking at the table below, "Now the first group of Red Devil people will take off for more than an hour. They called to postpone their flight by one round. Anyway, there are transport planes flying here from Kiev every day these days. There is a position above."

After speaking, he turned slightly and said to Guan Xingquan: "Xingquan, you go to Kiev right away. I remember that there will be a plane to the Antonov Design Bureau in an hour.

Tell the leader that the Russian Federation is going to sell Sukhoi, and there is a good chance that someone wants to use this to cheat our company and ask him to send some people back to Moscow to investigate this matter.

They are just a waste of action team members. KGB, I heard that the most powerful thing is to engage in intelligence and anti-interference, I hope they will not let us down.

They love the Soviet Union, and they will love everything in Russia. Don't talk about the disintegration of the small people, the big ones can't stop and can't help it, but I don't think these red devils would want Sukhoi to be sold as rubbish.

In this matter, our goals are consistent with I think those red devils should be happy to investigate this matter.

You bring three to five million in cash to fund their activities. It costs money to find out the news, especially for those who are worried about meals.

Since one month's salary can't buy a few catties of bread, as long as the Red Devil is not a fool, it shouldn't take many days to get news.

As for the work of more than fifty people, it’s actually a bit too much. Thirty to forty are enough, and it's not going to war. "

Guan Xingquan nodded and took out the satellite phone to turn over the number: The last sentence the monitor said he would not tell the Colonel Andre that talents are rare, and it is not easy to make money these years. I thought that there would be a few more people, because I didn’t know how many people there were in the Red Devil. At first, I was most optimistic and thought that it would be great to have seven, eight, or ten people. I didn’t think it would be a full staff. Pai, made it clear that he plans to nod his head and get paid.

It’s a bit shameless. When the TV station goes out to interview, there are still up to three people. If there are more people, they will be treated as a fall. It seems that the lives of the Soviet common people are already difficult to the extent that even the top KGB agents can put down their shame.

But this time it’s shameless. It takes half a year at most to nominate a head of 500,000. Two days before the change of Xiang Weirong, he said: “Five years ago, let’s not say 500,000 US dollars. I can pay for 50,000 US dollars. Brothers from Shang Xingquan go to be mercenaries!"

This trip was just right, not afraid that the Red Devils would not agree to send people back to Moscow to investigate. Xiang Weirong had always seen this question of people's minds quite accurately.

Two minutes, things are done.

Guan Xingquan got up and said, "I will set out now."

I'm leaving when I'm finished.

Zhang Nan looked at it and said quickly: "Brother Guan, bring some thick clothes."

This buddy wore a shirt with cuffs rolled up, so he might be froze when he arrived in Kiev.

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