The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1323: Go to Hangai Mountain

The society is developing, and it is hard to avoid the accident of making jokes when contacting new things. Even Zhang Nan has studied the question of whether jelly is eaten in soup or eaten directly in his previous life, which is not ashamed.

But this kind of joke is manipulated by someone who is interested, especially if you set up a set in advance and wait for you to drill it, and turn the joke into a trick, which is annoying!

What is even more annoying is: because the person being fooled doesn’t understand new things and becomes a de facto laughter, he will be kept in the dark for a long time, and he doesn’t even know that he became the fool. monkey!

The first international auction in the history of Beijing, a jade wall asking for 110 million U.S. dollars, with such a low starting price, this is not a shame, what else would it be!

There are many things that cannot be considered carefully, which can be said to be extremely scary: before and after the entire auction, the very few operators on the side of the operator who know how to break, and those who do not know how to be turned into accomplices are extremely hateful!

According to principle, this matter has nothing to do with Zhang Nan, but his brother-in-law and his little brother lost face in this matter, and he wanted to see who the owner of the jade wall was!

He is the backstage of "Master Weng" in the capital collection world. He slapped his brother-in-law in the face, which is equivalent to slapped him in the face.

Regardless of what the people behind the scenes thought at the beginning, perhaps it was really just an unintentional mistake, but as Zhang Nan himself, he must think about the worst!

People are floating, you have to think of everything.

What happened to someone who didn't give himself up like this last time?

Looks like the Anglo-American group of guys, this will be chilling and chilling a long time ago.

Now it is 1992, and the reserve price of a jade wall would cost 110 million U.S. dollars. Zhang Nan is also interested in this, and wants to see what ancient cultural relics and works of art the man still hides.

Zhang Nan's request, Comrade Aihua, can easily do. Next, no matter where the Jade Wall holder is in the world or what he thought at the beginning, that guy is in serious trouble anyway!

There is no problem with Jiang Aihua. Zhang Nan asked by the way, "I didn't take the jade wall that tricked people. Didn't you go home empty-handed this time?"

Hearing what Zhang Nan said, Jiang Aihua said: "I didn't buy many things, but mainly bought a few ancient small objects."


"No, there are more than 200 pieces of super-age cultural relics approved by the cultural relics department to participate in the auction. It is said that there are many replicas preserved in China and can be sold, accounting for more than one-tenth of the lot.

The earliest was a bronze noble from the Western Zhou Dynasty. It was very beautiful and had a single-character clan emblem. It was finally bought by a crooked collector for US$28,000, which is not cheap.

That Wanwan guy likes to collect wine utensils, and he knows some rules. Before the auction, the trustee introduced us to the pier in the capital collection world, and had a meal with Ye Ming. We didn't make him embarrassed at the venue.

Let's talk about a single-character inscription Wenjue, even if the shape and ornamentation are not bad, we can get a bunch of them back at this price, and there is no dispute.

As for other things, that's the same thing. You will take a look when you come back?"

"You keep it, I don't need it.

Alas, these guys, the prodigal son, I don't even bother to scold them. "

Zhang Nan really didn't bother to scold people. The Chinese law stipulated that cultural relics before 1795 could not be exported. It was based on the Qianlong year. Objects made when Qianlong was alive will not be allowed to appear in this meeting.

But after this special approval, the regulations immediately became waste paper.


One special and two specials, for the sake of money everywhere, unable to complain.

When Jiang Aihua heard him say this, he didn't answer the topic, and he was too lazy to answer it and didn't want to answer it.

It's about something else: "By the way, Brother Nan, an uncle of the Little Devil Emperor is here too, and I want to buy a tapestry from a special period.

The big guy of 2 meters 56 by 1 meter 92, in 1968, all the workers of a large southern factory will present a gift with a few stitches each of them meticulously embroidered.

\'Chairman goes to Anyuan\', it's not bad if the special meaning is removed, but Ye Ming's name is a cow, and he will directly carry the old devil in the venue. Don't be too lively!

Dozens of hands competed, not to mention the men in the capital and the mainland, the people in Xiangjiang and Wanwan were all applauding, and in the end the old devils were not tempered at all! "

"You guys... I don't think this is going to take part in the filming, it's purely making fun."

"I said Brother Nan, you are really right, we are just going to join in the fun, otherwise, whoever wants good things to go to that or whatever auction will be expensive.

But having said that, if you want something from the grandfather, it is also worthy of the devil of the dog day?!

The emperor's uncle, he was not a good species 60 years ago!

Even this auction is a bit too expensive, too expensive, and it will keep people from worrying about it.

A Jingdezhen vase from a special period started at US$280. ​​It was not a special porcelain. In the end it sold for US$5,000 or 6,000. A bunch of silly people..."

Well, after listening to him, Zhang Nan understands this. It is a special period boutique theme vase worth 30,000 to 20,000 in 20 years. This will cost five to six thousand dollars. It is really a silly fighter in short supply.

It was almost the same. Zhang Nan remembered that this meeting was in the middle of the night in the capital, so he planned to hang up and ask Jiang Aihua to check the matter without remembering this. As a result, Weng Yeming was anxious.

The phone changed hands, "Brother-in-law, I was so frustrated by your tricks of the European **** that you broke my head in front. I forgot all the things the teacher wanted to talk to."

"I said you... Forget it, what did the agricultural curator say?"

"Teacher and Brother Chen, it was Chen Jianghua who went to Mongolia a few days ago. The joint inspection by the Academy of Social Sciences should be an invitation from the Mongolian Academy of Sciences.

Not only Mongolia, but also Russian experts participated in the study of a new topic on the ancient nomadic Silk Road passage.

However, the teacher said that those guys should be selling dog meat. At this time, Russian food is not enough, and there is still a ghost thinking about research, which is just to make a mistake.

However, this matter is not easy to push, and there is a rare opportunity to go there. The scientific research starts from the Russian side in the north of the Altai Mountains and traverses most of the Mongolian country until Ulaanbaatar.

It's not just running around all the way, the focus will be on Hangai Mountain. The teacher thought that the group of people might not only want to use the guise of cultural exchanges, but actually want to increase economic and trade ties.

I even suspected that they wanted to find Niangu. This trip invited our experts who have studied Mongolia and Yuan dynasty. They all went to five or six of them. You have seen two or three of them. They just went to see the Xixia King’s Tomb. Second-rate.

The teacher asks if you are interested. He will have to stay in Mongolia for more than a month. "

Zhang Nan frowned when he heard it, "Hangaishan, the farm director runs to the bird's place. People in their sixties are not afraid of eating too much!"

"That's right, but the teacher said that if you don't go this time, you won't be able to eat it in the future."

"What is his contact information over there?..."

"Wait, I have a satellite phone, but there is a limit on the call time, you can copy it..."

Hangai Mountain, known as Yanran Mountain in China since the Han Dynasty, Hangai Mountain is located in the northwest of the Mongolian Plateau, about 1,800 kilometers away from Yanmen Pass. It was a place of bitter cold thousands of years ago.

In 89 AD, the first year of Yongyuan of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dou Xian and Geng Bing nearly exterminated the Northern Huns, and later climbed to Yanran Mountain. Ban Gu wrote the "Feng Yanran Mountain Inscription", which was carved in stone and returned.

In ancient times, China referred to the north of Hangai Mountain as the "extreme north", which was basically regarded as a barren zone, and the "Tianshan" commonly seen in the literary works of the Tang Dynasty also refers to it.

If it is a modern day, if you spread out the world map, you will find that Hangai Mountain is actually in the middle of the north-south direction of Eurasia, and even slightly south: this is the southernmost corner of the Malay Peninsula.

If counted at the ends of Qionghai, Hangai Mountain is about one-third of the south, and the width of the temperate and frigid virgin forests in the north is almost double that of Hangai Mountain to Tianya Haijiao!

In the first year of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty, Zhuya County and Dan'er County were set up in Qionghai in the Western Han Dynasty, under the jurisdiction of the governor of Jiaozhou.

Qionghai would be a barren waste for human beings, Hangai Mountain...

Judging by the productivity of millennia ago in the bitter cold place, whoever goes there will be unlucky.

As for now...

It's not a good place, anyway, it won't be more suitable for people in their 60s to hang out there.

After writing down the number, Zhang Nan said, "I see, I will contact the director of the farm, that's it."


At noon the next day, Zhang Nan called Andre, who was resting in shifts at his home in Long Island, and Pavel, who had just returned to New York, and an intelligence officer from the joint force.

For two things, the intelligence officer went to investigate a company in the Netherlands, but don't worry about it. Zhang Nan plans to find out the details of the other party, and then send someone over there to talk to the other party about life.

After the intelligence officer got the simple information, he said that it would not take long for the exact information to be available.

That's it, send people This is how Andre talked to Pavel.

Andre asked: "Boss, want us to go to Holland?"

"Small things, I guess there will be a bunch of gangsters over there. If you don't need to go out there, the guys on the Nice side will probably get it done."

Speaking of this, signal everyone so, take some coffee from the servant.

The conversation with the intelligence officer was actually just a few sentences, and there was no time for coffee.

Zhang Nan drank tea and arrived after drinking: "You are not familiar with the number of countries in Mongolia. I plan to go there and worry about safety."

Well, when I heard this, Andre and Pavel both had strange expressions: They were deliberate, and if they didn't want to, the boss would not be able to see the changes in their inner emotions.

Seeing this, Zhang Nan smiled a little weirdly, and then said: "Don't think too much, I'm not interested in politics.

I just wanted to go there to participate in an archaeological research project. It was half uninvited. Some friends happened to be there...

However, digging treasures is almost impossible. People on earth have not found them for six to seven hundred years, and I don't think they are so lucky. "

The two Andrés could see that the boss was telling the truth, and he couldn't lie at all: if he didn't really want to go there to do archeological research, why go there in person.

Now that the boss made it clear, Andre motioned to Pavel to say.

"Boss, give me a small amount of money and give me three days of preparation time in advance. There will be several reliable Russian mechanized infantry battalions on the periphery to protect your safety."

Ha, the Russian army has not completely withdrawn from there yet.

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