Almost everyone on the side of Zhang Nan's words can understand: antiques with collectible value, especially this ancient treasure coin, once the quantity is large, it will cause a price reduction, or even a sharp drop!

The crew and divers really didn’t regard these gold coins and the silver "Kappa" that was salvaged yesterday as ancient coins, they were regarded as gold and silver: there are too many, even if they can be sold at a premium, when will they be sold? ?

In this case, the company will definitely calculate the total price according to the price of precious metals, and then distribute bonuses for everyone according to the proportion and position.

Everyone has to thank a boss who has a thick waist and a bold enough willingness to be taken advantage of. Because this time the salvage is mainly based on precious metals that are more convenient to calculate the value, so after the salvage is finished and the approximate total price is calculated, a This bonus will be paid to the personal account within the month, of course, it is also possible that part of the bonus will be cash.

Otherwise, in accordance with the prevailing rules of the international salvage industry, the bonus must be paid after the salvage can be sold. The whole process is completed for three to five months. It is normal for one or two years, and even three to five years, don't complain!

Of course, this is only limited to precious metals, such as goods that are easy to realize. As for porcelain, because the value is not easy to calculate, the boss is happy to give everyone a bonus. It is normal to not give it.

Everyone usually has a good salary and subsidies for going overseas, so there is no complaint.

If you want to complain, you can...

Get out as soon as possible. There are many people who want to earn such a good salary. There is no shortage of you!

With a big boss like Mr. Allen, you guys are guaranteed. You have to know that buying salvage ships, equipment, and maintaining the normal operation of the company will cost you money. Back-office bosses with smaller capital can't afford to play like this.

There are countless wealth hidden in the sea, but whether it can be found is basically by luck, and the remaining small part is the question of how much money the boss has invested.

If you have money, you have equipment and plan to find it. No money is empty talk!

This is the reality. Just like a factory with 1,000 people, this year's profitability is good, and the boss finally made 30 million yuan.

If you are happy, the boss will give everyone a red envelope ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands at the annual meeting. He will then award a car worth two or three million yuan each to several key management. Inspire everyone's enthusiasm for work next year.

Such a boss is very generous!

Otherwise, it is normal to not post it. Will employees still have opinions and rebellion?

Absolutely not, because the company usually pays salaries and bonuses, the factory is the owner, and the boss is also carrying the business risks, and the employees just work for the first time, not the shareholders.

The same rules apply to this salvage boat. Don't be jealous of how much the boss takes. Just do your job well. If you are not happy, don't do it.

Capital society, this is the rule.


Eight escudo gold coins are worth 200,000 US dollars. This is still a conservative estimate. One was auctioned in New York the year before. The image was not bad, but it was bought by an agent buyer for more than 220,000 US dollars.

Sawaguchi Yasuko was sighing the value of the gold coin, and Zhang Nan said about it, "...that gold coin appeared in the Metropolitan Museum in New York a month later and was donated by an anonymous buyer.

There are only 20 Spanish eight escudos gold coins in the world before today. Most of them are still collected in major museums. Very few circulated in the antique market. The year I remember is 1705.

The Metropolitan Museum did not have this gold coin before, so the donation was in the news.

Now look... the Spaniards should have started to make this kind of gold coins in 1705. The first batch was successfully transported from the Americas to the mainland, but then it was probably because of the messy heirs war, unsafe sea routes, and British blockade, until 1708. I had already hoarded a lot in the year before starting the shipment again, but it turned out to be bad luck. "

Of course, luck is not good. If it is good, the San Jose will not lie on the ocean floor for almost 300 years.

"Heirs war?"

Zhang Nan cast a blank look at the woman, "Don't think of me as an encyclopedia. The European royal family is a family member. I remember the book said that Spain broke out in the heirs war at that time. As a result, they mixed with France and went to war with their old rivals, the British.

The details are not clear. It is probably that the king of which country has died and has no descendants. His cousins ​​in other countries have inheritance rights, and then the nobles of the country and other cousins ​​in other countries are upset. Everyone started to fight this drama. "

This is the case in Europe. At the time of World War I, the two major factions of the European Allies and the Allied Powers were all relatives of the respective royal families.

There have been countless casualties in the war, and a large part of the reason seems to be just the uneven distribution of benefits among the relatives above.

There have been too many wars in Europe because of the heir issue. Zhang Nan is too lazy to remember. He also likes to study and collect European antiques, but he does not have to become a thorough European history expert.

Sawaguchi Yasuko smiled a little awkwardly, but didn't take it to heart. She really looked like a curious baby just now.

The gold coins were put away, and everyone shook off the sticks, because those armored diving suits had hydraulic devices that could take advantage of them. By the evening, more than ten tons of gold coins were out of water.

In terms of weight technology, we don’t count the quantity: it’s not necessary, just three kinds of gold coins. According to the current exploration situation, people all over the world who have escudo gold coins have to cry. There are at least more than 100 tons underground. !

The crew is enthusiastic about Jamie conveyed everyone’s thoughts and see if they could work overtime. As long as the divers can withstand the shift, they will be relieved after the fish.

I have to work overtime, because that afternoon, another Colombian navy patrol boat went to the salvaged waters. Although I didn't understand what the "Searcher" had recovered, it already understood that it was diving.

Can't leave the salvage point leisurely, or come early tomorrow morning, you may find that the place is occupied by Colombians.

The defensive heart is indispensable: Colombia has been the strongest ally of the United States in Latin America in recent years, but Zhang Nan has enemies in the United States, so you must not be careless.


On the sixth day of the salvage work, Zhang Nan had to take a helicopter to nearby Panama: Today, the Colombians’ patrol boats are within a dangerous distance, saying that this is their exclusive economic zone, and salvaging by foreign ships is prohibited.

The Stars and Stripes are not white. For the time being, Colombians dare not make any trouble. However, for safety reasons, Zhang Nan went to the Panama Canal Zone to avoid the storm, where the Americans are located. At the same time, some of the people who arrived in Panama from the United States arrived by helicopter. Searcher" number.

On the 17th, Zhang Nan returned to New York, and on the 25th, he received a call from Captain Jamie from the Seeker.

"Boss, we are about 15 nautical miles away from Panamanian territorial waters. The **** frigate just fired and broke one of our portholes. The brothers on the TV network broadcasted it live.

The guys are ready, waiting for the baby on the boat to live a good life, resolutely never stop the boat, not let them on the boat, do not hesitate! "

"Jamie, from now on you hand over the ship to Andre to command, pay attention to safety!"

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