The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1507: Guan Xingquan, listen to my orders!

Within eight days from tomorrow afternoon, Guan Xingquan’s life is beyond his control. For him, this situation has never happened before. In the same year 1979, he fought back against Vietnam in the self-defense battle and the two mountain rounds. The situation is very different!

In the days when there was a rain of bullets and even a rain of cannonballs in the sky, Boss Guan could grasp his destiny to a certain extent by relying on his extremely hard military qualities, but this trip is going to space!

Zhang Nan met a train conductor surnamed Liu who ran the Lucheng line in Jiangnan Province in the last life around 2002. The man said that "three feet off the ground is difficult", which makes sense.

And this trip Guan Xingquan faced was not the three-foot height of the train chassis, nor the 30,000-foot height of the plane, even more than 300 kilometers!

The lift-off stage of the Soyuz spacecraft is like lying on a giant bomb that is at risk of explosion at any time. After the docking, the environment in this space is not bad. At least in Zhang Nan’s memory, this Mir space station does not There has never been a big hole hit by a meteorite.

But when we return to Earth a week later, at that time, the return capsule will be a super fireball. From lift-off to return to the ground, the astronauts can take emergency measures for possible unexpected situations during the whole process, but that is better than nothing.

To use a metaphor that is not entirely correct, from tomorrow on, Boss Guan will be the patient on the operating table. After general anesthesia, his life will not be in his own hands.

Although the ground staff of the Space Center can do no more than the astronauts themselves, they can still intervene in the entire flight process to a certain extent. Zhang Nan's gift of red envelopes is considered a peace of mind.

Guan Xingquan is family!

If a family member has to undergo a general anesthesia operation, can you feel at ease if you don't give the chief surgeon a red envelope of three or five thousand dollars?

Don't talk about "the doctor does not accept red envelopes". Such bad habits may be banned in small places, but not in large places?

Don't be funny, Zhang Nan gave it to him in his last life, and there were rectifications at that time. I don't know how many times! Well-known experts, they take it naturally, and they don't shy away from others.

Give the chief surgeon a red envelope for an operation and be at ease. This time Guan Xingquan will go to space. The people on the dozens of measurement and control stations and ocean-going survey ships in Russia and the former republics can’t take care of them, but There are a lot of related experts in Baikonur.

If you press the head, you have to hit it in a circle.

Today's people are all heads and brains, everyone has a share, and the 500,000 US dollars will let people go back and divide it by themselves. Zhang Nan doesn't know how many people are involved, who is important, and which one makes soy sauce.

As for how to divide and whether to divide, Zhang Nan doesn't care about it.

It’s no wonder if there are many people. The question is whether this group of commanders, chief engineers, etc. will be accepted?

A penny stumps the hero. Now the ruble has depreciated by at least hundreds of times. The salary of experts seems to have risen a lot, but the standard of living has not fallen by how much!

Five or six years ago, taking the subway back in Moscow, the fare was only 5 cents, but now it is 400 rubles, an increase of 8,000 times!

In this case, the actual monthly salary of ordinary skilled workers in Russia is less than 100 US dollars. Even for the engineers on the space city, it will not reach 200 US dollars. This is a red envelope of 10,000...

Experts saw that there were no outsiders, and even the few middle- and high-ranking Russian officers who were accompanying them were not surprised, and they probably also accepted them.

Then... why don't you accept it!

It has been really difficult for comrades in the past two years!

Besides, the experts also understand the mentality of the guests and spend money to buy peace of mind. Give me a reason to buy cigarettes, listen to auspicious, auspicious red envelopes, and make a fortune: The Russians also pay attention to this, and the reason is reasonable.

Of course, several non-technical officers would not object, they also took it, or it was given by the former KGB officer who arrived early.

The money was sent out, and the boss in the room was closed. The two partners who went to space together did not give it, but Alexander Stepanovic and Sergei Krikalev were not jealous at all. .

Boss Guan has been with these two for two months and has become a good friend.

My friend directly gave Qian Su before, and Guan Boss had already introduced two good jobs to the families of the two astronauts.

In these years, astronauts are not wealthy. Although their lives are guaranteed, they are definitely not as comfortable as the Soviet Union.

Everyone is happy to meet up, there are red envelopes, and two private jets also randomly transported a large number of gifts, all of which are high-end western candies and fresh tropical fruits.

There is a shortage of fruits in Moscow in May. Tropical fruits are a luxury that only a few rich and high-ranking officials can eat. Not to mention that this is a semi-desert area in Kazakhstan, where logistical supplies are inherently difficult.

As for sweets and chocolate, the Russian people have always liked them very much.

There are also hundreds of boxes of wines from famous wineries on the Pacific coast of North America. The wines produced there are now in the same grade as Bordeaux;

Dozens of boxes of 53 degree Maotai, these are goods on board in Moscow, last year's goods, good things transported to Russia by the Eurasian Railway.

You can drink, and you can drink a little tonight. The famous Maozi of Maotai knows that the aroma of the wine is not comparable to vodka with a clear alcoholic breath, but most of the Maozi have difficulty adapting to the 53-degree alcohol. Will drink high.

Moutai is easy to eat, and it doesn't have a headache after being drunk, but it's harder than the standard 40-degree vodka!

After the meeting, a large group of people will have a meal together, and the magnificent banquet hall, even the three astronauts will have a meal together.

However, Guan Xingquan and the three of them could not let go of eating and drinking, let alone drinking. They had to leave until 6 o'clock in the evening, and the astronauts needed to rest.

Zhang Nan sat with Guan Xingquan, and on the other side of Guan Boss was Xiang Weirong's family.

The traditional Russian diet is served with food and wine, but today no one drinks too much.

There was a lot of wine on the side of the banquet hall. Guan Xingquan, who just drank some apple juice, called a waiter and said a few words in Russian. The latter nodded to express his understanding.

Zhang Nangang had a toast with the commander-in-chief here, and when he saw Guan Xingquan's actions, he asked, "What's the matter?"

Guan Xingquan grinned and said in the plain dialect of Yanxian County: "The wine sent here will be sorted out when we finish our meal. I asked the waiter to leave me two boxes of Moutai."

Zhang Nan thought he was going to take it to the astronaut dormitory as a gift, so he didn't think much about it.

But I didn’t expect Boss Guan to lower his voice, which is rare in a thousand years, and mysteriously said: “These we are going to take the Mir up. Alexander said that the strategic reserve above has been out of stock. The few guys who were in the past were almost crazy about drinking NS!"

Zhang Nan opened his eyes wide and looked unbelievable: I had heard that Soviet astronauts once brought spirits into space, but...

Conditional reflexes generally turn their heads to look at the place where the wine is placed-the Feitian Maotai sent this time are all 500 ml, 12-bottle large boxes!

24 bottles, 12000 ml!

"Can you take it?" Zhang Nan was surprised, couldn't help asking, and gestured to the size of the box.

"Of course you can't use a box, there is no place to plug it, the bottle is dead weight. If you let those on the other side know, they will be crazy!..."

Opposite, the commander on the ground chants. Obviously, the astronauts have their own small group, there is an invisible gap between them and the ground personnel, and there are also secrets that "owners" can keep.

"Bring half of it, and the other half as a cover.

Use a plastic bag for drinking water, 500 ml, with a place to hide.

Fill it when you go back, one bottle and one bag are just right. "

Regarding the words of Mr. Guan, Zhang Nan said that he had to take it—this trip brought Feitian Moutai, and Feitian Moutai went into space, and it was the scene!

"But...your spacesuit can be stuffed? Also, it's almost 6 kilograms more. Isn't it a problem?" Zhang Nan still has questions and worries.

Guan Xingquan "hehe" smiled, "If there is a margin, 16 kilograms will be fine.

There is no need to hide ourselves. Tomorrow morning we will take a helicopter to the space center. In the morning, Commander Alexander will have one last simple check-in, and then we will be able to put it in the reentry capsule.

The launch window is near the evening in the afternoon, and the process is like this. "

After speaking, Guan Xingquan ate the rest of the food on his plate in a few bites, and stood up and said: "Squad leader, Anan, everyone, see you tomorrow at noon."

The astronauts are going to rest, and there is still canned "work" to do at night, so let's go.

Tomorrow after noon they will enter the spaceship ahead of time, and then Zhang Nan and others will be able to meet the warriors who set off once.

A warrior, no matter what time or country, people who dare to go to space are true warriors!

When the three astronauts left, the banquet had no meaning to continue, and everyone ate it hastily.

If you go to the hotel next door, or go to the space center overnight, tomorrow will be the highlight.

When arriving at the hotel, Zhang Nan ran into Nong Bosheng and his apprentice Chen Jianghua, who had only arrived in Lenin because the plane was delayed. There should be Lao Wang and several Chinese archaeological experts from China.

Someone takes them to the room and eats, so I won’t talk tonight. I'll talk about it after tomorrow, when there will be time.

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Zhang Nan, a large group of people, took several buses to Baikonur Space Center dozens of kilometers away.

The space center is very large, covering 6000 square kilometers, divided into multiple areas and launching points. It is very desolate from the car window.

And it's not just desolate, it even feels "dirty" and old, because you can occasionally see some buildings and facilities that were abandoned in the early years on the side of the road.

The Russians have been operating here for nearly 40 years, and many outdated facilities have been abandoned. Anyway, there are places for reconstruction.

As for "dirty", it is because many places in this large area have been contaminated by toxic fuel and other chemicals due to thousands of rocket launches over the past few decades!

The car drove for almost an hour before getting there. I went to one of the command centers for a short visit, because now Russia has the intention and negotiations to cooperate with the United States in developing space technology, and even the staff of the United Television Network who came with them were also caught. It is allowed to enter it for restricted shooting.

The busy staff are very friendly to this group of rich men from China and the United States, and you can see it on their faces. It seems that the 500,000 red envelopes have played a role.

Simple Chinese food, after two o'clock in the afternoon, the astronauts set out.

Far away is the towering Proton rocket against the Soyuz spacecraft. The expedition ceremony is very simple. To put it bluntly, Guan Xingquan and Zhang Nan and others are standing in front of a white line.

Because he was wearing an indoor spacesuit with a helmet, Guan Xingquan's head was slightly tilted forward while carrying the life support box, which was not the usual stiff feeling.

The astronauts just said "Soyuz tm-17 spacecraft is ready to set off. Astronauts are so and so." There is a smile here, but most of them have serious faces, like Zhang Hui, Charlize Theron, and Alice even under their eyes. It's all red.

There was a national flag on the left chest of the spacesuit. Zhang Nan saw that there was a five-star red flag on Guan Xingquan's clothes!

Regardless of what Huaxia might think in China, Boss Guan just wore it anyway.

The three astronauts simply finished their speeches one by one, saluting!

"Wow", not only were almost all the Russians at the scene (experts are actually soldiers, at least with a technical rank), there were also a group of men on Zhang Nan's side who responded at the same time.

He was discharged from the army, but Guan Xingquan respected the standard Chinese military strength. Xiang Weirong, Alyosha, Lin Ming, Andre also responded in general.

Among the people around Zhang Nan are both Chinese and Soviet military salutes: several red devils present are also However, there are not only the Chinese military and the Russian military, but there are also others. Two types: Paul, Randy, Linman and others are American military salutes. As for Davis and Zach, they are salutes of American police, which are slightly different from the salutes of American soldiers.

No one would think that the four salutes look chaotic, very formal and solemn!

Xiang Weirong put down his arm and said loudly to Guan Xingquan in front: "Guan Xingquan, listen to my orders!"

Guan Xingquan's whole body conditioned reflex generally survived again: I haven't heard such an order for many years.

"Come back alive!" Xiang Weirong gave the order.

Guan Xingquan, who had finished the ceremony, saluted here again and said loudly: "Yes! Squad leader!"

At this moment, Zhang Nan felt that his brother-in-law and Guan Xingquan were so cool!

No, it's not cool, it's a feeling that's hard to describe.

The astronaut got on the vehicle and headed to the launch pad nearly 3 kilometers away. As for Zhang Nan and others, they walked more than 100 meters toward the launching platform. There was an auditorium, and behind it was a row of concrete trenches similar to bullet avoidance ditch. There was an open door in the trench, and inside was a solid bunker.

In the event of an accident, the person watching the launch can enter the bunker as quickly as possible: the rocket is not a nuclear bomb, and if it explodes, it has no destructive power of nearly three kilometers.

But what if it loses control halfway through the launch and smashes down?

It's not that such a thing has never happened.

Aerospace engineering, especially manned space engineering, is absolutely high risk!

There is a lounge on the side, and the women take the children to relax temporarily to relieve the depression and tension caused by the previous expedition ceremony.

As for Zhang Nan and other men, they were all standing or sitting in the viewing area, and Zhang Nan even smoked two cigarettes, which relieved the somewhat depressed state of mind.

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