The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1325: Rich is the Lord

Just yesterday, a "caravan" convoy composed of six Beijing jeeps and a dozen Russian off-road vehicles organized by UNESCO and the Mongolian Academy of Sciences finally arrived in Ulaanbaatar after a arduous trek.

This international expedition team set off from the ancient city of Kobdo in the depths of the Altai Mountains on July 13 and investigated along the ancient pastoral roads and ancient post roads where only horses, camels and ox carts could walk in the past.

It’s not just a rush, but there are prehistoric rock paintings scattered in the Altai Mountains, the Mongolian Desert, the Hangai Mountains, and the Orkhon Valley, as well as the relics of ancient nomads, as well as inscriptions, temples, ancient cities, and inscriptions from the Tang, Yuan, and Qing dynasties. A comprehensive inspection of the fortress and the Tuntian site was conducted.

I ran a total of about 4000 kilometers, especially focusing on the relationship between the ancient nomads and China. The whole way of eating and sleeping was absolutely hard work!

However, this is only the first stage of this scientific expedition, and a group of people have been digging for several weeks in Gaolemao, which is more than 500 kilometers away from Ulaanbaatar.

Zhang Nan is still very interested in running thousands of kilometers in the wind and meal, but there is no way he can't catch up on this trip.

Fortunately, I am more interested in digging things than just looking at the flowers. Besides, I remember that the Mongolian National Examination afterwards seems to have always been a joint investigation. This is not only because they do not have enough professional talents at all, they seem to rely on it. If you want to build a good relationship with others, you can still ask for help or something.

Since there is something to ask for, just think about it, and there is a chance to go there.

On this trip to the Mongolian Plateau, don't even think about pampering yourself. Zhang Nan didn't plan to take a woman.

Charlize Theron, who returned to New York from Canada, originally wanted to join in the fun, but Zhang Nan told her that she wouldn't be able to take a hot bath for ten and a half months, and she could only wipe her body inadvertently for a month...

Princess Xingchen immediately dispelled the idea of ​​traveling to the Mongolian plateau: they ran to Yellow Knife to escape the summer heat, and even went to their own diamond mine in the northern hemisphere to wander around.

Not to mention the diamond mines, the latitude of Yellowknife City is higher than that of the Mongolian Plateau, but not to mention that Yellowknife City has complete service facilities and even the mining area can provide good living conditions.

When I heard that the Mongolian Plateau was full of no-man's land, it was too much to drink blood, and Charlie immediately retreated.

Well, no woman can join together, clean.

On the morning of August 11, Zhang Nan boarded the 767 he was familiar with at his airport and was ready to set off. This aircraft is the latest, luxurious, practical and comfortable, and even the Boeing 747-400 equipped with an air-to-air missile countermeasure system is already in the hangar of this airport.

The test flight of the new plane was finished, but the boss's mission was not taken.

The big airplane is reserved for the women in the family. It is not that Zhang Nan doesn't want to enjoy this trip, but the Genghis Khan International Airport in Ulaanbaatar has never received a Boeing 747 aircraft.

It's not the reason that the airport is too small to receive. The airport is still able to land heavy transport aircraft because of the pure supporting facilities.

The 767 is okay. The same model of the little devil and the stick will be able to at least refuel on the route through this airport.

It is not easy to get the route from this far door. Although there are three routes from New York to Ulaanbaatar, none of them is simple.

The first is to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and arrive in Moscow, and then traverse the Eurasian continent to the Mongolian plateau;

The second is to go to Alaska first, cross the Bering Sea after refueling, enter Russian airspace, and then go to Mongolia;

Zhang Nan chose the third route: After arriving in San Francisco, he flew to Nagasaki of the little devil, and then detoured the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea from there to borrow the Chinese airspace, and then went to Ulaanbaatar.

The Cold War is over, but Zhang Nan just doesn't want his private jet to leave Russian airspace.

It doesn't matter if you go to Moscow or Leningrad, but the plane flies over remote areas of Russia. It's a bit panic: the gang of Maozi air defense forces and the air force shot down the passenger plane, but there is a record!

Moreover, not only did Korean Air planes get into the sea, it seems that there have been live-fire exercises of anti-aircraft missiles. As a result, because the range of the anti-aircraft missiles was too far, a normal airliner flying hundreds of kilometers away was blew to pieces.

That kind of missile should be the super-heavy, ultra-long-range S200 equipped in Botswana. Although I can’t remember that the accident of the "shot down of a passenger plane at too long a range" was a mistake by the Russian or Ukrainian ground-to-air missile forces, Zhang Nan just didn’t want to get rid of him. Flying over remote areas.

Safety first!


After a long flight, the plane entered the Mongolian plateau and was interrupted. There were many famous navigators in the cabin: this is a red devil, who flew over the An 22 giant transport plane in guest appearances. Zhang Nan's private crew is not familiar with this section of airspace, and has never landed in Ulaanbaatar. It is not an exaggeration to say that the eyes are blackened.

If there is no navigator, the plane will fly to the military airport to the southeast of the city and land.

Without any accident, the plane landed smoothly at Genghis Khan International Airport, but did not taxi to the apron position of the ordinary passenger plane, but stood at the most remote apron position of the airport.

Just now, seeing the distant city and nearby mountains and rivers from the air, Zhang Nan thought of several TV shows he had watched in his previous life, and said to himself: "So this is Kulun."

There is inside the gate of the mansion.

The bodyguards got off the plane first, and got the weapons they needed from the red devils who had been waiting here in advance.

Pavel arrived a few days in advance to fight the boss. They knew that the boss did not feel 100% safe here.

Andre escorted Zhang Nan off the plane. Just now through the porthole on the plane, he saw Pavel and others who had arrived early, and there were many officers in Russian uniforms nearby.

Using some old relationships, the head of the garrison here is happy to make a fortune, and at the same time, he can add some benefits to his subordinates.

This group of guests is rich, and it is said that they are generous, and they can send out a sum of money if they just give it.

The head of the garrison here has long heard that the troops stationed in Eastern Europe, and even those in the domestic army, are making money from the country-disintegration, but they are in Mongolia, let alone making a fortune, it would be nice not to be a pauper!

It is not as good as one year now, life is not easy!

The last group of people will be evacuated before the end of next year. Some things they can't take will be left to the Mongolian army, but they can't sell the "tattered" fortune like the garrisons that evacuated Eastern Europe.

It’s not that things are bad, but even if you have the best products, who can you sell them to?

The people here are even poorer than the Russian army, which is so poor that only arms and equipment are left. Could it be that the herdsmen pay the bill with cattle and sheep?

Isn't that funny!

The government is the same, too poor, the Soviet Union is gone, and aid has basically stopped, so don't count on these poor people.

Here is surrounded by China on one side, and Siberia on the other side. If you really want to sell something, you have to cross half of Eurasia, which is obviously unrealistic.

Originally, the commanders had accepted their fate, thinking that they would be disbanded when they withdrew to the mainland next year, and then went home and became a pauper and started their own business.

I didn’t think that the leaders and big figures from the sky called us a few days ago. A super rich man in the United States wanted to come to Mongolia to play archeology. He accompanied and stood in front of the big people in Moscow, asking them to do their best. Good reception work.

The rich man is Mr. Allen. Originally, the big figures in Moscow don't ask who it is. Anyway, they can be regarded as the **** of wealth. Their benefits are indispensable.

The big man who called also specially reminded: Don’t offend others. The rich American man will be the food and clothing parents of many Russians. There are thousands of elite soldiers from the former Soviet Union in the mercenary corps. Everyone depends on them. He eats and makes a lot of money.

It's not stupid here. To put it bluntly, after leaving the army in the future, relying on this relationship, there will be opportunities to go out and make big money no matter what.

What's the situation in the country now, these Russian troops on the Mongolian plateau know, not to mention that the treatment in the past two years has been getting worse and worse, and they are all worried about the future.

And these are not the most important things: not to offend people, even the Russian speakers who accompany the rich Americans!

As for the specific big man above, I didn’t say that, anyway, I offended the Chinese-American rich man. I have a big deal to go home and fight for myself, but if I provoke those people...

I didn't say it thoroughly, don't offend those who fight in front of you, just think about it yourself, if you provoke these people, the result will be the same as the KGB that provokes you a few years ago!

Originally, I thought that these guests would not be easy to deal with, and I didn't think about the simple, direct, and rude way of coming to the front station: I gave a small box of dollars directly, and then I talked about how to provide convenience.

What didn't say, for the Russian garrison who was so poor that only equipment, manpower, and no future could be seen, these Russian-speaking guys just demolished the Genghis Khan Square and did nothing about them!


It’s okay to robber the tomb. Our Russian army can help you block it, but you can dig it slowly.

This is not Russia, it's none of our business.

What do you want!

It has only been five years since the United States established diplomatic relations with this side. Of course, the personnel of the American security company can't show up at other people's international airports fully armed. At most, they wear a pistol in their clothes.

But the Russian army can.

Andre, who got off the plane here, told Zhang Nan: “If it weren’t because the air base 30 kilometers to the southeast was shared by the Russian and Mongolian forces, the plane would fly there.”

After getting off the plane, a colonel came over and made a polite statement, and the plane began to be busy unloading cargo.

Zhang Nan pointed to a team of off-road trucks and old buses next to him, "Shall we take this?"

The colonel named Alexandrov said, "No, Mr. Allen, these are only for forwarding and soliciting goods.

We have prepared 4 Mi-8s to transfer to our airport. "

Well, the comfort of the Mi 8 is not as good as the Black Hawk that Zhang Nan is used to riding, but it is also ok. It is more comfortable than riding an off-road vehicle on the plateau for 500 kilometers.

There is no high-speed here, all roads are broken, these 500 kilometers will be a fart-share!

In addition to the Russian military officials, there are government officials here to pick up the plane. According to Andre’s statement a few days ago: I hope Mr. Allen can invest here and he can invest anything he wants.

When we come to other people's land, we are a big financial crocodile. There must be reasons that some people can believe. Is it really to play archaeology?

People don't believe it, even if this is the truth, it won't work.

From the beginning, but what can I vote for here?

Zhang Nan is not interested in the production of beef jerky. He invests in a country, and can sign an agreement that is extremely beneficial to one's own interests under the circumstances of "taking advantage of your illness". You can also take predatory development without having to consider investing in other countries. The environmental protection problem that has a headache is none other than mining!

Besides, in Mongolia, besides minerals, what else is worth investing in by Zhang Nan?

Nope, can people come here to develop tourism?

Not funny, Zhang Nan is a ferocious capitalist who likes **** money, so let the professionals talk to the government here.

The Mongolian government began economic reforms at the beginning of this year, and the country was going to be too poor and bankrupt.

In fact, it’s the same if it’s changed or not. Without Maozi’s assistance, it would be poorer than most people would imagine.

To rob Russian Zhang Nan, you have to consider the future of the great emperor's ideas. As for here, there is no pressure!

He is not interested in talking nonsense with the officials here, he is here for archaeology and fun.

Among the people who came along this trip were several high-level and negotiating experts from subordinate mining groups. They will open a contract that the Mongolian government will absolutely accept, but in fact it is extremely demanding.

Zhang Nan is not very interested in the minerals in other areas of Mongolia. He can't help it, because of the geographical location, he doesn't want to do a few hands in a business.

The sourcing trade needs to go through a third country, so don't do this kind of business if you can do it.

It doesn't rely on the sea. In addition to mining precious metals, does it have to be affixed with high freight, even several times the freight, to ship it all over the world?

Local sales will not work. In the future, the local daily necessities market in Mongolia will not be as good as that of the hometown. The population will be 3 million after two decades, and the purchasing power will be even lower. So we can only do business with Russia or with China.

The manufacturing industry does not work, the animal husbandry industry does not play, and the agriculture sector is almost non-existent. It can only be the mining industry. Then the Maozi minerals in the north are super rich, and Huaxia is the primary business partner.

What China needs and what it lacks is the future investment goal, such as copper mines: China will soon become the world's largest copper demand country.

His roots are in China, and this has a good relationship with China. You can't go wrong with doing business in the south.

Before leaving New York, Zhang Nan gave a map to the negotiator, with a circle on it, which represented a super-large mine, which is still a large mine that has not been discovered today.

The Oyu Tolgoi gold and copper mine, located in Khanbaoged County, South Gobi Province, Mongolia, is less than 100 kilometers away from the China border. It is known as one of the world's largest gold and copper mines.

The mine is big enough, the area of ​​the copper mine belt is equivalent to that of the urban area of ​​Ulaanbaatar, and the gold mine belt is slightly smaller than the area of ​​the urban area of ​​Ulaanbaatar!

Thousands of square kilometers, there are veins everywhere, and the money is money.

It seems that I still remember that the mine had preliminary proven copper reserves of more than 30 million tons a year or two after it was discovered. There are also 1,000 tons of gold and nearly 10,000 tons of silver reserves, which can definitely be mined for more than 50 years.

In addition, there is a super-large coal mine not far northwest of the mine, called Tavin Tolgoi, which is only 150 kilometers away from the copper mine. This means that Mongolia is investing everywhere, but no one pays any attention.

Who are you selling this coal to?

If you want to sell coal, you have to have a railway, and this coal mine area is almost no man's land!

Zhang Nan plans to invest in the coal mine, mainly to swallow the super gold and copper mine: the Oyu Tolgoi gold and copper mine was almost "occupied" by Rio Tinto in his previous life. If others are capable, he can do it.

In 2012, the Canadian subsidiary of Rio Tinto Group and the Mongolian government reached an agreement to jointly own the right to use the Oyu Tolgoi project. The Mongolian government accounted for 34% and the Rio Tinto subsidiary accounted for 66%.

For this contract, Rio Tinto's total investment will be as high as 12 billion U.S. dollars, and it will also face the harsh natural environment of the Mongolian Gobi.

The temperature during the day in summer may be as high as 40 degrees, and at night in winter it may drop to minus 40 degrees, and a strong wind may last for several days!

"At the beginning" Rio Tinto Group dared to do it, Zhang Nan was more courageous, besides, it would not cost much to swallow that piece of fat, and the other party didn't know that there was a mine there.

As for the Mongolian government's preference for orderly changes in mineral investment, Zhang Nan really doesn't care. You can understand what he has done in Africa.

The contract is more deadly, and I am not afraid that the other party will go back then, why not invest.

Now I am rich, it's a god, just **** swallow it!

Zhang Nan is really here to play field archaeology. The bodyguards and servants add up to 70 or 80, and there are many tents, camp beds, and indispensable ground detection equipment.

After pulling a few trucks, there are several tons of materials, and loading them. This will depart ahead of time with a small number of people, and will arrive at the destination in at least 15 or 6 hours.

As for Zhang Nan, riding in a silly Russian off-road vehicle, he will first go to Ulaanbaatar to rest for one night, and then take a helicopter to the destination tomorrow morning.

The hotel arranged is the best Ulaanbaatar hotel in Ulaanbaatar, similar to the state guesthouse here.

The square is square, flat, flat and seven-story building. It is absolutely The area is not small, and the door faces are familiar: the big cities in the Eastern world were everywhere in the 1970s and 1980s. It is such a building, influenced by the Soviet style.

Even the hotel house might be man-made by the Soviet Union, otherwise it could be man-made?

The high-level officials of the mining group who came to discuss the investment project were enough to receive the senior officials here. Zhang Nan's trip to Mongolia this time could be considered a secret trip, and all public activities were declined.

It was enough to glance at the city through the car window just now, and I didn't have the idea of ​​going out for a walk at all.

Going to Mongolia to see the grasslands and mountains is the right way. The only city in the whole country is really not worth seeing.

Besides, the people in this city should have no good feelings towards themselves, and similarly, I have no good feelings towards them at all!

After staying, Pavel ran to talk about the security situation.

"Our people and garrison vehicles are patrolling around the clock for 24 hours. The back street has been under martial law at both ends, and only people are allowed to pass..."

Very good treatment, Zhang Nan let people let go of the big cannons, so he was worried that others would let him off the big cannons.

If you are away from home, especially in countries with insufficient sense of security, you can't live without staying in a hotel facing the street.

The Ulaanbaatar Hotel faces the street, but the main entrance is a bit far from the main street, separated by a large courtyard, with government houses on both sides, so the back street was blocked off to avoid a bomb truck causing trouble.

I tasted Mongolia for dinner and it’s okay, not to mention, Zhang Nan’s mouth is a bit unaccustomed anyway.

Nothing happened all night, and we set off for the air force base early the next morning, where the helicopter was already waiting.

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