The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1500: National Treasure of Russia

On the call from Tom, the housekeeper, Zhang Nan first wiped the water on his face before hearing what was going on. He glanced at the watch on the framed stage by the way.

It was less than seven o'clock.

"I said, when does Chicago have a flight to New York so early?" Zhang Nan was puzzled.

"Boss, we didn't fly and drove back in a security **** car." Jerry on the other end of the phone said quickly.

When Zhang Nan is playing with the children, unless he has something very important, it is best not to call him, otherwise the boss will be very upset!

Buying a piece of art worth less than tens of millions of dollars obviously can’t be regarded as an important situation to disturb the boss’s family time with the children: Jerry went to the manor’s duty room after the phone call at the beginning of the day yesterday. Made a call.

That time the duty room told him that the boss was playing with his daughters, so Jerry didn't call Zhang Nan again.

At the same time, he couldn't ask the boss more if he was in the manor or went out, because he was using an ordinary mobile phone. Although the number was not registered in Jerry's name, once it was intentionally monitored, the confidentiality was almost no.

People who work in the manor must not disclose the movements of the boss and his family when talking to outsiders in unclassified calls. This is an iron discipline!

The person on duty can say that the boss is "playing with the children", but he can't say where he is. Even if Jerry asks, he won't tell him, unless the bodyguard who goes with him makes a confidential phone call.

It doesn't matter where it is, just know that the boss is currently in family time.

After buying the things, they were packaged securely, and they were transported back to New York in the **** truck provided by the branch overnight. Now Zhang Nan knew that the icon was really not so precious!

This will also be satisfactory to the behavior of Jerry and others—Chicago is nearly 1,300 kilometers from New York. When driving back all the way, including the time for refueling and rest, these thirteen or four hours are still needed, and it is really difficult for those guys. NS.'s all.

"You guys have a good rest, I won't be back until the afternoon at the earliest, that's it."

With another "beep"...

Promising the children to play in the afternoon and then go back, it is not a major event that the sky is falling, then it will have to be spent in the afternoon, in all likelihood, it may be evening.

Regardless of your sacred image, it is important to be able to accompany your own daughter?

Absolutely not.

In the evening, the yacht returned to the manor dock. As soon as Zhang Nan and the children returned to the palace-like main house, they saw Jerry waiting for him.

"Boss, after consulting the information, I have been able to confirm that this time I started with the icon of the Russian Teckvin Cathedral, which has been missing for 76 years, one of the treasures of the town of Tsarist Russia!"

Jerry has a good look, and speaks with a little excitement: It's very rare, this guy has seen countless treasures, and now there are not many artworks that can make him react like this.

"What about things?"

Zhang Nan asked the children to Miranda.

"In your large study."

Zhang Nan now walks to the large study on the first floor.

The thing has been out of the box, and there is a plexiglass cover next to it, magnificent!

The icon is not a three-dimensional statue. It is actually a very special painting: it may be a wooden picture frame base plate, measured by Jerry. It is 1.09 meters high and 0.86 meters wide. The painting is of the Virgin Mary and the son Jesus. The scene together.

The icon painting is very thick, because except for the upper body of the figure, other places are covered by decorations added in each era, using a lot of gold and gems.

Inlaid with gems and pearls of various colors, layer upon layer, dazzling!

Zhang Nan looked at the icon painting carefully, and Jerry was right. The gems inlaid on it were worth at least three to five million US dollars.

This is simply the current standard jewellery price, not counting the historical value.

After watching it for a long time, he asked Jerry: "I think you have a very high evaluation of it, what's so special about it?"

To put it bluntly is to ask: Why is this thing a treasure of Tsarist Russia?

Jerry hurriedly said: "Boss, this was once a representative work of the Renaissance period owned by Russia. Although the author is still unconfirmed, it is basically believed that this painting was made by a saint.

This icon was first placed in Jerusalem, and then taken to Constantinople.

But it’s very interesting. The icon suddenly disappeared in 1383, and according to legend, soon afterwards the icon magically appeared in the waters of Lake Ladoga in northern Russia.

Later, the Russians built a cathedral dedicated to this icon in Teckvin, northern Russia. Since then, this icon has been called the Teckvin Church icon.

Many people in Russia have always believed that this icon has a peculiar supernatural power. It is said that during the war from 1613 to 1614, the Swedish army invading Russia even took the initiative to retreat under the awe of the icon of Teckvin Church.

Until the outbreak of the October Revolution in 1917, the priests of the Teckwen Church hid the icon in order to avoid the war, and it never appeared again. "

"What did the seller say?" Zhang Nan asked.

Since I bought it, the seller will give an explanation regardless of whether it is true or not.

"The seller's father is John, who was originally a local pastor in Latvia.

According to him, it was during the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. UU reading had a group of German soldiers who did not know where they found this icon. They suspected that it might be a priceless piece of art, so they shipped it. Arrived in Riga, Latvia.

In 1944, the Soviet Union liberated Latvia. After the Soviet soldiers discovered the icon, they immediately sought out local religious figures to verify its authenticity, and it was the pastor John.

The priest recognized that it was a national treasure, but told the Soviet soldiers that it was a worthless fake.

After the Soviet soldiers abandoned this ‘fake’, Pastor John and his son boarded a ship heading for the United States with the icon.

Since then, the family settled in Chicago and returned to their old professions and continued to be his pastor.

In 1982, Pastor John died. Before his death, he left a last word saying that his family must return the icon to Russia and return to his hometown.

But this will cause his family to encounter some financial problems, and that's it..."

"Every antique has a story, but I think they make up stories and don't draft them!"

Jerry smiled and said, "Yes, boss, I think so too.

Even if the group of Soviet soldiers didn't understand the authenticity of the cultural relics, the gold and jewelry should still be recognized.

But boss, the story belongs to the story. For the Russians, this icon is almost as important as the Amber Palace, and even more spiritual than the Amber Palace! "

Jerry has seen the Amber Palace and a lot of cultural relics plundered by the Germans from the Soviet Union during World War II.

"You can make good use of this icon. The Russians will definitely pay enough chips for it."

My boss doesn't like objects such as icons and holy cabinets very much, this Jerry knows.

Zhang Nan's concept has always been that it is not good for family gods and Buddhas to hold meetings, let alone get together with the Western gods!

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