The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1353: 1 all speak with strength

The working people’s desires and thoughts are kind and they always yearn for beautiful things, but since ancient times, the ruling class has absolutely nothing to do with kindness, but they always like to put gold on their faces. The result is that all dynasties have said that Zhaojun came out of the fortress. The Xiongnu reconciled with the Han Dynasty for half a century, and Wang Zhaojun made great contributions.

Wang Zhaojun's merit is certain, there is no doubt about it, but is she really the power of her own?

Pure nonsense, open your eyes and speak nonsense!

Wang Zhaojun's first husband was Hu Hanxie Shanyu. The first half of this old boy's life was unlucky enough. After his father died, no one of his brothers was convinced. The Xiongnu actually had 5 Shanyu.

Shan Yu Yiduo, this turned out to be of course a great melee. In 54 BC, Hu Han Xie Shan Yu was defeated by his brother Zhi Zhi Shan Yu, and had to bring his own people and move south to Guanglu outside the Great Wall. Sixia established a friendship with the Western Han Dynasty, sent his sons to the Han Dynasty, became a minister to the Han Dynasty, and used the power of the Han Dynasty to preserve his own strength.

In order to gain support from the Han Dynasty, Hu Han Xie Shan Yu returned to the Central Plains to meet Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty in 51 BC, and became the first Xiongnu Shan Yu to meet in the Central Plains.

However, a few years later, because Zhizhi Shanyu led his people to move west, the internal troubles for Hu Hanxie have disappeared, and his own strength is getting stronger, and he led his troops to return to Mobei.

By the third time in 33 BC, this guy was not too young and cheeky he asked himself to be his son-in-law in the Han Dynasty and married Wang Zhaojun, named Ning Hufan, symbolizing that this marriage would bring peace to the Xiongnu. Tranquility and prosperity.

We wanted face in the Han Dynasty. Of course, there was no lack of support for this son-in-law. Later, with the support of the Western Han Dynasty, Hu Hanxie Shanyu gradually controlled the entire Xiongnu...

There was no war between the Han and the Xiongnu for more than 40 years. Later dynasties and dynasties have written poems, pipa songs, dramas based on this story...

Charlize Theron has spent the past few years in the United States. Although Zhang Nan and Nicole are spoiled by several people, he has seen too many vanity fairs, has very American values, and looks at problems very realistically.

Charlie has read a lot of books about the history of various countries in the world, otherwise there is no common language with Zhang Nan, and there is also a part about China.

The book is not esoteric, at most junior high school history textbook level, but it is the most effective for ordinary people to understand history.

Charlie doesn’t remember Wang Zhaojun, but she has read the brief introduction to her husband, plus what she’ll hear from Zhang Nan’s words, she has a very clear understanding of the relationship between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu: it’s just that. At that time, the Huns were fighting internally, and a group of people were beaten up. Hu Hanxie, who was not strong enough, was about to become a grandson. If he hadn't taken refuge in the Han Dynasty, he would end up alone!

Will he dare to stab him in the next 40 years?

Well, he died earlier, but his sons did not dare to stab them at first, because the Han Dynasty did not destroy them. They were pretty good. To be honest, the Western Han Dynasty government had no time to destroy the Huns. One is the problem of strength. The wolf is about to become a dog, so you can't risk a bite to beat the wild dog.

Besides, the Western Han Dynasty was so busy dealing with internal affairs, not to mention that the creative guy Wang Mang began to make a grand appearance in the officialdom of the Han Dynasty.

However, it was because Wang Mang was too creative. In 9 AD, this old boy who had just changed his dynasty had to give Wu Zhu, who was in power at the time, a seal for Wu Zhu, who was reigning at the time. Trouble came as a result: it was awarded to Shan Yu from the Han Dynasty. The seal on the seal is "The Xiongnu Shanyu Xi", and the new seal that Wang Mang sent to the Xiongnu is "New Xiongnu Shanyu Zhang".

Yes, the level has dropped, wait for this black pearl to be left alone to react...

It won't be done without blowing the hair!

He was the son-in-law of the Han Dynasty, but not a relative of the new dynasty. Wu Zhuliu immediately sent an army to suppress the situation, and Wang Mang could not respond with an army of 300,000.

Afterwards, although Wu Zhuliuyu died, Wang Mang changed his name to the Xiongnu today, and said that he would change his title tomorrow. He never stopped. He even told the Xiongnu once again that he would give the Xiongnu’s land style to the Xiongnu. The 15 kings of China hope that the Huns will fight again by themselves.

The peace of the past 40 years is over. Since the establishment of a new dynasty by Wang Mang, although the Central Plains and the Huns have not fought a particularly big battle, the border is not at all peaceful, but Wang Zhaojun will not see it anymore.

Either way, when Wang Mang became emperor, Wang Zhaojun had already passed away.

Wang Mang is a superb. The domestic policy is quite unimaginable, even beyond the scope of that era. This foreign policy is also unimaginable.

The result was broken!

Until the rebel army invaded Chang'an City in AD 23, he still had 300,000 troops fighting with the Huns on the northern border!

After more than ten years, the new dynasty can even be said to have been dragged to a certain extent by the expenditure of the 300,000 northern standing army. In addition, Wang Mang’s extraordinary administrative measures and a major battle would not help God. He was snatched back by the Liu family.

It’s not that Liu Xiu, the son of the plane, is too tough. The Liu family who grabbed Wang Mang’s world were not him. When Wang Mang hanged up, Liu Xiu was at most regarded as a powerful general and vassal. No fight.

There must also be elements of Wang Mang's new dynasty in this big movie. The relationship between the old Wang and the Xiongnu was a bit stiff during the years when he was in power, but the two sides still had contacts.

This is the case between countries. While stab each other at the table, the constructive and friendly meeting on the table continued.

Nong Bosheng and others thought it was possible to find cultural relics of the New Dynasty this time, because according to historical records, Wang Mang gave a lot of good things to the Xiongnu.

If cultural relics of the Central Plains were unearthed in the tomb area of ​​the Xiongnu Shanyu, it would be a major discovery for archaeology, and it would be of great research value.

Wang Zhaojun was out of the country, and the next 40 years of peace between the Han and Hungarians appeared to Charlie but it was just a reason for the comparison of strengths.

For example, Liu Bangna, Han Gaozu had to temporarily admit his counsel after being besieged by Baishan Mountain, until Liu Che opened two super plug-ins, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, and forced the Huns to beat the Huns. It was a grandson to be able to exhale.

After the Han Dynasty was strong, the Huns became a relatively weaker party. When Wang Zhaojun met, the strength of the Huns was still not comparable to that of the Western Han Dynasty, but it was not weak enough to be easily destroyed by the Western Han Dynasty.

The two families have their own difficulties and calculations, and no one wants to do a big fight. Those decades are naturally a good rhythm for hello, me,, fleeing from country to country Not out of this one!

Adding enough money as a dowry and reward to the person sent by your relatives can only engage in a relationship temporarily, unless the Xiongnu's Shan is a fool who loves beauty and does not want to be a country.

And in a place where the Huns only talk about the law of the weak eating the forest, even if such an idiot becomes Shan Yu, it is definitely a short-lived one!

Everything must speak with strength!


When the traveler meets the son of the plane, there is no way to speak well.

With that said, I arrived at the tomb M1 that Zhang Nan valued the most. Yesterday I worked overtime. By this time, all the 16 burial tombs have been cleaned up.

In the tombs of the Xiongnu, except for the characters on the two broken Chinese mirrors, there were no words on the other artifacts. It is impossible to know who the tomb owners are, so I hope those main tombs can be discovered.

Standing next to the tomb M1 that was being excavated, Charlie looked at the tomb that had been dug into a big deep pit, and the environment like a construction site, and said to Zhang Nan: "Oh, more than we did in Egypt. exaggerate!"

"Keep your voice down and keep it secret."

The girl "hehe" smiled and said that she understood that what she did in Egypt was not so glorious.

It is an exaggeration. Yesterday, several large excavators of 36 to 45 tons have arrived, and one of them is equipped with an extended boom.

The boom of the excavator is lengthened, and the bucket is naturally smaller, but it can move deeper soil and rock up, which is very practical.

There were also people under the tomb. The Russian engineers who directed the excavation on the spot were Chen Jianghua who instructed the observation of the change in soil color, and Nong Bosheng was walking up the tomb road that was dug down a large section.

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