The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1273: The cook's approach

To perform security missions in the Old China Town, the company sent out mostly Chinese, of whom the Yanxian nationality accounted for almost half.

In the past few years, Zhang Nan's security company has grown bigger and bigger, and people are needed from all over the world, and the people recruited from China as a "security guard" every year are no longer confined to their hometown.

There are not many veterans who come out of the army. There are not many good old comrades in arms, old subordinates, and old superiors. Year after year, the efficiency of many state-owned enterprises in China has gradually deteriorated. The people who want to make big money by relying on relationships and relationships are more and more.

After the US visa is strict, I can’t come. It’s okay to go to Africa and South America. Anyway, becoming a contractor will make more money than doing it in China.


The most dangerous thing is to fight against black buddies in Africa. You won't be able to kill a few people in the fight, and don't care at all. The people of Yanxian County have the most say on this issue. The guys who went out in the first batch made a lot of money. It is better to drive a truck in Canada as a "security guard". Few people die in foreign countries.

Now Yan County has become the hometown of overseas Chinese, and there are more and more people abroad. After the relatives and friends take it out, there are a lot of hard work on their own. People don't want "sunshine stars" by everyone. If you don't have special skills, you have to find a way by yourself.

The contractors guarding this area are all from Yan County, and the personnel are considered temporary groups, because Zhu Yuanxiao was originally a pure military contractor and did not do urban security. This trip came to Los Angeles to find a girlfriend.

This kid is capable and lucky. I met a Chinese-American woman in the Philippines who was going to talk about the timber business. She was so confused. He came here on vacation to visit his girlfriend, and he could be regarded as a hairy son-in-law coming to the door.

Just now he asked Jiang Hongrong if he would continue to come to the United States, because he himself planned to take the girl who lives in the old Chinatown at the back of the house.

My girlfriend's home is a timber business and sells furniture. The mahogany chair that a few people are sitting on is the mahogany chair that the quasi-in-law asked the two quasi brother-in-laws to move in.

The annual after-tax income of the military contractor of the "Allied Forces" is at least five to six thousand U.S. dollars, and in most cases it can reach one hundred thousand. It is not low in the United States and has good benefits.

For example, if you want to settle in the United States, the company can give a certain interest-free loan, which is then deducted from the salary every month, without having to look at the bank's face.

Of course, if the requirements for the house are too high and the interest-free loans provided by the company are not enough, you can borrow from the bank, and the boss’s bank is your first choice.

Moreover, once married, the company's huge branch network in North America will play a role. There is no need to worry about the separation of the two places for too long. The adjustment of the company's internal personnel can solve this problem.

After the guy on the top of the supermarket called, there was a burst of English on the intercom, with a hint of teasing in his tone: "I speak in the archway, in English, or in Mandarin, bullying the newcomer!"

Hearing it out, it was the temporary team leader who was in the community activity center who said this, and that person was also from Yanxian County. This was obviously a way to participate in Heyi in his spare time.

The guy on the top of the building immediately said, "I'm keeping the communication confidential, okay, it's good to learn more languages..."

The guys on the top of the supermarket will be more idle, eating cakes from the owner of the cake shop downstairs, drinking coffee, green tea, and preparing a umbrella for the boss if it rains.

It's the shabby chair, the beach chair, who makes them not a prospective husband in the furniture business.

They are observation posts as well as a sniper team. If the sniper team is on duty, it would be terrible.

Either look down on the gang of African-Americans and Latinos, or the mob that will be beaten by the Koreantown gang of stick veterans armed with pistols and shotguns into bereavement dogs. If you dare to make trouble in the old Chinatown, it’s really not knowing the dead words. how to write.

The police car in question drove to the intersection and stopped. Two white uniformed policemen came down, with revolver pinned to their waists, and saw several military contractors armed to the teeth stand up and look over here, and quickly indicated that they were not malicious.

"We are the police from the Central District Bureau of Los Angeles. Seeing that the cake shop here is still open, we want to buy something."

These security contractors are all violent, so they can avoid misunderstandings.

The two policemen didn't eat breakfast today. They were so hungry after noon. All the fast food stores and supermarkets in the vicinity were closed. It turned out that the cake shop opened by the Chinese in Chinatown on the roadside was still open.

Zhu Yuanxiao walked up and said to the two policemen: "You don't need to buy it. All the food stores and restaurants in China City will be open for free to friends who maintain the order of the city in the past two days.

Why, haven't eaten yet? "

The leading policeman smiled bitterly, "Don't tell me, I didn't eat breakfast, there are not enough staff, those **** thugs..."

"Cracking" a few complaints, this Zhu Yuanxiao said: "Don't eat the cake, drive 100 meters inside, there is a fast food restaurant on the right corner of the street corner, there are Chinese set meals, pizza, and free drinks. Yours If my colleagues can't find a place to eat these days, they will come to our Huaxia City and we will take care of the meals."

After speaking, he turned to greet Jiang Hongrong behind, and the roadblock was lifted.

"Thanks, buddy! James, the Central Division Bureau, this is my partner Jack."

"'Joint Force' Zhu Yuanxiao, you can call me Xiao."

Zhu Yuanxiao didn't want Americans to just call his surname according to the usual habits here. It felt a little weird, even though the other party was not malicious.

This is considered to be an acquaintance. Jack went to drive, and James got into the car and said, "Then I really called my colleagues over."

"It is available 24 hours a day, that is, only two stores are open in the middle of the night, and the brothers on duty at various intersections will show you the way."

As soon as he got into the car James yelled at the intercom of the car radio, and the guys in the other patrol cars finally found a place to eat.

When I came to the fast-food restaurant mentioned, the two policemen ordering food did not think about it. Now, in a special period, the Chinese women helping them tell them that there are two options: a set lunch or a pizza.

Two white policemen have eaten Chinese food. They don’t need pizza at this meeting. Each person has a set meal. Take a spoon and a fork to gobble up the full rice, a large beef steak with thick broth, stir-fried pork with broccoli, and clean. Stir-fried Chinese cabbage, plus a tomato egg soup, is absolutely full.

Before the two of James had finished eating, there were other policemen who came to eat. They all heard their calls. Some of them looked a little bit ashamed, saying they came from the edge of the South City.

After eating, you have to pay. The humanity in the fast food store said: "If you say it is free these days, it is free. Now all of us here are volunteers. Welcome to come again."

Seeing more and more police rushing here to banquet, Zhu Yuanxiao, who was guarding the archway of "The world is for the public," said to Jiang Hongrong, "You think this is a good way."

"Of course it's not bad. During this time, Chinatown will become the place with the most police officers in Los Angeles. We can also relax. The community pays some money to see that everyone is temporarily losing, and it will be profitable over time.

In the past few years, the policemen who have come here to eat for free must have fresh memories of this incident. They will have a good impression of China City, and they will probably come to eat a few times after the riots have passed. It is human nature and habits.

Open a restaurant and repeat customers, none of them can run away. "

The cook's method can't be wrong!

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