The ninth grade of Americans is equivalent to the first year of the Chinese education system. It is summer, and it is summer vacation time. Therefore, the students in the classroom are not attending formal classes, but participating in hobby activities.

Principal John introduced that although there are not many students in this school, the students still organize some clubs. For example, although this mineral interest club has only been established for seven or eight years, a small mineral museum has been built in the school.

"...Every year, some field activities are organized, but this time the gathering is not. This trip is to organize students to visit Washington-Sendton.

Let’s set off tomorrow. Today is to mobilize and educate before the trip, mainly to visit several museums, especially the National Museum of Natural History, which is the main goal of the children..."

That's why the principal said that he was quite proud. "We are a public school with limited funds. It is impossible to support long-distance travel by relying on schools.

The cost of the children’s visit to Huasheng-Dun did not get a cent from the school. It was all earned by Teacher Williams with the children this year..."

Principal John accompanied Zhang Nan into a very large classroom. Zhang Nan already knew that the population structure of the students in this school was similar to that of the entire Battle Mountain. The majority of the students were white, with a small number of African Americans, Latin Americans, and Indians. People, and two Chinese students.

There are not many children from wealthy families, and small towns are already relatively poor. As for a small number of children from rich families, some of them are sent to study in big cities, and do not stay in the local area.

A virtue in the world, choose a school if possible.

The students of this interest group warmly welcomed Zhang Nan's arrival, and they jumped out to find trouble without stabbing their heads.

This is not the prestigious schools that seem to be aloof. It's just a small western town. There are a few students who are considered thorny. When they meet the real world's richest man, they will ask themselves to be boring and behave themselves.

Maybe some students look up to Zhang Nan, but dare to show it?

The principal accompanied people in, and followed two figures who knew they were bodyguards at a glance. This big figure still had a little aura.

Unless it is a really heartless second fool, no one wants to take the initiative to find it unhappy-this is the west, the consequence of despising others is often to solve the problem with firearms, and a fifteen or six-year-old boy who uses language to make Ai Mr. Lun was embarrassed, so he showed his maverick in front of his classmates?

There may be such fools, but there is still no such thing as the best in this classroom.

The old routine, the big man told the students a few words about the ideals of life, but Zhang Nan didn't follow the routine, instead sat down in a chair and talked about minerals with the students.

Finding minerals to earn money for study tours will not be gold. Students are unlikely to pan for gold. What would it be?

Zhang Nan is the owner of a subordinate jewelry group and a lot of diamond mines. He guessed that the minerals found by the students should also be half treasures, and they seem to be produced in the Wild West of the United States.

Sure enough, the students are collecting stones in the mountains, those stones that can be processed into jewels: Teacher Williams is older than Principal John. Looking at the age of more than 50, he is not tall and lean. This body shape is among Americans. Uncommon, he solved Zhang Nan's secret to making money for students.

"In the west, including Nevada and southern Arizona, there has been an ancient profession since the Civil War, the gem hunter.

These people are looking for gems in the wasteland and mountainous areas of arid regions, and they are not limited to a certain species. Generally, they will collect as long as they are beautiful stones, and there are even some beautiful red alabasters in the market.

Although the land in Battle Mountain is barren, there are scattered olivines in the ravines in the southeast, and the fire opal mine in the south, which is relatively scattered and has almost no large-scale industrial mining value, but scattered collections can still be found. Some.

After organizing, the students of the interest group set off on the holiday and resorted to a carpet search. Basically, every time they get a little bit of a gain..."

Hearing this introduction, Zhang Nan asked: "Then how to sell?"

In this regard, Williams explained: “There are specialized gem merchants who will purchase on a regular basis, usually within a few months. This is a fragmented industry in Nevada. There will be individual gem hunters all over the country who collect gems. Merchants also have their own old customers.

Occasionally, if we find stones of good quality, we will also deliver them to auction companies and auctions, but this is rarely the case. "

Auction companies are not the top ones in the world. There are so many auction companies and auctions in the United States. Some are like gatherings and selling second-hand goods in a village.

Zhang Nan asked another question euphemistically: Since gems are produced, why are they still relatively poor here? Why don't the poor seek gems as their career?

The answer is too fragmented.

If you are a professional gem hunter, unless you are lucky, you will earn four to five thousand dollars throughout the year, and it is hard work. It is not as easy as going to a ranch to work part-time.

The students look for it with interest, adopt Indian customs, and uniformly distribute them. They can earn hundreds of dollars in less than time this year, which is almost enough for a simple long-distance study tour.

There are no precious gems and diamonds in the United States, but some of its semi-treasures are quite beautiful, such as the fire opals mentioned by Teacher Williams.

The interest group discovered a piece of fire opal ore last month, a large piece of gray-brown sedimentary rock that can weigh more than ten kilograms, and several spots of fire-red opal are wrapped in it.

Zhang Nan doesn't know much about Opal and is not very interested, but he also knows that the flame color of the opal is the most valuable, followed by black opal, and then white, milky white, and blue opal.

This opal is still embedded in the stone. The largest one may be 20 or 30 carats. Because the fire opal is relatively brittle, and the color of the opal itself is gorgeous, it is generally polished in accordance with the shape and will not be beaten. The loss of standard cut, such an Opal is already very large and cherished, and it is estimated that it will have a carat of 20 carats after completion.

Williams said that this ore was originally going to be cut in the afternoon, to see how big the opal inside, if the weight and volume are big enough, then take it to Washington, and then see if you can contact the seller, and the money you can sell As funding for interest groups.

This Yang cutting is a bit similar to the jade gambling stone, this Nan is also interested to see, this is cut on the spot.

After more than an hour, all the fire opals that could be taken out of the ore were taken out, there were seven or eight, and the largest one could have more than 20 carats.

The unpolished rough is bright red in the water, almost completely transparent, and you can feel like looking at a small flame after a few more glances!

Opal, Chinese people are not very familiar with it, even people who know it will not call it opal, generally called opal, it is a very interesting western half treasure.

What's interesting is that its color will flash and change, but it's not that the more flashes it flashes, the more expensive it becomes.

"How much is this worth?"

Zhang Nan was a little curious. He held the 20-carat rough and sharp-edged rough in his hand, and even had a lot of scum on it, and asked Teacher Williams-he can play with diamonds and gems, but he really doesn’t. Know the price of Western-style semi-treasure like Fire Opal.

I didn’t care about it before, it’s just a half treasure, and no one at home particularly likes this stuff; this will ask if you have any questions, don’t be ashamed, in the American West, then use the western way.

Previously, it was cut by Williams. This rough stone has already been seen transparently, and heard Zhang Nan’s question, saying: "This one feels good in color and hardness. It may be worth five or six thousand dollars."

The gem hunter still knows the price.

That's a lot. They are just first-hand amateur treasure hunters, just like mines in the diamond industry. They can't earn the price of finished jewelry in Manhattan's high-end jewelry stores.

It's very beautiful. Zhang Nan took a few more glances in his hand, and said to the principal and Williams: "You can sell me, 10,000. You can make a small pendant for my daughter. It's pretty. You can save yourself trouble."

Zhang Nan saw that these teachers and students were more pleasing to the eye. Even if he returned to charity activities and helped the poor in the United States, he didn't think about picking up the bargain.

No problem, all the interest groups agreed to sell.

Before leaving, Zhang Nan told the principal and the students in the interest group that if there is time for this study tour, Star Group invites them to go to New York after visiting Washington. The itinerary and expenses for the second half of the study tour will be borne by their own Before Principal John had time to express his opinion, the students in the classroom cheered!

Going to New York, the students are very interested.

With self-initiated invitations, Zhang Nan doesn't need to consider the feelings of other principals and teachers, but just do it.

Principal John smiled, which means that the students thanked Zhang Nan for the invitation.

Why don't you agree?

A small public school in a poverty-stricken area can catch up with the line of the super-rich. As for Zhang Nan, it can also be regarded as a trivial matter to build a good relationship with the locals in the future by opening a mine nearby.

Besides, it doesn't matter even if it doesn't work. It doesn't cost much, and I really think this group of students is pretty good.

Xingchen Sunshine Group has a special outreach department, let the bodyguard give the other party a phone call, also asked for the school's contact information, soon someone will contact them.

It took almost 3 hours in the school. It took an hour for a Cessna 560 transferred to arrive at the airport. It would be faster if it was transferred from a Gulfstream 4, but Battle Mountain Airport is reinforced and concrete. , But even the airport administrators said they couldn’t guarantee whether there were any debris such as small rocks and branches that were blown up by the wind on the runway.

No way, it is impossible to line up to inspect the runway every day if there are not enough people. It is safer to use propeller planes for take-off and landing here. The delicate, luxurious, high-grade Gulfstream 4 is better not to come.

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