When the bridge was bombed, the telephone of the reception center of the Istanbul Police Headquarters was quickly blown up. Just three minutes was not enough for the high-level police to respond!

Isn't that enough, they are the police, not the army; even if they are the army, unless they are in a state of first-level combat readiness, what can they do in three minutes?

An emergency assembly may be enough, but it has to be when the field troops are sleeping in the barracks. When they rest during the day, it is estimated that there will be no time to get people together for three minutes.

This is not a question of the police. There is a big event at the Istanbul stall this time: Is it to gather people for a meeting, or to quickly send someone to the scene, or report to the superior?

With ears on the side of the city hall, senior police officers thought that they had to report to Karachi about the bombing of the bridge first, and the situation had to be verified. The No. 2 Bosphorus Bridge could not be seen in the office of the director.

Before straightening out his thoughts, a violent explosion caused all the glass of several buildings in the entire police headquarters to shatter!

The delivery van on the parking space outside the wall exploded violently, and a shallow crater with a diameter of 8 meters was instantly formed on the ground: the soil explosive package is not a shell or aerial bomb dropped from the sky. The crater is not deep, but the lateral force is not as powerful as loading. The aerial bombs with more than 100 kilograms of high explosives are inferior.

The wall is gone, and the outer wall of the building more than ten meters away is gone. The frame is still there, but the entire police headquarters is in a mess!

Excluding the people on the streets, the maximum number of deaths in the police station is 20 or 30, but there can be hundreds of wounded, not counting the ones with blood on the glass.

The fixed telephone of the Police Headquarters is paralyzed. The police station has its own switch room, which is the kind that calls out through the computer room of the city telecommunication center, but the police station contacts the lower sub-bureau, building A and building B, etc., without going through the computer room of the ordinary telecommunication network center. Kind.

It is not very useful now: this system is used by many high-level government departments and confidential units, but the machine room of the Istanbul Police Department had bad luck this time, and it was less than 50 meters away from the car bomb in a straight line.

The house was not blown through, but there was a problem with the equipment!

This time external communication can only rely on walkie-talkies and a small number of Motorola mobile phones, and the General Administration was battered by a bomb, with a large number of casualties, and the whole word was messed up!

The headquarters is chaotic, even if the directors of the various branches are at work, they will find their bosses, and they will not be able to contact them all at once.

The police station is in a mess. It is estimated that every hour is not to think about establishing effective emergency response measures, let alone the city hall that was bombed almost at the same time, and the crater was twelve or three meters in diameter!

Andrei and the others have to run away after finishing things, so you have to mess up Istanbul as much as possible.

The special attack method determines that long-term time bombs cannot be set up. You can only do this: long-time time bombs are prone to problems. The Mumbai attack a few days ago was more powerful than the other thirteen bombs combined, with three tons of explosives. It was because of this shortcoming that the policemen demolished them after being spotted by police dogs under a lot of luck.

The bombing of the police station and the city hall was basically a political-attack. Not to mention the confusion, it is the best way to gain time for evacuation.

As for the army...

Before contacting the place and receiving orders from Karachi, even if they were assembled, they would not drive into military vehicles to set up cards on the road.

System, there is system.

For the attack, I can only say sorry to the civilians who died unjustly, and I can only blame them for their bad lives.

The Red Devils are hard-hearted, and their boss is not a good person, so be it.

Like the citizens of Istanbul who came out to see the situation in this meeting, Andrei and others looked stupidly standing and watching: in such a once-in-a-lifetime classic scene, people with ghosts in their hearts and brain problems will rush to leave.

The most classic is Alexander, holding a mobile phone and calling the police there in a flawless Turkish!

Fake, I didn't dial it out at all.

They are waiting, waiting for the last big firework!

Very punctual, about half a minute after the people at the police headquarters were bombed, the fourth bomb exploded when the heads of a large number of people were still buzzing and confused.

On the No. 1 Bosphorus Bridge, the rising and swelling smoke cloud is not much smaller than that on the No. 2 Bridge, and the pylon on the west side of the bridge collapses faster!

8 tons of ammonium nitrate explosives can almost have the power of four or five tons of T-NT. The explosives are only ten centimeters next to the bridge piers, and the huge impact force of the explosive velocity of more than four thousand meters per second matches the high temperature without any reduction. The base of the base of the bridge tower is even more violent than the 30-ton bomb!

There is a buffer of nearly two meters over there, and it is ten centimeters here, which is no different from the explosion of a large five-ton explosive bag on the tower bridge.

In that instant, the bottom part of the huge, super-sturdy bridge tower was blown apart.

It's really super strong. After being hit like this, the foundation part was not blown through, but the structure was damaged and shattered, and it was torn apart by the huge weight and traction of the pylon and the bridge itself!

The structure of the pylons of the two bridges is almost the same, with a self-weight of 50,000 to 60,000 tons, plus the weight of the bridge deck imposed by the steel cables, the consequence of the balance being broken is that the pylons also fall to the southeast.

Andre and the others can be 6 kilometers away from the No. 1 Bridge. Although the terrain is high, you can only see a section of the top of the pylon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The explosion sounded more than ten seconds after the explosion. At night, not only was the terrain obstructing the line of sight, but also the bridge deck covered part of the smoke that initially swelled.

The explosion sounded like thunder in the sky, a bit muffled, and then the top of the bridge tower was slowly falling over.

The Red Devils can decide that Bridge No. 1 is also finished. They cannot see the panoramic view of the collapse of that bridge. They can only judge that the damage rate of the bridge is faster than Bridge No. 2.

That's enough, the attack is perfect!

The foundation was blown up, the pylon was torn apart by its own weight and the weight of the bridge deck. At the same time, the weight of the entire collapsed pylon accelerated the disintegration of the bridge deck, which was much faster than the tipping speed of the No. 2 Bridge with only the upper part blasted and twisted.

There was nothing to look at. Alexander seemed to have finished the phone call, and shouted twice in Turkish to several people who were standing outside the car watching the excitement: "Go back to the office and go.

What the fuck, what a lunatic did..."

Swearing, other people got in the car, no one paid special attention to someone leaving, not to mention everyone, including Alexander, was still in shock...

Shocked, some people are fake, some are real, looking at the fragmented and disappearing No. 2 Bridge, and then at the other three large and small smoke and dust rising in the city, who will pay attention to what strangers around him are doing? Many people call mothers to find children.

After watching the excitement for almost six or seven minutes, the two cars ran off again.

Heading north to the Black Sea coast, Istanbul is more than 100 kilometers away from the Greek or Bulgarian borders, so you are not allowed to encounter inspections by land.

By sea, if they are well-trained, police and military forces around the world will almost always have the same first response to terrorist attacks: blocking land passages, setting up checkpoints, and blocking them.

If you are not a local, you can't play hidden scenes, so let's drop it.

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