The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1318: Take the mountain as a mine

Between the valleys, the thin Hongbao River is almost invisible, and trees and plants are distributed along the river. There are not many green trees near the buildings in the town.

Very desolate, this is the western United States, the barren land of the United States.

The noise in the cabin of the Cessna 208 is slightly louder than that of ordinary airliners, but it is not so loud that it requires throats to scream to communicate with each other.

Zhang Nan had a map of the nearby area in his hand. After determining the points on the map, he said loudly to the pilot who was placed in front of him: "Fly north along the Maggie Creek in the north of the town, passing by the southern foot of Beaver Peak 40 kilometers away. , Take a round, and fly to Adam's Peak 70 kilometers north of Battle Mountain."

Upon hearing this, the captain said loudly: "Boss, if we fly this way, we need to refuel once at Battle Mountain Airport."

"No problem, I'm wearing sunglasses."

Zhang Nan prepared in advance, big sunglasses, cowboy hat, and even big scarf.

This is a desert. It can reach 40 degrees Celsius in the summer afternoon. It is normal for a man to wrap his head with a light-colored veil. Some locals usually dress like this when driving: not all cars in the western region have air conditioning, and not all western cowboys. Redneck likes to drive with air-conditioning. Some older American cars don’t even have air-conditioning at all.

After the plane flew over the small town of Kalin, Zhang Nan drew a circle about 5 kilometers in diameter on the map 10 kilometers northwest of the town.

Below this will be a barren area. There are some trees on the beach along Maggie Creek. Except for a few shrubs, other places are wrong roads, barren, low stone mountains.

Flying at an altitude of less than one kilometer, it didn’t take long for the plane to reach the west side of Beaver Peak, which is 700-800 meters above the ground. Zhang Nan drew a box on the map: the north-south length is seven or eight kilometers, and the east-west width is halved, inside the box. It is a nearly circular hill with a height of hundreds of meters above the surrounding area, with a diameter of two to three kilometers.

Everyone in the cabin was looking at the ground through the wide porthole. Across the narrow aisle, Cortes was sitting next to Zhang Nan.

With a gesture of his hand, the engineer poked his head over.

Zhang Nan pointed to the two graphic markers on the map and said: "You can see it clearly, just these two locations."

Speaking and pointing his finger at the location on the ground outside the plane, "Especially the hill below. You don't need to do more, just drill down from the top. You can see if it's a big gold mine below!"

If it were changed to a map 20 years later, this small mountain should not exist, instead it would become a super large mine with a diameter of two or three kilometers!

As he said, Zhang Nan drew two horizontal lines on the southern foot of Beaver Peak, "Except for this mountain bag, don't let it go. I feel that there will be a super gold mine below."

Cortes nodded and expressed his understanding that he could treat Mr. Allen as a demigod without asking how his boss knew.

Not to mention, there is still no shortage of markets for "demigods" like the United States. It's just that many leaders play cults, but they have the ability to play around with those 250 believers.

As for Mr. Allen, Cortez knows he doesn't play any teaching, but he has superhuman abilities. Don't guess too much, just complete the instructions he gave. Anyway, the big boss seems to have not missed it.

Super-large gold mines can reach an exaggeration of 20 to 30 square kilometers in area, which is only the scale of a single mine!

The largest gold mine in the Western Hemisphere, the title of the Carlin gold belt is not blown out!

After making a big circle around Beaver Peak, the course turned west, and after flying out for seventy or eighty kilometers, he arrived near the northeastern foot of the mountain marked as Adam's Peak. Zhang Nan again drew a rectangular frame on the map.

The plane turned its heading to the south and slightly to the east, and it continued to fly for nearly 70 kilometers, and it was about to fly over the small town of Battle Mountain, south of the Rock River. The plane began to descend. Through the right porthole, you can clearly see the ten kilometers west of the town. A mountain outside.

The mountain is not low. It is thousands of meters above the valley basin where the town is located. The map shows the North Peak. The scale of the mountain is slightly larger than the Beaver Peak and Adam Peak that I have been concerned about.

The entire mountain is almost a square, with four sides about 15 kilometers in length. Zhang Nan drew a circle on each of its top, bottom, left, and right sides.

"On these four points, look slowly. This North Peak may be full of gold mines, not only open-pit mines, but also a few underground mines."

Jacques-Cortez was able to remain calm at the beginning of today, but he could no longer remain calm when he was swaying near Mount Adam.

After hearing the boss’s words, I couldn’t help asking: "Boss, this is the scale that the super gold mine belt can only have, and it can catch up with South Africa 30 years ago."

Zhang Nan smiled and said: "The annual output of one or two hundred tons of gold can be mined for at least 40 years, or even 70 to 80 years. Of course it will be a super mining area.

Don't ask me how I know it, I have this feeling that at least 5,000 tons of gold can be mined at these points, and it may not even be tens of thousands of tons.

After you go back, you ask the company to plan what to do and how to make the company get the most benefits in the negotiations with the federal and Nevada states. "

Cortes controlled his mentality for a moment, and then said: "Yes, boss."

"Industry rules, I don't need to remind me how to keep secrets."

Cortes nodded Allen will never lose his employees, but he will never allow betrayal!

Employees can change jobs, but they can only switch jobs with their own business ideas and abilities. Don't take away any of the company's secrets, otherwise the next job hopping will be planned in hell.

The airport is a bit far from the town. Seven or eight kilometers away to the southeast, the runway can be two kilometers long.

The markings on this map are wrong, and the runway is actually concrete, because from thirteen years ago, Battle Mountain is no longer a simple town, it has become an unstructured community, and it has become Rand, Nevada. The county seat of the county.

According to the U.S. Census the year before, there are almost 2500 people here. As for the area of ​​Rand County, it has an area of ​​14,295 square kilometers and a population of more than 6,200. Whites account for more than 80%. It is said that there are about 20 Asian Asians in the county government. .

After becoming the county government, the airport runway was repaired in the first two years, but the published map has not had time to update.

After the plane landed and taxied to the apron, Zhang Nan saw that this airport was more luxurious than some simple airports in the western United States, with at least a dozen buildings including hangars.

Of course, there is no terminal building, and there are not so many rules for planes to take off and land here. Everything is very western, and there is almost no air control.

Before the plane landed, the pilot just called the airport controller through the radio, saying that he had to refuel when he was passing by, and then it landed.

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