The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1543: Soviet Trophy

   Zhang Nan bought all the Mother's Series medals and medals in this booth. The Soviet Mother's Medal with a certificate cost 1,200 US dollars.

   There are relatively many top-level medals, even with the original certificate, this will be the price.

   There are no more items that Zhang Nan particularly likes in this souvenir shop, so I continue to wander from house to house along the small streets in the market.

   I only buy high-quality goods, the price is moderate anyway, and I have too much money to go, so there is less fun of bargaining and fighting wits.

   The speed is fast, and the owners of each store will offer the most classic goods. There is no need to look at the horns of the goods at all, and it took two hours to get down half a circle.

   At this speed, Zhang Nan can finish shopping before dark.

   It will take more than two hours to spend a small one hundred thousand dollars, which always feels unsatisfactory.

   Buying things can be addictive.


   In a shop that is rare in an old market and is several times larger than other stalls and small shops, Zhang Nan saw a lot of things he likes.

   This store mainly deals in cold weapons. According to the average market level, the goods in the store are expensive, obviously taking the high-end route.

   The price is high, and the things are good.

   There are swords from the Middle Ages to the standard swords of the post-war Soviet era. There are also a few armors. Even the bulletproof breastplates of the Soviet assault engineers in World War II have a few sets.

  The most eye-catching thing in the store is a large number of standard swords produced and distributed in Germany during World War II, as well as a small number of cold weapons from the 18th and 19th centuries in Eastern and Central Europe.

   As for the Soviet Union's own products, of course, the number is the largest, but the level of public welfare is really far from the German products.

It is normal for German things to appear here. Not to mention the seizures on the early battlefield. After the Red Army invaded the territory of the Third Reich, especially after the surrender of Germany, it basically took the Soviet war zone and the valuables in the short-term occupation zone. Useful items, anyway, basically everything that is needed is emptied: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth are typical!

   Maozi is greedy, but Zhang Nan really admires their way of doing things, playing with morals to convince people?

   Your family died in vain?

   You are making a movie so funny!

  When you treat the enemy, you have to go to death and get back with a hundred and thousand times of revenge!

   The previous revenge came back. This will cause a large number of trophies to flow into the market, just as the old Zeiss camera is more common in Russia.

   There are a lot of German goods in Russia today, and many of them are still good things.

   Zhang Nan previously emptied several hidden treasure houses of the Third Reich. Not long ago, he said that he had an extremely rich collection of Third Reich swords, and he didn't expect to be slapped in the face in this store.

   Something hit, and my family accidentally waved that big slap, and the slap was quite loud. Zhang Nan was out of anger.

   "Brother, I think there are a few things we don't have in our family."

   It’s so dead, but Charlize Theron jumped out to add fire, and honestly came to tell the truth, this unintentional slap really made a "pop-pop" sound.

   She also thought that her brother's collection was rich enough, but some of them really didn't have it at home, and she was curious.

   Those who have not seen it can also be judged to be the things of the Third Empire, not only because many items have the 4D mark, but also because the swords themselves have a strong Germanic taste.

  In ancient times, the sword symbolized courage, honor, and authority. Since ancient times, the sword has always been one of the objects that represent lofty honor, and it has power!

   During World War II, for every German soldier, uniforms, decorations, badges, and sabers were important and necessary components of appearance.

  Every badge, every decoration, every saber seems to have become an indispensable part of their daily lives.

   Take it with you, carry it in your luggage, put it at home, and in the end all become the spoils of the Soviet Red Army.

  Gold and jewelry all belong to the country?


Among the people here, Xiang Weirong will be the first to jump out and say that it is impossible. The guys who have been to Afghanistan and Vietnam among the bodyguards will also have the same view. Order something as a souvenir?

   The things of the empire are good. The mustache is still a guy who likes to play retro. The ceremonial wars are often more exaggerated than the ancient Roman army.

   The atmosphere is like this, naturally, those sabers and sabers of the Third Reich are not only sharp weapons, but also a symbol of the identity and status of the wearer.


  The design of the German Army Sabre of World War II mainly follows the Germanic style of ancient or medieval times, with some classical colors and other regional elements.

   Daggers and swords are basically the gorgeous baroque designs in the early Middle Ages. Who made them have a crazy head who once aspired to be an artist? It is said that many of these designs have the shadow of a mustache.

   In contrast to the practical trend of the World War II Little Devil Sabre, the various sabers other than bayonet and fighting knives in World War II Germany paid more attention to the distinction between etiquette and military services.

   To put it bluntly, let the brethren hang up and play Tsundere, not really used to start the film, but there are still many types of daggers that are not less powerful than the daggers of the Roman Empire!

   Zhang Nan remembers that in the movie "The Dawn Here is Quiet", there was a female soldier who was stabbed and killed by the German army with a dagger in her left chest. That dagger was actually a SS dagger.

   The real world is very strange. Nowadays, many European and American collectors are looking for objects from the Third-Empire period and exploring history in good name. As a result, the prices of various ceremonial swords and daggers used by German devils have been rising all the way, and there is no bargain.

   People, it’s easy to heal the scar and forget the pain.

There are common stormtrooper sabers in this store. The metal fittings on the hilt and scabbard are made of polished nickel silver. There are also some that use cheap nickel-plated and chrome-plated zinc parts in order to save costs after the outbreak of World War II. The price difference between the two today is several times.

  The owner also recommended a high-ranking stormtrooper honor saber with a sword body carefully forged with hand-patterned steel. Zhang Nan actually has it, but he never let it go: his nephew's eyes are shining!

   I will give it to my nephew if he likes it. Anyway, he is even more advanced. The hilt is made of ivory, and there are several sabers for the stormtroopers as gifts for leaders.

   There are also rare stormtrooper commander hall flag guard sabers, which are of good quality, and they are all bought.

The owner of this shop is originally a well-known figure in the Moscow military circle. This business is done with a smile: some goods are really too expensive, not to mention ordinary Western tourists can’t afford it, even many small ones. The collectors can't bear it.

   And there is still another problem: This will bring the sword of the Third Reich out of the Russian Customs, but it is not as convenient as the Soviet Medal. Beware of being blackmailed, or even being locked up in an iron cage!

   The owner has a way out of customs, but it is not convenient to send it to the Western auction by himself, and the cost is also high.

  If you don’t get up or down, the business is good, but the real good things don’t sell well.

   This time is good. The big boss behind the market is actually a super collector. He bought the most expensive ones. Although the price is relatively low, there is still a good profit, and he can still climb the big tree behind the big boss.

   Zhang Nan said that there will be real good things in the future. This shop owner can contact the market management staff, and he will naturally not lose money for the first time.

made money!

There are various types of sabers, including the stormtroopers. There are more notorious SS swords. The 1933-style and 1936-style SS standard sabers are more than ten handles. However, Zhang Nan chose each handle. The best is for the nephew.

The shop owner also recommended a rare SS Himmler Honor Sword, which was only awarded to the 200 of the SS who participated in the "Night of the Long Sword" operation to clean the stormtrooper led by Ernst-Rome. Key members.

   That's it, which is highly respected by Western collectors of Yanyan mobile phone: On the back of the sword is engraved: InherzlicherFreundschaft, H.Himmler.

   means "In a sincere friendship, Heinrich Himmler".

   Zhang Nan kept this rare sabre for himself, because the treasure house he had discovered before was not in it. Later, the people below bought him one on the international auction market, but the image is not as good as the one in front of him.

   The friend of the shopkeeper in the same market also sent a 1936-style SS epee and a SS honorary sword, so as not to miss Zhang Nan, a super customer.


   Isn’t it just money? Even if you don’t sell them, the prices of these rare Third Reich swords will rise sharply in the past few years, and you will feel comfortable in your heart.

   The stormtroopers and the SS are notorious. In addition to the sabers of these two organizations, the ordinary imperial army has more sabers.

  The common German army sabers are available in both long and short styles. There are also custom-made ivory sword hilts, which were originally decorated by wealthy officers.

   The price is secondary, and the goods are rare, so I still buy it.

   The Third Reich Navy's saber has two handles, which are related to the original number and the number of Soviet troops seized.

   Air force sabers have been available for generations, even the earliest German Air Sports Association sabers, there was no Third Reich Air Force at that time.

   There is actually "a combination of devil and angel"-the German Red Cross sword and machete!

   Zhang Nan held a machete from a grassroots member of the German Red Cross of World War II in his hand, and said leisurely: "At the beginning, this thing was awarded to all male members of the German Red Cross. Interesting?

   The Red Cross Society of Rescue, Rescue matches this. "

   of course interesting!

   The man has a machete in his hand, and the German Red Cross logo engraved on the front of the guard is more interesting: an eagle with a ** party emblem on its chest and a red cross in its claws!

   "Saving people internally and killing people externally, this knife has a good meaning, the lunatic mustache is really straightforward!"

   Zhang Nan’s evaluation is also interesting: This Nima III-Imperial Red Cross, nowadays, looking at the logo will make some people feel confused.

   There are also the first and second types of national air attack defense alliance soldiers' sabers, and the first and second types of national air attack defense alliance leaders' sabers, which were not originally in Zhang Nan's collection.

  Imperial Treasure, who would stuff those things in. I don’t even buy this kind of saber on purpose. I even know that there are such things only when I read the information a few years ago. I didn’t know about it when I turned to Ordinary drivers in the Third Reich The era also has its own saber: the national socialist transport corps saber, which is exactly the same style as the stormtrooper sabre, except that the hilt is different in color.

Buy this stuff too: Zhang Nan originally had the saber of the senior leader of the National Socialist Transport Corps. The rare sabre is now very rare. The sword is made of pure Damascus steel with the motto of the stormtrooper engraved on the body. On the back is also engraved with the manufacturer's trademark and mustache's signature.

   fine, very fine.

   The standard saber for diplomats with the eagle head facing to the right in the guard is almost the same. The only difference is that there is also the standard sabre for Third Reich government officials with the eagle head facing to the left.

  There are also national railway system sabers, police sabers, emergency technical arms sabers and so on.

   Buy some if you don’t have it. When you have enough, Zhang Nan said to Xiang Weirong: “There are so many war memorabilia.

   "If you win, you live, everything is yours. If you lose, let alone anything, your life is gone."

   Brother-in-law is the master who has searched streets and residential areas in Lao Cai, Vietnam. He is well-informed. I didn't see that he was carrying the old baby's old Omega from the 70s.

   The cheapest piece, but the most often worn, loot, has a different meaning.



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