Engels City is located on the east bank of the Volga River, across the river from Saratov, the capital of Saratov Oblast. The two cities are actually one, connected by a bridge, which is a bit similar to the situation in the three towns of Huaxia Wu and Han .

Fifty-two years ago, this city was the capital of the Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. For historical reasons, there were hundreds of thousands of Germans living in the Soviet Union at that time, most of which were in Engels and its surrounding areas.

But this will happen, there are few German descendants in the city. At that meeting in 41 years, these people who maintained their national language habits and always did not like to perform military service because of their beliefs were either scattered and exiled to the neighboring Kazakhstan, or kicked into Siberia!

All Germans who were able to work were sent to concentration camps for forced labor in 42 years, and one third of them did not survive!

The above is what Charlize Theron said casually on the plane heading to Engels City. She remembered a passage from a high school history textbook.

The city of Lenin next to Baiknur is the city of Engels, which is about to arrive. Her brother likes these city names, but in the American textbooks, there is nothing good about the Soviet Union, especially those related to these special city names. city.

Even if the living room of the 767 is not comparable to the 747, it is still quite spacious. Zhang Nan, Xiang Weirong, Andre and Jiang Aihua will be there.

After listening to what Charlie had known about Engels in the textbook, Zhang Nan asked her: "Why, a little sympathy for those Germans?"

Charlize Theron shook slightly, "No, if I were Stalin, I would do the same, even worse!

During World War II, Germany issued a call to Germans all over the world, urging them to return to Germany to serve the Third Reich. It is too dangerous to have such an ethnic group in the hinterland.

I will never leave hundreds of thousands of people from the German ethnic group behind. It is a time bomb. Once the battle is critical, no one can guarantee that these people will become a leader.

Besides, from the current point of view, the immigration wave that has started in the past few years shows that the Germans in Russia are unreliable, at least for Russia. "

Charlie didn't say a word, and her brother didn't say it in front of her, but it was a famous Chinese solstice saying she knew by Su: If you are not of my race, your heart must be different!

When the Berlin Wall fell and the two Germanys had not yet merged, this large number of Volga Germans began to migrate back to their ancestors' hometown, Germany.

The relevant laws and policies of Germany are also conducive to the return of these Germans who have lived in Russia for more than 200 years. In the next few years, more Germans of Russian and Kazakh origin will migrate back to Germany.

Regarding Charlie’s words, Zhang Nan smiled, “It’s actually the same with the eyes of that time. Think about how the Germans in the Sudetenland did it?

Welcome, Stalin is right.

But don’t say anything outside. Race issues are the most troublesome. You are also a public figure. There are hundreds of ethnicities in our company. It’s best to downplay these issues. "

Charlie's eyes were white, and the meaning was clear: Brother, I'm not stupid!

Sunshine Star's subordinate groups and companies are spread all over the world, and there are people of all nationalities in them, but they can't make ethnic conflicts, at least on the surface, or they will open a hairy company.

Although the city of Engels is not big, there are three airports: the smallest is dual-use, which can only take off and land small and medium-sized aircraft. According to the classification of the United States, the maximum is 737.

Zhang Nan's 767 is too big to be accepted by a small airport. Fortunately, this flight has an unusual relationship. The Russian military gave the green light and arranged the Engels long-range aviation airport.

"Long-distance airport" is a literal translation of the name, and it brings a bit of military flavor with every taste. When the 767 descends, Zhang Nan can really feel the strength of the Soviet Red Army at the time!

The long-distance Tu-95 long-range bomber is next to the parking position of his private jet, and on the opposite side of the taxiway, there are a total of 6 beautiful and huge supersonic strategic bombers!

The perfect combination of speed and power, NATO called the "pirate flag", the Russians called the "white swan", Russian official number: Tu-160!

Except for those official airshows, Zhang Nan felt that he should be the first to see these super strategic bombers that only started to equip the Soviet Air Force 6 years ago!

A few days ago, I still said that such a super bomber was useless to me, but suddenly appeared in front of me, Zhang Nan stood on the tarmac and looked stupidly for a while.

Others are also looking at the opposite Tu-160, not just for the reason to accompany the boss, there are not many opportunities to see the "pirate flag" up close, especially the two people brought by Jiang Aihua.

There are not many famous places to watch from afar, but the opportunity is rare.

Zhang Nan suddenly thought of something and asked: "Are all 160 of Russia here?"

The object was Andre, who said: "Yes, boss, basically it should be here.

The Ukrainians want to sell, these planes are useless in their hands. Russia thinks it can only be bought by them, but there is no hard currency on hand, and there are six or seven hundred cruise missiles that support it. "

Tu-160 began to be equipped with troops in 1987~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Soviet Air Force originally planned to have 100 planes, but in 1991, the country disintegrated and the economy was in trouble. This Tu-160 was already in a state of practical suspension.

Up to this meeting, a total of 25 aircraft had been produced, and Russia had obtained poor 6 aircraft. The other 19 aircraft were originally stationed in Ukraine and became Ukrainian property.

Seeing a bit greedy, I finally shook my head: I remember that most of the "pirate flag" in Ukraine's hands was eventually repaid to Russia. Those Tu-160s who were going to engage in Ukraine could get it, but that would not only be against Washington, but also The stalemate with the Kremlin is not worth the gain.

The airport is huge, and there are many combat aircraft in the distance, but Taiyuan looks down on the model.

Dismiss the idea and leave in the car that was prepared long ago: It's quite interesting, but I saw a few small planes halfway through the road, which is definitely an antique-level Bo-2.

This is the long-distance airport where strategic bombers are deployed. I didn’t expect that there are still these old antiques that are obviously in a flyable state: this type of light aircraft first flew in 1928, the Soviet Union stopped production in 51, and Poland produced it to 55. year.

At least it is an old antique more than 40 years ago. If you look at the "bear" bombers that are gradually moving away, it is no wonder that this aircraft can last for decades after it is used.

Who says Maozi’s airplane has a short lifespan, there are many freaks here.

Without staying in Engels, the convoy drove southeast as soon as it left the airport and went directly to the station near the scheduled landing place of the spacecraft's return cabin.

It takes more than 100 kilometers to get there in two hours. Zhang Nan sighed after an hour: "No wonder some people say that the sky in Russia is so wide. It seems that there are no people in the past!"


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