Zhang Tiejun knew that the attendants and bodyguards around Zhang Nan were amazing, especially those who could follow him personally, none of them were simple characters.

Not to mention the two super giants that only appeared after the confluence of Xiangjiang, this group of people are still within the normal body shape, there are people who look at people without emotion, and there are also ferocious eyes like wolves. There is always like an ordinary person.

   Ordinary people in the ordinary people pile are normal ordinary people, but ordinary people in a group of abnormal people can still give orders. That is no ordinary person, such as sitting in the co-pilot today.

   I don’t think I’m young anymore. I know from the conversation that he is still a Russian. He has always looked kind, and he should be an uncle next door or uncle in a foreign country.

   But it will talk about the matter of destroying the whole family. It's as simple and trivial as talking about going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.


   is an illusion!

   The dead are not a big deal. Every year in Yan County, I can hear that someone is killed by the fire, not to mention that Zhang Tiejun often goes to Myanmar, where he has even encountered armed conflicts between local armed forces.

   Several people died, a small scene.

   But that Evans was a colonel 133 years ago and said that he would destroy his door. This is more than a century later, unless a few generations are passed on, how many offspring will it have?

  , Zhang Tiejun doesn’t think there will be a discount here: the ancestral spirit of robbers, a nail in one spit, and when you say that you kill the door, you will kill the door, never compromise!

   Just kill the door, just think for a while, it doesn't matter to him, his thoughts will soon turn to the matter of arranging a dinner at home for the top rich in Xiangjiang tomorrow night.

   He knew that Zhang Nan was here to settle a small business in the diamond business by the way, and the target was the one who visited yesterday.

   I didn't make diamonds, but I have heard of some twists and turns here. In bulk trade, like the original giant De Beers in the diamond industry, it implements a license system for operating licenses.

   Without a license from De Beers, businessmen in the diamond business would not be able to get their first-hand loose diamonds. As for the rough stones, don't even think about it!

   Xiangjiang jewelers have been trying to get the license for the past two decades, but there are not many successful ones. For example, Chow Tai Fook has many licenses given by De Beers.

   There are restrictions on the diamond purchase indicators that can be obtained for each license. For large jewelry companies like Chow Tai Fook, one license alone is not enough.

   In the era when De Beers almost monopolized the international diamond trade, the share that Xiangjiang could get was enough, but not anymore.

   On the side, the Star Group owned by Zhang Nan has risen strongly. Some things were only known after smoking after dinner yesterday: The Star Group has not only been able to fight against the old De Beers, but even slightly crushed the other side!

Nowadays, Star Group not only produces a large number of high-quality diamonds, but also joins forces with Indians, not only squeezing De Beers in the high-end market, but also in the low-end market, the diamonds processed in India are about to let De Beers and the Belgians go to the Northwest. The wind is up.

The leader of the Hong Kong jewelry industry has already entered the mainland. According to the theory that a population of 500,000 people must have a jewelry store, Chow Tai Fook alone wants to open more than 2,000 branches in the mainland in the future, relying on the De Beers family to see. This is not a long-term solution.

   You must find the Star Group. The backstage boss of the parent company is still a Chinese, so it's always easy to talk about it.

  Furthermore, although the Star Group also operates a jewelry store, the terminal market only uses mid-to-high-end lines, and monopoly supply channels are their main business. This does not conflict with companies such as Chow Tai Fook, which is a terminal.

According to what was said yesterday, Chow Tai Fook will open branches all over China in the future, but it is estimated that Star Group will open a few branches in China at most, that is, Beijing, Shanghai, and Yangcheng. Most provincial capitals will not set up terminal sales. point.

   Chow Tai Fook and the Star Group will only be a cooperative relationship, there is no contradiction, only interests, but there is a partial conflict with Zhang Tiejun's future goals!

   Fortunately, there is not a high degree of overlap in the direction of temporary main business operations, but the benefits of cooperation are greater.

   My mind is thinking about how to let my jade products enter the Xiangjiang market. This is a big piece of fat, or the fat that the locals of Xiangjiang don't have much fun with for the time being.

  "Does Chow Tai Fook have jade?

   I didn't pay attention last time, so I have to take a look this time. "

   It’s not that I have never seen Xiangjiang jewelry merchants purchase goods in Myanmar, but compared with the boss of the Iron Army, those people are now scum on the jadeite line!

   Xiangjiang people are rich, but in the jade industry, rich, shortcomings, vision, and less luck, that's a big deal!

   Emerald rough stone has always been one of the top big heads in Myanmar. Others have hidden dragons and crouching tigers, but there is absolutely no share of Xiangjiang people here.

   In recent years, the rich and powerful of Hong Kong have bought jadeite generally to go to Southeast Asia. There have always been a lot of large Chinese jadeite merchants over there.

   Zhang Tiejun will look at the city of Xiangjiang outside the car, thinking that for up to ten years, he will let all the rich Hong Kong people who like to go south to go north to Shanghai, and find him Zhang Tiejun!

   If you make up your mind, there are not many things that can't be done.

   The boss of the Iron Army is perfecting his plan for the Emerald Kingdom. If Zhang Nan can know what this person is thinking, he will definitely give him a thumbs up: Go boldly, I am optimistic about you!

  Because he knows that this is not greedy, he can really succeed in this matter, a proper legend.

   However, Zhang Nan didn't have any thoughts in his mind at this meeting. Just now, a family of British robbers who had a brain lack of calcium broke the lunch meal. Zhang Nan was hungry before the car went through the tunnel.

   Breakfast isn't a problem, it's not as good as a few big meat buns, plus the tea you drank in the Ma boss’s shop, this will make you hungry.

   People are iron and rice is steel, so people cannot go hungry.

   When I mentioned it on the phone, someone immediately contacted the hotel.

   It’s not about going back to the Peninsula Hotel to have a meal. I want to change my taste and go to a famous chain restaurant called Ah Yi Abalone on Nathan Road. The founder of that restaurant is said to have shown his cooking skills to Tai Zongye, a world-class Chinese chef.

  I was born to eat, and I can’t lose myself. I don’t know if this is a coincidence. If the chef happens to be in that restaurant, I’m probably going to take care of myself.

   The brigade arrived, the box was ready, the chef who had been to the capital was not there, let's do it.

  Notify in advance, not just who it is. This is where you can eat. Although it is not a top chef, the dishes taste good, but for Zhang Nan's salty mouth, Cantonese cuisine always feels a little lighter.

   Abalone relies on the soup and side dishes. It seems that the boss of Tiejun feels good eating it. Zhang Nan can make do with it. Hungry is not so particular about it, so you can't eat it with soy sauce.

   While eating, he said to Zhang Tiejun by the way: "One time I went to Southeast Asia, where Chinese restaurants were easy to find, but I also wanted to find Sichuan restaurants all over the world, and my mouth was almost fading out in a few days!"

   The boss of Tiejun laughed when he heard it, and said, "There is a Sichuan restaurant in Xiangjiang. I had it once when I was traveling last year. It tasted good.

   The one I ate last time seems to be not far from the Peninsula Hotel where I live. By the way, I read the service manual in the room. The Peninsula Hotel also has Sichuan cuisine. Or I will treat you tonight."

   stuffed a piece of abalone with sliced ​​ham in his mouth, and Zhang Nan bulgingly said, "That's a deal.

   is just for Sichuan food, don’t fool around with hot pot. "

   "Don't worry, hot pot is hot pot, and Sichuan cuisine is Sichuan cuisine. I can't mix it up."

   are all connoisseurs. If someone says to eat Sichuan food, that really doesn’t mean eating hot pot.

   "bang, bang, bang"

   There are windows in the box, and Zhang Nan does not have the habit of sitting by the window. This is also a security requirement. As a result

   Zhang Tiejun hadn't reacted yet, and Zhang Nan and Zhang Nan had already been dragged out of their seats, lowered their bodies, and there was a sound of "cracking" in English.

After looking back, I and Zhang Nan are already hiding in the corner. Among the several attaches and bodyguards who were dining in the box, some of them have guns in their hands, and the lead Joseph is facing the tall earphones. Speak in English that he does not understand.

   "You can run into a gold shop after a meal, I will wipe it!"

   Okay, I finally heard a sentence that I could understand, it was Zhang Nan who was talking.

   Then he saw that Zhang Nan seemed to be listening carefully to the conversation between the bodyguards: The first duty of the bodyguard is to protect the boss, not to be nosy.


   Zhang Nan didn't hide when he heard it clearly. Since the outside is a gold robbing shop, it is not a killer or mercenary who is making trouble for him, so he can't squat anymore.

   Otherwise, the price will drop!

   Pulled a chair in the corner to sit down, and said to Joseph: "The robber is holding the ak47 in the street to check the wind."

   "Yes, boss, the guy below said that he was less than 150 meters away from us, and that idiot was posing in the middle of the road."

   "Kill him, this kid is worth 1 million Hong Kong dollars, you can use it as pocket money."

   Talking in Chinese, this man graduated from junior high school next to him.

   The Iron Army boss who understands the situation and has seen the local armed conflict in Myanmar is no longer worried. He will also find a chair to sit down: I just heard someone robbed with an assault rifle, and felt that the robbers outside were talented and fierce!

   I haven’t finished admiring the result, and while saying "idiot", I said "kill him!"

   Before he could react, he listened to the Josephus saying something in English, and then he heard a "bang" from downstairs.

   He doesn't understand English, how would he come to English class when he was in junior high school?

  You don’t need a foreign language to do business in Myanmar, just speak Mandarin. There are Chinese in northern Myanmar.

   He didn't know, what Joseph said just now was: "Three groups of attention, immediately kill the armed robbers in the street!"

  Behind a window on the second floor, Li Panfeng, who paid attention to the external situation, had been watching the excitement with a m4: there was a silly fork posing on the street, which looked quite interesting.

   "This policeman is slow enough, but it's better not to come, their little revolvers run into ak, it's called sending people away."

   I still have some idle thoughts.

   The level of danger on the Xiangjiang River is not too high, and there is no need for all bodyguards to be highly concentrated at all times, and have a plan.

   At the next instruction, Li Panfeng replied: "Received."

   Gently pull the trigger, 130 meters away, the front and rear fork step, an ak47 is very arrogant, and amateurish, the silly fork robber caught on his waist instantly fell back to the sky.

   A 556mm bullet hit his head at high speed. There was a small hole in the forehead as large as the head of a chopstick. The big hole in the back of the head that was connected with brain pulp, blood and broken bones could be as big as a silver dollar.

   "Three reports, the target has been killed!"

   Three groups, Li Panfeng is the first shooter, not to say that his marksmanship is the best, that's just the arrangement.

   The posing pose stopped the food. In less than half a minute, three people ran out of the Jinpu hurriedly and wanted to get in the car: they could see clearly, with their bags on their backs, and a pistol in their hands.

   These three do not panic: The boss outside is a salted fish!

   You're welcome, a few bodyguards who are watching the situation closely fired three shots, and everything was quiet.

No one knows about this. This scene was filmed by a Hong Kong citizen on a building on the side of the street with a camera: It was not Li Panfeng and others~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He wanted to shoot it all. Less than.

   are those robbers, especially the one who poses with ak and is so cool.

   It didn’t take long for the pendulum to be cool, and it turned out to be so silly to get the box lunch.

   I heard Joseph talk about outside affairs, and it is estimated that the police are coming soon, and my meal has not been finished yet.

   Zhang Nan sat back in his seat and said to Joseph: "People will go and communicate with the police later, so don't let the newspapers be too squeaky and crooked. If you say too much, they will be ashamed.

   Really! Last time I ran into a Vietnamese monkey robbing a gold shop. This time I took the ak again. These royal policemen have all eaten their food, and Xiangjiang has been in such a mess.

   That stupid robber may be Ye Jihuan, the most wanted criminal in Xiangjiang, who likes to use ak as a criminal, but he doesn't have any blood on his hands.


   He is also worthy!

   By the way, that 1 million is real, don't waste it, mosquitoes with small legs are also meat. "

   Okay, it's more than 100,000 U.S. dollars, but there is no tax.

   As long as the Hong Kong Police Department has issued this reward order, it will not be able to run, otherwise Zhang Nan will ask people to talk to their security chief and the police chief.

   He wouldn't go there himself, those people are too low-level, and Mr. Hong Kong-Governor came to invite him to move.

  The Governor of Hong Kong is considered a hairy, and after returning home, he is the least valuable British nobleman for life, and he is too lazy to rationalize.

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