The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1108: Blood diamond to ward off evil spirits

South Africa compromised, Zhang Nan is not ready to compromise. The next negotiations will be 100% where the sun and stars need to be paid, but don't think that the South African government will simply admit counsel!

The lean camel is bigger than a horse, and it is also a South African tyrant. If it is so squandered and killed by a private company, it will not be South Africa.

On the surface, it will be for the rescue and investigation of the crashed aircraft, but in fact it is for their own interests: most of the contradictions in the world are for their own interests. When it comes to a level acceptable to both parties, the negotiation will be completed.

After some discussions here, Zhang Nan gave Andre a bottom-line strategy: "Talk slowly, let our people play a drag game!

We can afford it, but South Africa cannot afford it. Its domestic political reform has become a general trend, just as the flood that bursts the bank cannot be blocked. Some people just want to retreat, so they must compromise with us. "

Andre nodded, he understood what the boss meant: There was a different but similar reference on this issue, but it was a pity that the reference was the country he was loyal to.

Andre left, leaving behind the password box he brought. So far Zhang Nan knew that the box was the most valuable part of the jewels looted in this operation by the Red Devil.

Not only did Andre mention that, before seeing Zhang Nan, this box had undergone strict inspections, and the level of rigor was much higher than that of airport security.

The South African combat reconnaissance plane came uninvited, which made Zhang Nan not bother to pay attention to the box brought by the Red Devil for most of the time.

Andre didn't say much about the box either. He believed that Zhang Nan would not be a petty little red devil because there are smart people on both sides, and it is convenient to deal with.

Zhang Nan now thinks about the box, and only then wants to see what is inside.

Out of the box, and then "boom"?

Don't talk about it, even the Red Devil can't get in through the security check program next to Zhang Nan.

Before opening, Xiang Weirong on one side is still thinking about negotiating with South Africans. He always feels that his brother-in-law is not such an easy compromiser: his family has been together for a long time, and I can feel that there is something here. Tricky.

"Anan, why do I hear you talk about South Africa every time, you always look at the taste of meat on the cutting board."

Now he was not in a hurry to open the box, turned halfway, and asked with a strange expression: "So obvious?"

Xiang Weirong hadn't spoken yet. Nicole, who was cutting a pear in his hand and stepping on high heels, said, "It's not obvious at all. I guess that Andre didn't see it."

Well, one can be said to have watched him grow up, and the other is the person next to the pillow who has been familiar with himself for several years. That Andre had seen him several times, and of course no brother-in-law and Nicole knew him like this.

Was seen out.

Zhang Nan smiled and said, "South Africa, take your time, even if the price paid this time is a little bit higher, in less than ten years, we will be able to bring back the profits!

I don't just want its natural resources, but in the next few years, I will infiltrate its entire economy and society and make it our cash machine. "


Nicole has questions.

"Don't look at me with this look, it will become reality. We will have a godlike partner and a group of piggy opponents.

Hey, brother-in-law, where are you going?"

In the second half of the sentence, I saw Xiang Weirong getting up and leaving, and the latter said after hearing: "I'll find Xingquan."

Without stopping, I left now, and Alyosha and Lin Ming left together.

Xiang Weirong doesn't bother to stay here anymore. What's more, the two chirps of my brother-in-law are still waiting for the ears to grow up?

Guan Xingquan went to the outside to inspect the outpost just because he had a clever head and a quick deletion. This is a concealed camp built in a depression in a gentle hill only six or seven meters above the grassland. The building is made of wood, with huge rocks on both sides.

The reason for choosing here is simple. It seems that it is difficult to hit the head with ordinary bombs.

It is safer to hide in air-raid shelters, but Zhang Nan hates basements and air-raid shelters even more. He is not claustrophobic, but he can stay in the underground without staying underground.

Now everyone else is gone. Zhang Nan stopped talking about the "God's teammates". He turned his attention to the box again and said to his woman: "Andre said it was some good jewelry. Estimate and send them money."

This was not something found in the treasure hunt that he led, it was the spoils of the Red Devil, and he had to pay for it.

I feel that this Andre is really professional. Since learning that the South African Air Force is coming, he has not mentioned the things he brought. Instead, he has acted as a bodyguard and think tank hired by a boss, even what he brought Nothing to say again.

The security check guys are also simple, straightforward and not troublesome. They make sure this is a non-dangerous box with jewels. Other fighters are here, so who cares about the jewels?

Zhang Nan cherishes his life and his own life. Between the threats of the South African government and the jewelry, this brain hasn't thought about any jewelry in the previous half Besides, what baby hasn't seen!

The password box was not set with a password. When I opened it, I saw a wooden box with a cloth pocket in addition to a new cushion filled with towels.

I didn't care about the box first, and lifted the pocket. I felt that the weight could be as small as a pound, and I knew it was filled with stones.

I opened the laces on my pockets, and poured some on the wooden table: "Wow!" There was a sound, transparent and fully transparent, all of which were rough diamonds!

Under the light, you can feel that they are all jewelry grade, and the particles are still very large!

Simply put them all out, a total of 117 pieces.

This is a diamond mining area. There is an electronic scale in the camp here. Zhang Nan chose the biggest one and weighed it down, 37.38 carats: the smallest one in this pocket of rough stones also has a zero point of ten carats!

The total weight has reached 1905 carats. This is a batch of absolutely high-quality, large-grained rough diamonds!

"Obtained from the house of that British jazz, we are also considered a blood diamond trade."

Zhang Nan laughed at himself: single-family extermination, what else can it be if it is not a blood diamond!

As for the diamonds themselves, such a size is an absolute treasure to the outside world, but to him it is so, so-so.

But Nicole, who didn't think about it, took a bite from Sydney and said: "I don't need to enter the trading channel for these. I still have a rough stone from Sierra Leone that has not been processed. With this, I guess it will just make a good necklace.

Blood diamond, avoid evil. "

She always eats pears without distinction. Zhang Nan cuts the pears on her own because of the bad problem of Zhang Nan, the school district. She cuts one pear and doesn't do it to others.

Blood diamonds to ward off evil spirits, is this theory? Zhang Nan was speechless about this: He knew that the rough stone Nicole said was obtained by the grassroots procurement staff of Star Company in Africa from the opposition. It is said that a lot of human blood was stained on it, and many people used it for it. Die!

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