The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1622: Gift from Zheng He's Fleet

   Because of Zhang Nan’s reminder, Tuwang Warma’s family has been paying attention to the news in New Delhi in recent years. The proactive preventive measures taken this time are still a whole set of clever means.

According to his description, in addition to the fact that the Brahmins can obtain money from the temples enshrined by their families, the Valmar family will not go to a gold coin of the temple treasures this trip, and it can also eliminate the federal government’s possession of the temple treasures in Delhi. There are possible threats.

   The more gold the better, the gems will be sold, but the quantity of gems and jewellery is large. If they are publicly sold, the news will definitely not be kept secret.

   Fortunately, the Valmar family has two good friends, Zhang Nan and the Jain family. No matter how much jewelry you have, you can easily sell them.

In this matter, the temple benefits, the Brahmins can benefit, and the Varma family will gain a huge reputation within its own sphere of influence. Even the nearby residents of other castes and beliefs will be affected by the investment in some public welfare infrastructure. Benefits are really happy for everyone, except for the Indian Federal Government.

  As long as things are done, New Delhi will have nothing to do with the Varma family. The Indian states have immense rights, let alone Kerala, which has always been different from New Delhi.

  The North-South contradiction, the South Indians have not been ruled by the North Indian regime in the past thousand years!

   This is a good plan, and it seems to be implemented well at the moment.

   The treasure has been shipped out of the underground treasure house for half a year, and there is still no news from the outside world. Obviously, the Valmar family and the temple itself have been absolutely confidential.

   As soon as Manu Jain arrives, and after participating in a tiger hunt for a few days, he will be able to sell the jewelry that needs to be sold.

Here Zhang Nan called Tom, who was standing not far behind him. His housekeeper hadn’t planned to eat together before. He was still in a tuxedo, waiting for instructions from his employer, just like the family housekeeper behind Old Valmar. Of standing.


   Tom bent over.

   "Notify the jewellery company to send two jewellery appraisers here within five days. They must be reliable and open-mouthed."

"Yes, sir."

   Tom straightened up, backed up to the original place and stood up straight.

   Zhang Nan didn't ask the old Valmar how many jewels and gems he was going to sell this time. He would naturally know when the time comes. Anyway, as long as the price is right, you can add the Jain family yourself, no matter how much you can eat.

   As for the total treasure, I don’t even ask, this is the least politeness.

   is also very clear. It is estimated that there will be at least 20 billion US dollars, most of which should be gold. Over a long period of more than five centuries, the accumulation of a wealthy kingdom is absolutely incredible!

   When the expansion of that temple is completed, let alone all of India, the whole world will be shocked!

   I originally thought that after the meal, today’s activity came to an end and will continue tomorrow.

   I didn't think Old Valmar motioned to the butler behind him, who raised his hand to the waiter standing at one of the entrances, and soon several waiters came in with several trays.

  "Mr. Allen, we found a few interesting things in the underground warehouse of the temple.

The priests believe that they are items from ancient China. Our high priest also knows that the preventive measures are based on your reminder. After consultation, they decided to send these items as a gift of thanks to His Royal Highness Allen. For this high priest Think Shiva will be happy too. "

   Lord Shiva was unhappy Zhang Nan didn't know and didn't care, but after seeing what was brought over, he was still a little interested.

   Several servants put the tray on the table after cleaning up in front of Zhang Nan, with a bronze Buddha in front of it.

   This is not the time when Master Xuanzang sneaked into Tianzhu. The market for Buddhism in India is not large, but this statue of Buddha with a height of about 15 cm, a quiet expression and smooth robes is entirely a Chinese Buddhist statue. ??

   Get started, look at the base, there are three words "Great Buddha Incense" on it.

   Zhang Nan carefully distinguished, Xiang Weirong on one side asked in English: "China’s?"

   is not a big deal, everyone can understand it in English.

   "Well, it should be the style of the early Ming Dynasty. The rust is not heavy, and the copper color is yellow and bright. The raw material copper should be refined several times. It is very likely that it is an official Buddha statue."

   Put the Buddha statue, which seemed unlikely to appear in the basement of the Hindu temple in Kerala, back on the tray, and Zhang Nan picked up the second piece of bronze he sent: an elegant small incense burner.

  A small copper incense burner, as long as the Chinese people who play antiques get started, the first thing is to look at the bottom.

   Unsurprisingly, the six characters "Da Ming Xuande Years" are impressive, and the bottom is surrounded by two wandering dragons.

   Whether it is Ming or Qing, it is the Republic of China. Producers like to put the mark of "Da Ming Xuande Years" with Chinese characteristics.

  The incense burner is very heavy, it has a clear pressing feeling when held in the hand, and the surface feel is extremely delicate, and the luster is different from ordinary brass.

   Zhang Nan handed it to her brother-in-law, and Xiang Weirong got it started, and then checked the volume and thickness of the incense burner and said: "Maybe gold has been added."

"should be.

   If it is a real Xuande furnace, the refined copper that has been refined eight times is 30% gold, and the color is probably like this.

   By the way, the gold and bronze Buddhas we found in the Philippines are 30 to 70% gold. The quality of the copper is not as good as this, but the color is quite similar. "

   The first half is still in English, and the second half is directly replaced with a dialect.

   Xiang Weirong handed the incense burner back to Zhang Nan, saying: "Copper and gold, the craftsmanship is so superb, is it possible that this is a real Xuande furnace?"

   "It is very possible that these things may have been gifts brought by Zheng He's fleet to the local king.

  Ancient India can only be said to be the ancient India region. There are so many countries and there are many kings.

  According to historical records, Zheng He's fleet has docked in at least 6 ports of these countries, including Xiaoge Lan, Kochi, Guri, and Gambari, which is now Cape Comorin.

   There should be Aleppe, the current unit is Abbadan, the last port is Kajil, what is it called now...

   Yes, Tutti Kolin.

  South India loves to eat fried rice. Zheng He’s crew brought this iron pot to wait.

   These items are probably gifts from Zheng He's fleet. These small countries are all nearby. The Kochi Kingdom is not far to the north in Kochi. According to records, Song, Liang, Sui, and Tang all entered China as tribute.

   Kochi is in the northwest of Kochi, the Cape of Comorin is in the rocky promontory of Tamil Nadu not far to the southeast, and the others are simply in Kerala. "

   said and pointed to the incense burner, "Zheng He's last trip to the West was in the eighth year of Xuande. Xuande furnaces should have been cast in three and four years. It is said that there are about 3,000 in total.

The shapes are different, and the materials are different. Most of them are in the palace, but many of them were given to ministers and some Fanbang envoys, or simply became gifts to the Fanbang king. This time is also Besides, when Zheng He's fleet went to the west coast of India, Buddhism has not had a market in India for more than two hundred years. In India, where there are no Buddhists, there are no private markets for Buddha statues and incense burners.

   These two things can't be commodities trafficked from China to India. At that time, Hinduism and Buddhism were prevalent in South India.

The   **** teaching cannot use this type of incense burner. Hindus worship the great gods mainly with flowers, water and milk in temples. When they burn incense at home to offer gods, they are not likely to use this type of incense burner.

   Zheng He paid homage to Buddhism. According to records, a large part of the incense rituals he gave to Buddhist temples in Buddhist countries were incense burners.

   For example, when Zheng He gave to Mount Ceylon in Yongle for the seventh year, which is today's Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka, there were ‘five bronze incense burners and five golden red incense burners’.

   It’s not surprising that the Xuande furnace appears here, but it’s strange that it has approached the basement of the temple with the Buddha..."

Zhang Nan knows that museums in New Delhi, Mumbai, and Hyderabad all have a large collection of Chinese cultural relics, and some museums in South India simply opened up Chinese cultural relics exhibition halls. Some of the cultural relics of the Ming Dynasty are most likely to be from the time Zheng He went to the West Carrying gifts.

   Valma's family gave a few of them. Whether they were brought by Zheng He's fleet or not, they were all very happy.



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