The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1269: Don't buy it

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Although Albania is located in Europe, it is now almost a forgotten country in the world.

More than one is not more, less than one is not more, this status...

There is no question of status or status at all, and it has no sense of existence at all.

It's sad enough to talk about status without a sense of existence, and this situation was still asked by the elites in the past, and they couldn't find a reason to find a suitable one.

Whether there is a country where others don’t pay attention, let alone what’s happening in this country, people from other countries don’t even have the desire to listen to it!



Just in the evening local time today, a massacre occurred in a remote mountain village in the northeastern part of the country, which was only accessible by simple roads. All the people in the village who could hold guns and were able to carry guns were armed by a group. Unidentified militants in the teeth shot to death.

Not only murder, but also robbery!

Regardless of the remoteness of this village, it is actually quite rich, which is quite rare in the pauper Albania.

The armed men evacuated after they finished their work. People who were waiting for the gunshots in nearby villages rushed to check the situation overnight and found that only a small number of elderly women and children were left in the entire village, and all the other adults were killed!

Who did it?

The villagers who checked the situation thought that it might be the militants coming from Yugoslavia next door, the powerful human trafficker gang and the dog biting the dog, or even the army and police in disguise!

People in the neighborhood know that this is the individual trafficker village. In the past two years, every household has been in the business of human traffickers. It is said that because of their skills, they basically went to France and Italy to make a lot of money outside.

Their rabbits do not eat grass on the edge of the nest, and there are no girls in the nearby villages who disappeared for no reason, so no one had trouble with them before.

People in the neighborhood of Laodizi know that people die for money and birds die for food. It is not surprising that the whole village has such a day, but when it does come, everyone will feel surprised and feel that it will come too soon.

This village is over, and its extinction is its only ending. As for investigating the murderer...

Who will check?

Go to the police, but there will be a few police officers, and then nothing will stop.

There is no hope in the whole country, do you still count on the police?

Make me play!

I might as well count on myself to pick up a gun to defend myself, but who to avenge?

Not to mention that all the people in the village who can hold a gun are dead!

Friends in other villages tried to contact people abroad, but they couldn't contact them at all, as if the world had evaporated.

Not just one, but the people who went out in this village and abroad have disappeared!

The wise man thought of a frightening possibility: Someone wants this village to disappear completely, whether at home or abroad!

People who thought of this were scared, even the police who came to investigate felt scared, and then...

Then it's gone.

After all, Albania is a small country. Before dawn, the mercenaries involved in the operation evacuated to a safe area, and some of them have already been living in hotels in Greece.

Very well, the Albanian raid has come to an end. As for the very few slippery fish in Albania, it is not enough: there is an arms agent over there watching, really a bit of a big movement, that agent will be aware of it.

You don't have to say hello to yourself, business partners can help you deal with such small problems.

Zhang Nan's attention returned to the United States. The people of Los Angeles at this meeting are really lively. Fire prevention, robbery, and street fun. The city looks like a war zone!

Jayin’s house has satellite TV, watching the smoke billowing supermarkets, shops, and the black and Latino thugs looting everywhere. The host here, Manu Jain, said to Zhang Nan: "Allen, Where did the American police go?"

Zhang Nan smiled and said: "It is difficult to be a police officer, and all dangerous men with sticks are like this. The next four police officers are supposed to be scapegoats for a while. Who do you think the police in Los Angeles are willing to charge?"

With that said, a pair of father and son emerged from the broken supermarket door after they successfully robbed in the TV: Latinos, carrying a lot of things on their backs, holding a lot of things, shoes, food, and gaining a lot!

Zhang Nan pointed to the TV, and said, "Fuck, this is fierce for father and son!"

The big bag that the buddy was carrying in one hand seemed to be a large amount of alcohol or cooking oil. The other arm was holding two brand new muskets.

His son is carrying a bulging schoolbag, a small-caliber shotgun slung across his chest, and a double-barreled shotgun on his shoulders.

Just follow the crowd to grab the supermarket, and the father and son don't need to carry four guns on the horse. The only possibility is that these guns were also grabbed from the supermarket.

As for why Zhang Nan judged that this was against the father and son at a glance?

The older robber is between 25 and 40. The TV camera is a bit far away, not a photo of his ID, so it is not easy to analyze his age carefully.

But the younger one is easy to recognize, the height is up to 1.4 meters, and the age is ten years old. Such a combination of robbers is probably the father and the son to get a vote.

Jia Yin was dumbfounded, and surprised that it was absolute.

Before the Indian diamond tycoon had time to express his opinion, Dixit on one side said in a naive way: "Maybe it's not necessarily because the elder brother brought his younger brother out to rob."


Zhang Nan's laughter made her suddenly react as if what she said was really inappropriate, and her face blushed.

Zhang Nan stopped laughing and said, "You are right. Brothers who are more than ten or twenty years old are very common in the United States. It is really possible that the older brother brought his younger brother out to fish the world...

Hey, what did you guys look at me doing, I didn't gloat..."

This is in the huge reception room of Jain’s house with a space of six or seven meters high. This 29-inch TV was specially moved elsewhere, otherwise this room full of traditional Indian aristocratic home furnishings does not have it at all. s position.

At this time, everyone else looked at Zhang Nan, and when he said so, they looked away a little embarrassed.

"...The credibility of the Los Angeles police is over. The city has become a war zone. There are no police and no army on the streets. This reaction speed, even Washington..."

Speaking of this Nan suddenly stopped, Guan Xingquan on the side suddenly gestured slightly with one hand, Xiang Weirong smiled silently and made a "don't speak" gesture to Mr. Jia Yin.

Dixit also noticed this little detail and closed his mouth. Now only the sound of the TV is left in the living room. The servants of Jain who were supposed to bring drinks and the servants standing around are like sculptures. Generally stand still.

To Mr. Xiang’s gesture, Manu Jain nodded slightly to express his understanding, although he did not know why he did it.

Zhang Nan was thinking. Just now, he suddenly figured out something, something that many people will find in the future that seems to be miraculous and unlikely to happen, but has become a reality.

After just a few seconds of contemplation, Zhang Nan smiled and returned to normal, taking a look at everyone's reactions.

"Think of something."

Pointing to the TV again, "The speed of Washington's response to emergencies is as fast as a snail, and it's nowhere in sight. This time, the old cloth who has been busy all day is thankless.

Americans of all kinds of people of color think that the government is unfavorable in dealing with the issue of racial discrimination. White Americans will also think that Laobu is a waste. This foreign war has the ability, the internal affairs are in a mess, and the critical moment is special. It's unreliable!

In addition, the unemployment rate has increased significantly in the past two years. This time it is a total conflict in Los Angeles. Mr. Bu's big-trouble is coming! "

Many people in later generations could not figure out why this old cloth in 1992 failed to run for re-election when his prestige was in full swing?

Before the election, even his opponent thought he was sure to win, and took the initiative to evade. Only the young protagonist of the zipper door has a chance to make his mark in the future.

Is today's old cloth really in full swing?

Yesterday, in everyone's eyes, he is, whoever goes against him and runs for the next president is self-defeating!

From today on, he is still in the eyes of the high-level elites of American society. These elites are at the top of the pyramid, and they stand too high;

It is also in the eyes of people from other countries who don't know much about the actual situation in the United States, because they don't understand the true thoughts of ordinary Americans.

Will Lao Bu, who led the United States to win the Gulf War, lose and declare war?

It's impossible.

Well, if a foreigner elects the president of the United States, then Bo will win this time, but the election needs to be a citizen of the United States.

At this moment, Zhang Nan wanted to understand one thing: the longer the riots in Los Angeles on the TV and the disappearance of law enforcement officers on the street, the less likely it is for Lao Bu to run for re-election this year!

American people don't want someone who can't even deal with emergencies to continue to be their president, at least this moment Zhang Nan thinks so.

Every day is busy, the chain is dropped at critical moments, the domestic unemployment rate has increased, and Los Angeles has become a war zone...

What if you win the Battle of the Gulf?

American people don't buy it anymore!

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