Isaac Newton, who grew apples as an adult, wanted to sell his own apples, but when he tried to eat the apples, he lost half of his teeth because of the sourness of the apples, so he put out the idea of ​​planting apples to support his family, so he went back to his teenage years because The path of exploration that was inspired by the apple smashed, and finally discovered the existence of gravity.

It’s not like a person’s head that beats people to his head. Tu Haibo is still a bit dissatisfied, and he has to add a few words: "It’s fine for you kid to have a foreign name. It’s so good to learn how to become a scientist every day, surpassing the British. The Newton of's is also considered a bull's fork, but he is a robber!

   ashamed! "

   This train has arrived in Moscow. The 11 robbers all knelt down in the aisle and waited to be escorted out of the car.

   Tu Haibo probably stayed in the car for too long. Today, there is a lot of talk. I heard the company clerk and the "Amon" special police laugh.

   The train stopped at the Moscow Yaroslavl station platform. The ordinary passengers had got off the train early, but almost all of them stood on the outdoor platform and did not leave.

  Watch the excitement, or want to see the appearance and misery of the scum: it has been spread, if the Huaxia police do not successfully contact and extradite these robbers within a month or two, they will be sentenced by the Russian court.

   There is a death penalty in Russia today, even if he is not shot, he will be sent to a severe sentence prison in Siberia!

   In the concept of bad men, the prisons in Siberia, Russia, are probably the same concept as the heavy prisons in the Northwest China. After going there, there will not be many people who come back. Even if there is an indefinite period of change, it is still a dozen or twenty copies.

   And it is said that the prison conditions in Siberia are terrible. It is a miracle for ten who went to come back, especially those who were sentenced to life imprisonment by the Russians. I have never heard of any commutation-except death, it is impossible to leave the prison!

   The crowds on the platform were crowded, but the men guarded that they had been sold at odds and ends, and there was not much luggage left. Many people were talking about this.

   Some people hope that those scumbags will stay in Russia and sentenced, but more people hope that the Chinese police will take these robbers away for good reasons: "Robbery of international trains, what is this behavior?"

   As long as you bring a bit of ‘International’, it’s no small matter, let alone those scumbags who have robbed us in Moscow. Repeated robberies, huge amounts, and bad influence. This one is all right. Which one of us does not have two or three thousand dollars in the car?

   I think if these people take home, at least half of them will eat peanuts, and the rest will go to the Northwest! "

Those who disagree with it are the people who came to pick up the station. Some people said mysteriously: “It’s better not to send it back. You don’t know if you are in China. Ten days ago, the piles of scum on Moscow who rob us of our lives are all No, it disappeared overnight, and there was some news from the Sifang Hotel saying that it might be all for..."

   made a "cut" movement with his hands, and everyone knew it in their hearts.

"Brothers can go all together this time, they are all operated by the Alexei company. The big boss is still our Huaxia. Think about how they manage the Moscow market. Even the Russian police have a line. If those scumbags stay Russia, even if it gets into the barbed wire, can it still live?

  People not only play black, they also play mercenaries! "

  "Mercenary?" Someone has only visited Russia once or twice before, and they are still newcomers to foreign affairs.

  "It’s Mr. Allen, the boss of Zhang Nan. They are not only the American super-rich we can know on TV at home, he has tens of thousands of mercenaries in Africa.

   Both have their own military bases in the Gambia and Botswana, and any official chiefs of those two countries are said to be on par with the president.

  Especially the Gambia, let me tell you, he raises the whole country, and the president has to listen to him..."

   I really can't hear these at home. If you have heard of it, I will add it to the side. If you don't know, I will listen carefully, with an incredible look.

   is awesome!

  "You all know the Ukrainian Grand Hotel, that boss Zhang has more than four markets in Moscow, and even the Ukrainian Grand Hotel belongs to him!

   Isn’t it awesome? If you make a lot of money on this trip, I think I’ll have to go there for a meal. "

   Here a middle-aged man wearing glasses heard this and said with a smile: "I said Lao Wang, what else to eat, I will take the car back tomorrow night, and let people book the tickets early.

   This trip is really dangerous. The knives are all around the neck. If Boss Zhang didn't send someone, we would be really him-mama miserable! Tonight, I will stay in the Ukrainian Grand Hotel. How about we? "

   The man called Lao Wang shook his head again and again, "I have to live for a week, and I can't bear it. Or I will call some old guys in the evening, I will be a host, and have a meal in Ukraine."

   "You must be poor!" This one joked.

   "Fear each other! Feel free to order your seat!" This person blew.

   These two people have a box, the money was robbed, and they were using the gold ring. As a result, several security personnel rushed in and made their way. The transcripts and everything are done on the train, and there will be nothing for them to do next, and a trip to the Ukraine Hotel is just a small thank you.

   Everyone didn’t know that the Ukrainian Hotel actually belonged to Xiang Weirong, and it all belonged to Zhang Nan, but what does it matter?

   The Russian special police and Tu Haibo and others in the car saw that the passengers outside did not leave, and there were more people on the platform than passengers. Perhaps other Chinese lords who got the news came to watch the excitement.

  There are more and more people, including news reporters. Fortunately, the people below are quite conscious and set aside a passage. There are also some Russian police and company personnel who have maintained the order outside and negotiated.

  Tu Haibo said to Joseph: "Go down, otherwise there will be more and more people."

   Joseph nodded, and negotiated with the Russian special police who led the and we were ready to get off the car.

   Tu Haibo and others were wearing Russian camouflage uniforms with the ‘Amon’ logo and anti-terrorist headgear on their heads. They opened the door and got out of the car.

   The heads of the robbers were all exposed, and the escorts were all wearing headgear. One was to increase the exposure rate of the robbers, and also to add a positive image and gilding to the Russian police. Anyway, everyone knows what happened.

   This way, Alexei will not be too public. Everything is discussed in Moscow in advance, hello, me, hello, everyone.

   Two "Amon" in uniforms and no headgear got out of the car first, and then the one who got off was Tu Haibo with his headgear on and only his eyes and mouth exposed.

   When I got out of the car, I heard a cheer, "Good job! Good job brothers!..."

   The men were cheering. The heroes got out of the car. Behind Tu Haibo was a robber with handcuffs on his back and shackles on his feet.

After    was Qiu Bo. The two of them held one of them, clamped the arms of the prisoners with some soft legs, and directly dragged them through the passageway made by the fallen man.

   The robbers were taken down one by one, and the cheers on the platform did not stop!

   This is a bit of the feeling of cheering from the crowds on both sides of the road when they returned from the war triumphantly. Tu Haibo and the others were warm in their hearts after the standing year!


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