The ranch is very large, extending far north along the foot of the hills. Today, the destination of Zhang Nan and his party is the holiday manor on the ranch.

A product of the Soviet era, it is only 50 kilometers away from Almaty. In summer, this area is a summer resort for employees in other parts of Kazakhstan.

As for winter, the hills on the south side and the adjacent Waiyili Mountain are excellent ski resorts.

In the Soviet era, social welfare was a great advantage. Fortunately, even farm workers can take a long vacation with their families for free every one or two years.

It is not the so-called deceptive recuperation that takes place every five days, but the real vacation and recuperation for at least half a month!

Looking at the facilities from afar, he didn't think about it. Andre said again: "Boss, this neighborhood is already your property, it's one of the gifts from the joint forces."


Zhang Nan is puzzled. It is in the hinterland of Central Asia. He likes to occupy land everywhere, but he wants a piece of land here to be useful!

As for the company’s vacation, if it is a reward, from the sea, there are semi-open private resort islands in the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. In the next few years, there will be a super cruise ship such as the replica "Titanic".

As for the mountainous areas, eastern Germany has large-scale holiday resorts with its own property rights, and England also has small holiday resorts; in the United States, Montana’s super ranch is actually a holiday resort.

If you are at your own expense, you can decide by yourself, but whoever will go to Central Asia Forte on vacation will definitely not go here if he is okay anyway.

Is there something special about occupying a site?

Sure enough, here Andre smiled and shook his head and said, "No, boss, this holiday manor on the same side of the ranch is just a piecemeal and attached. It didn't take much thought from the brothers. The really important gift is the things in the ranch.

Zhang Nan knew that the "brothers" he was talking about were the Red Devil, Thomas, Linman and other old folks, and even Davis, Zach and others were added.

It is said that the company paid for it. In all likelihood, these old guys took out their own pockets and used their own small treasury, otherwise Zhang Nan would have known the company's capital flow before.


Unless a group of people unite to cheat, it will be fine even if it is found out in the end: spending money and effort to give gifts to the big boss, what big things can happen.


What's in the ranch?

The resort is on the hills, and the next step is the pasture where the plains and gentle hills intersect: As the distance gets closer, Zhang Nan feels that this is not an ordinary pasture, because there is a very regular runway in the distance.

It is not an airstrip, but a runway that is found in modern horse racing and horse breeding farms. It has a large area.

As soon as he entered the road between the ranch and the villa, the convoy suddenly stopped, and Zhang Nan saw Charlize Theron actually rushing out of the car in front of him!

It is swift, agile, and quickly ran to the guardrail on the north side, still yelling!

"My God, it's so beautiful, I want it, it's mine!"

That car should have been driven by Vasily, this one, Andre played a dumb puzzle with the boss, and Charlize Theron in the car in front probably already knew the inside story.

Seeing the situation clearly, Zhang Nan finally figured out why Charlie was so nervous: a silver steed that was so elegant that it was indescribable and like an elf was galloping sideways from the inside of the fence!

The silver steed, the real silver body, the body is elegant, the silver silk-like luster in the sun, this is the perfect combination of elegance and power!

There is no rider on the horse's back, it just runs freely.

This is not an ordinary ranch, but a demobilized horse farm!

As for that batch of horses, Zhang Nan was a bit dumbfounded from a distance. It is really difficult to describe its elegance, strength, and the beauty of sports that radiate from all over his body in words!

"Boss, this is our gift to you, the best pure-blooded Akhalje Golden Horse, the king of horses, the real elves!"

As Andre spoke, Zhang Nan looked at the silver elf running away and said unconsciously: "Sweat horse, I want more, the more the better!"

Those who have no money play cars, those who have money play watches, and those who are really rich play airplanes and famous horses!

Do you have money?

Too **** rich!

"Boss, if there is only one horse, then we will send it directly to the United States..."

Andre was smiling and saying that soon Zhang Nan had the consciousness of becoming a super bunny!

"...The best 512 horses are here, and there is no better pure blood Akhalje Golden Horse on earth.

And here are the top Akhalje Golden Horse trainers and breeding experts we hired, who will serve you in the future. "

Zhang Nan turned his head fiercely and stared at Andrei: "I heard that there are only more than 3,000 pure-blooded Akhalje golden horses in the world. You robbed Turkmenistan?"

Andre shrugged his shoulders, "It can't be said that robbing, at most it is a robbery, otherwise it will be dealt with in a normal way, and all the liquid funds that have been emptied of the joint force will not be able to get back so much, and some unconventional means are used.

Most of these 512 horses were obtained from the Akhaldi Golden Horse Racecourse in Turkmenistan, oh, now it is renamed the Presidential Racecourse.

The Soviet Union invested a lot of energy, and now the new traitors want to make a fortune on the horse farm, and they have no systematic development plan at all.

Just now, the silver spirit was one of the best dozen of them. It was offered at 8 million U.S. dollars. It was still a friendly price. It was said that the international horse market auction could cost 10 million.

Since they want to grab it, don't blame us for playing tricks.

A country with a big butt, playing with the traitors every minute.

We collected about 200 other horses in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan with almost all horse farms with pure blood Akhalje golden horses.

With this base, boss, you have a breeding base for the most noble horse breed.

Not to mention money, you are the one in the circle of the rich and powerful!

What Arabian horses, British thoroughbred horses, in front of them, then you have to stand aside! "

Thumbs Of course Zhang Nan understands what it means.

Andrei continued: "We have got the horses and the experts and talents who raise horses for a while, and they will be kept here for the time being. Those Akhaljekin horse experts from Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan think that it is still temporarily It is better to raise it here for a few months.

If necessary, they will be shipped to the United States in batches at a later date. The ranches on the Montana side can also become an excellent breeding center.

I just didn’t think that the boss would come here to play archeology. Coincidentally, otherwise you would only see them on your birthday in July.

Boss, how about this birthday present?"

Zhang Nan smiled, "Andre, know how we Chinese people call it?

Sweaty BMW, Tianma! "

Zhang Nan didn't bother to verify whether the Dawanma that was mentioned more than 2000 years ago was it or not. Just the few glances just now, this is Tianma!

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