Watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics at home is not a broadcast on my own TV network, because the broadcast rights of the Olympics were bought by the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) for US$410 million. The United Television Network can do news but cannot broadcast it live.

In the next half a month, NBC is going to be awesome. Before the United Television Network had no money to grab the broadcast rights with it, as long as Zhang Nan was willing, ten NBCs were no good.

It’s just that my own TV network doesn’t use this kind of programs to make a splash. After a group of experts have calculated the overall benefit ratio, the TV network’s decision-making level has long decided to abandon the Olympic Games broadcast rights competition. It takes more than half a month during the competition. Affordable.

Zhang Nan respects the decisions of the TV network's decision-makers. Professionals should do professional things. It is better to avoid random interference in specific operations.

Besides, Madrid, Spain is 6 hours faster than New York, and 9 hours faster than Los Angeles and other places on the west coast of the United States. Most Americans really don’t have much time to watch Olympic games live comfortably during the day, except for the original ones. Housewives who like to watch soap operas during the day.

Thanks to the earth, in the United States, for several major television networks, including United Television Networks, and other than NBC, the damage caused by the broadcast rights of this Olympic Games is really not a pain to the bones.


The two lifetimes have been more than 30 years since the memory of the Barcelona Olympic Games. I don’t have much impression. After watching the live broadcast, Zhang Nan feels like the opening ceremony of others. Only the scene where the rocket ignited the torch is quite familiar, and I feel creative.

The opening ceremony was long enough to be watched intermittently. When it was time for dinner, everyone who had time and qualifications to dine together in the huge restaurant naturally talked about the Olympics, and some people talked about the number of gold medals.

The last Olympics was held in Seoul. For Zhang Nan and others, that Olympics was just like yesterday, with a deep memory. The stick won 12 gold medals by various shameless means and climbed to the top of the gold medal list. The fourth position squeezed the Federal Republic of Germany.

Who was in the top three that time?

The Soviet Union ranked first with 55 gold medals and a total of 132 medals; the GDR ranked second, and East German athletes won a total of 102 medals including 37 gold medals.

Needless to say, the United States has become the third with 36 gold medals and a total of 94 medals, which is crushed by the Soviet Union and East Germany!

As for China...

Ranked 11th, only five gold medals were won in that Olympic Games, and the results were not very satisfactory.

Four years have passed, and now East Germany has merged into West Germany, and only one Germany participated in this Olympics.

As for the sports giants, the Soviet team has also become history: the Soviet Union is disintegrated, and the Soviet team naturally disappeared, but this time 11 countries that originally belonged to the Soviet Union formed the CIS team to participate.

Before the Barcelona Olympics, the Soviet Union participated in 9 Olympics and won a total of 395 gold medals, with an average of 44 gold medals per Olympic Games. The United States participated in the 26 Olympic Games and won a total of 976 gold medals, an average of 38 gold medals per Olympic Games.

The Soviet Union is slightly better than the United States in the gold medal list of the previous Olympic Games. Soviet athletes have brought unlimited honor and pride to the Soviet people.

Now that the Soviet Union is gone, even Russia, which inherited most of the Soviet Union's territory, is definitely not an opponent of the United States in the Olympics, not to mention other countries that originally belonged to the Soviet Union.

None of these countries wants to lag behind the United States in the Olympics when they first separated. What should be done?

Easy to handle!

Athletes from 11 countries are connected with heart, hand and hand held together. Through the Olympics, they will join together to fight the American imperialism again!

However, the world is not very optimistic about the CIS team. This time there are 537 athletes on the U.S. national team, while the CIS has only 472 participants. In terms of numbers, the United States dominates;

Now the United States has become the only superpower, and the CIS countries are more difficult than the other...

Most people on the planet believe that the top spot in the Olympic gold medal list should be the United States in all likelihood. A few believe it will be Germany after the merger, but not many people think it will be the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Most people in this restaurant think so, only a few people do not think that the United States will easily defeat the CIS team, such as the guard Nicole today and Alpina who is still on duty in the manor tonight.

Fortunately, no one in the restaurant will fight for the prediction of the number of gold medals, just eat and chat, but each has its own reason.

While eating and listening, Zhang Nan felt that neither Meipai nor Du-pai could persuade anyone, so he decided to let everyone settle down.

"I said you guys are not tired. I think the CIS team will win this trip. Even if the US team is in Jordan, it won't be the first..."

The dream team, this gold medal is scheduled, everyone knows that it is impossible to pass. And four years ago, the Soviet team killed the American team. That would not allow professional basketball players to participate in the Olympics. The NBA stars missed the Olympics.

Zhang Nan said that it was a bit annoying to hear this. At first glance, he seemed to be unconvinced, and then said: "Or we can make a bet, 100 US dollars, a loss of ten, I will be the banker, and the CIS team will win. "

Yes, the restaurant has become silent, except for the new Red Devil and Syrah, everyone knows that the boss has never lost a bet!

At this time, Nicole drank a sip of wine and smiled and said, "Which farm are you sitting in? Some people in Las Vegas are betting on this, why don't you press it?"

Zhang Nan was taken aback, and asked: "Can you bet on gold medal rankings?"

"Of course, I remember that there is nothing you can't bet on there. I guess the odds for the CIS team to win should be considerable.

Those events that started before the opening ceremony should not affect the odds of the gold medal list. I think it’s still too late to bet. "

Everyone had almost eaten this meeting, and Zhang Nan checked the time, and it was less than 7 o'clock in the evening.

"What time does the bet end there?"

Nicole is not clear about this, but someone in the restaurant knows: 24 hours to pick up, or all major gambling companies have a plate, that is, as the game progresses, the odds will continue to change, but at least today and tomorrow is unlikely Stop betting.

This relationship is good, it's There is no need to place a bet on the phone or an agent. With a hand signal, the butler who was standing on the side of the restaurant immediately walked to the side.

"Make arrangements right away. I think only two Gulfstreams will go to Las Vegas as quickly as possible."

"Yes, boss."

Needless to say, Las Vegas already has a branch of "Allied Forces". As for hotels, it will naturally be arranged in advance.

The children and other women are away, and Zhang Nan is going to play for two days.

"go together?"

When Nicole heard it, she said, "There will be no important arrangements for the day tomorrow, but I have to come back early the day after tomorrow."

That's it, Zhang Nan said to the other people in the restaurant: "\'I want to sign up for a small fortune, the seats are limited, I want to go as soon as possible."

Jenny and the others flew away the family's 767, they have to use Gulfstream, so they can't take the C141.

As for making a fortune...

Other gambling companies have a capped handicap, and no one will pick you up if you want to smash a million!

The boss is going to Las Vegas, guys hurried to keep up: if the boss says he can get rich, then he will definitely get rich!

Zhang Nan started the plug-in. Although I can't remember how many gold medals the CIS team has won, it is definitely the first place in the gold medal list, and it seems that the advantage is relatively obvious.

It should be said that this Olympic Games is the actual swan song of the Soviet Union in the history of the Olympics, which has ceased to exist. Since then, Russia has never won the gold medal in the previous Olympics.

Zhang Nan still remembered that someone said that after the merger of the two Germanys, winning the third place in the gold medal list at the Barcelona Olympics was great, only a little bit less than the United States, which can be regarded as a great spectacle.


Is this still a spectacle?

This is called failure! You must know that in Seoul, East Germany has overwhelmed the United States on the gold medal list, while West Germany has also won 11 dollars: after the merger, the more you live, the more you go back!

Let's go, and go to the casino to do damage.

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