The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1104: If you can't stand it, I have to stand it!

Simple, direct, and rude, the dirty work of the "Joint Forces" used two cloud bombs to destroy the opponent's eyes and ears at the World Mercenary Intelligence Center, and everything was clean.

As for the remaining part of the warhead, since it did not cause casualties to nearby civilians, the French police who knew that the other side of Nice would never make it public.

Why is it public?

Not to mention the ordinary French police, even the gendarmes are not good, for the prosperity of French society, hide it!

Besides, not only was the EO company’s office in Nice bombed, almost at the same time, in Nice and in other parts of France, people related to the EO company also encountered various accidents or attacks, and there were people at home. He was electrocuted to death, had a myocardial infarction during a meal, and was stabbed to death by a knife during a robbery on the way to work!

Everything is an accident, there is not much special at all when you look at it separately, and you can find that these things are not simple when you look at it together.

After the bombing was over here, within an hour, "Allied Forces" issued a reward and a convening order to start a full-scale war with South African EO company!

Now Nice is lively. Almost all the mercenary companies that can split their staff have taken action. They are going to kill Africa in a mighty manner, and some of them will go to Sierra Leone. The EO company has already sent combat troops to help the local government forces. , Go to war with the opposition.

This group of people either went to war with the Sierra Leone government forces, or went to fight the 300-man combat unit with the strongest EO. ​​All factions in Sierra Leone are expected to have a bigger brain.

High-risk and high-yield. It is the same for mercenaries and joint forces. The Sierra Leone government uses 60% of the ownership of the diamond mine to trade with EO, and kill the EO forces over there. This share is the joint force.

The "Declaration of War" made it very clear that all mercenaries and partners hired by EO companies will either announce that they will immediately end their partnership with EO companies, or they will be hit by the "United Force" and its partners in all aspects and will not die. endlessly!

The underground world has started war. The senior leaders of the Western countries are not ignorant about this, but they will not participate in wars in different worlds, let alone wars that will basically break out in Africa. At most, they will be a spectator. Bundle.

On the other hand, a CIA informant in South Africa quickly reported that there were very big differences among the EO executives. Some people advocated fighting to keep the company's position and customer source in Africa, but some people think that it is necessary to distinguish between the Anglo American Resources Group Relationship.

The enemy is big and crazy!

The lunatic of United Power did not say that he wanted to kill all the EO people, but just started a war against his company, and left the back door-to get out of EO, then it is not the enemy!

Pull it, pull it slowly.

As a result, it hasn't been a long time before, and several mercenary organizations affiliated with EO tried every means to contact the middlemen and contacts in Nice, and announced that they would leave EO and not be an enemy of the joint force.

It is not easy for veterans to find a good job these years, especially those who come out of special forces from various countries. They have no other skill that can make a lot of money except for fighting.

Now I can’t eat with EO, what should I do?

There are several mercenaries who have expressed that they want to change their courts. This time they are taking refuge in "joint forces"-the backstage of EO is South Africa. Anglo American is just his close partner. Offending EO, as long as your home is not in South Africa, what is it? Nothing.

The intelligence network of the "United Forces" is very likely to be backed by the United States. Adding to the argument that people are doing things in the UK from what happened in the UK, they can't harm their families. It's crazy enough!

Weigh it yourself!

There are diehards, and fortunately there are diehards. The mercenary organizations in Nice are not worried about how cruel the next battle will be. They are all worried that there will be an empty shell in the EO company in a few days. At least a few thousand mercenaries gathered can only earn a ticket, not a big loss.

EO, in order for everyone to make some money, you must stand up!

If you can't stand it, I have to stand it!


Nice is lively, and the three capitals of South Africa are also very lively. Johannesburg is stunned and bombed. Although organized and responsible, it must show its own sense of existence for the biggest actual suspect. Otherwise, it really wants to be seen. It's flat!

Discuss to discuss and finally discuss a response plan.

At 11 o'clock in the morning on the 20th, Zhang Nan just saw Andrei Kryuchkov from Europe. Before he could speak, an urgent message came from the walkie-talkie of the bodyguard beside him.

After understanding what was going on, Zhang Nan couldn't help but cursed: "You really come!"

Andre, who also heard the fairy tale, said: "Mr. Allen, this is approaching from the southeast, with an altitude of 12,000 and a speed of Mach 0.9. If there is no our plane there, it will only be a South African phantom.

With just two, it is unlikely to be a bombing. At this altitude, they would not be able to shoot accurately without guided bombs. Air-to-surface missiles are too powerful and the number of aircraft is small. It is very likely that they will be used to detect or display force. "

Botswana has an air force, but only a few old transport planes and And the border area over there was previously undefended, no air traffic radar, no international flights, only tribal armed forces, no one would go there. Care about whether someone else's fighter jet will fly in the air.

When Zhang Nan heard this, he smiled: "Since they are here uninvited, don't go back."

Andre saw that Zhang Nan didn't give any instructions to anyone, and didn't mean to go to any air defense bunker. He just motioned to sit down and understood that the air defense plan should have been prepared long ago, so he didn't have to worry about it.

The two targets on the radar will have just crossed the eastern border of the two countries, about 300 kilometers away from Traneca, and are approaching at high speed: according to the current route, they will reach their heads in about 20 minutes.

No matter what plane the South African sent or why, no one in Zhang Nan likes the other side to hang around on his head.

There is nothing we can do with satellites, do you want to come with a combat aircraft?

Do you think you are a black bird!

Even if you are a blackbird, I still have MiG 25 and S200 waiting!

Just before Zhang Nan answered the phone, the S200 air defense missile battalion, which had been deployed for a few days, was operating at high speed-this ultra-long-range high-altitude surface-to-air missile had a slightly slower response speed, but it was a model used by the Soviet army. The main missile used is not an export model with a range of 250 kilometers and a maximum firing height of 29 kilometers, but a super V-880M/5V28M missile with a maximum firing height of 40 kilometers and a range of 400 kilometers!

If the missile is deployed to the southeastern part of Botswana, the airports in Johannesburg and Pretoria can be blocked at will!

Andre judged that it was correct. The two Mirage 3 modified and Cheetah R reconnaissance planes that took off from Paul Petersburg were flying straight into Zhang Nan's nest.

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