The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1642: Roosevelt's "bribery"

At dinner, Zhang Nan discovered something very interesting: the host apologized to all the guests for the bad traffic today, and then said that the chaos in Ahmedabad should be cleared out soon, no need to worry, please Naturally, you can leave the station and airport safely in two days. on the first day, everyone watched singing and dancing into the feast, taking care of Zhang Nan and the guests from the Middle East, and got on a roasted camel. The brutality that happened in the city in the morning was directly forgotten, and nothing happened to them. relation!

Today Zhang Nan learned a trick: This is the real life of a master in the traditional sense. It is above the top and does not care about what is happening at the bottom.

Indifference is not the ignorance of "why not eat meat", but the self-confidence of having a complete understanding of the current situation of society.

In contrast, those senior politicians in the Western world seem to be living the lives of masters, but today they are concerned about the famine in Africa, and tomorrow they will focus on the Middle East issue...

Compared with these princes, those people live like a low-level pauper who is busy with life all day long!

I stayed as a guest at the castle for four days and participated in a hunting event, but unfortunately there are no tigers.

Gujarat has the only wild lion outside of Africa, the Asiatic lion, but they live in a nature reserve in the southwest and have no turn to hunt.

Zhang Nan is not even interested in hunting African lions, let alone the cherished wild Asian lions, he is not a bloodthirsty hunting madman.

After the hunting activities, as Pandwin Singh said, this chaos did not spread on a large scale in Gujarat again, but was temporarily controlled by the force!

A lot of people died, and the force was suppressed. As for whether it would explode again... that was certain, but it had nothing to do with Zhang Nan.

The day after the end of the hunt, he took his private jet at Ahmedabad International Airport and returned to New York along the coming route.


Be a good man and a good father at home, and don't go around everywhere.

Between Christmas and New Year, Zhang Nan received good news.

From the Arabian Sea, the captain of the "Deep Diver" was the former chief mate of the "Sunshine Star" and the captain of the "Great Shark" waiting for the call from Jamie Bostwick.

"Boss, good news!

We are sure that we have found the ‘John ​​Barry’, which was broken in two on the seabed at a depth of 8,500 feet and gathered about 1,300 feet...

Twenty minutes ago, a large number of Shahriyar silver coins from the 1930s and 1940s were discovered from the wreckage of the ‘Peace 1’.

It is certain that it is the "John Barry" Liberty Ship. The Navy's record is correct. Washington is lying, and we are going to make a fortune! "

Jamie Bostwick on the satellite phone is obviously very excited. Zhang Nan is in Nicole's oversized office on the 82nd floor of the Empire State Building, with Nicole and Jenni at the side.

The captain had a big throat and full of breath today, and even the two housekeepers on the side heard it.

"Jamie, congratulations! Hard work!

But don't be too happy too early. Shah silver coins are just an addition head. The key is those industrial silver ingots.

According to the information, finding the silver ingots shows that the company and the guys are making a lot of money this trip. If you only rely on the Shah silver coins that can't be salvaged all, you can just keep your money. "

Hearing what the boss said, Jamie Bostwijk on the other end of the phone quickly said: "Don't worry, boss, the total value of silver coins on board is more than 25 million U.S. dollars. It is estimated that it will be no problem to salvage one-third of it within a reasonable time and within a reasonable degree of difficulty.

Our average daily comprehensive expenditure is controlled within 25,000 U.S. dollars, and we still make a fortune..."

Jamie is happy because such deep-sea salvage is costly, and the risks and rewards are also high. If the goods are received generously, all the people on the ship will get a considerable commission.

Of course, if you get nothing, or lose your money, you will not have a dime bonus except for the salary of this trip: deep-sea salvage is a gold swallowing beast, especially for such a deep salvage project.

It is difficult to find the target, and even if it is found, the subsequent salvage will be time-consuming and laborious, and the difficulty of salvaging at a depth of one or two hundred meters is simply not comparable.

"...Basically it can't be wrong. The'Peace 2'deep submersible is exploring the first half of the sunken ship. The good news is that the fracture is relatively behind, not in the front cargo warehouse.

Otherwise, we should hurry back after fishing the silver coins. There is a layer of silt on the bottom of the sea. If the silver ingots are scattered from 8,500 feet, there is no salvage value in the silt at this depth.

As long as there are silver ingots, we can now be sure that those cute babies are still in the warehouse, and we don't know if our salvage ship will be overloaded by that time. "

Jamie's estimate is based, and it should be inseparable: Even if the free wheel is broken into two pieces, it has been rotten on the seabed for nearly 50 years, but the model can still be judged.

Coupled with the discovery of a large number of silver coins minted by the Shah in that era, as well as the comparison of the sunken sea area of ​​the respective-you-wheel, it should be the "John Barry" that Washington still wants to cover up to now.

Zhang Nan stopped attacking the other party and said to the phone: "Then pay attention to safety. If there is any breakthrough, please call."

"Thank you boss, I hope we can find those lovely silver ingots before the new year!"

Zhang Nan asked the captain to convey his greetings to the crew. During the Christmas and New Year holidays for Westerners, the "Deep Diver" was still operating in the far northwestern Arabian Sea in the Indian Ocean. Get a satisfactory return.

Zhang Nan doesn't care about Baiyin, but that is the company's business and the livelihood of the employees.

After hanging up the phone, Nicole, who was sitting in the executive chair, said to Zhang Nan, "Did Roosevelt really give Stalin silver?"

"It should be that silver is not only money, it is also in great demand in industrial manufacturing.

The Soviet Union will really do its best. The Tehran Conference is still dragging the time for the opening of the second battlefield. The battle on the Italian peninsula is a small fight. Everyone knows that an Alps divides the whole of Italy into a small European world. .

Stalin is not stupid. Allied forces' actions in Italy are at best a small restraint. Even if Italy is completely occupied, the Allied mechanized forces will not be able to cross the Alps on a large scale to attack the German forces in Western Europe and Germany.

On the Eastern Front, the Soviet Union wore the overwhelming majority of the elite troops with a mustache. The Soviets were desperate and the United Kingdom and the United States made a small mess. Of course Stalin was not happy.

The results of the Tehran meeting now seem to be very good, and the three parties are happy. In fact, I judge Stalin to be absolutely unhappy. This can be analyzed by combining the situation of a series of battles on the Eastern Front at that time...

At that time, the Soviet Union had mastered the strategic initiative, but the pressure was still too great, while the millions of Allied forces were almost on vacation in the British Isles and North Africa.

I think if Roosevelt no longer produces any blood, Stalin will be able to drag the Eastern Front when landing in Normandy and wait until the attack.

If the Soviet Union found a few excuses for delaying time like the previous British and American allies, and watched a drama on the Eastern Front for a month or two, the life of the Western Front Allied forces would not know how much sadder it would be!

Once this happens, accusing the Soviet Union is of little use. Allied forces have been watching the scenes from the west across the sea and watching the east for a year or two.

But unless we get the silver up, Washington will never admit that there is such a thing. If it weren’t for some of us in the Department of the Navy to search for information on various sunken ships, the newly declassified naval information could have been destroyed by Washington. They would still remember if this happened..."

At this time, Jenny, who was reading the report before, said: "But this is also a good thing. For the sake of face, Washington does not recognize this. That batch of industrial precious metals does not exist, and there is no need to share it with Washington.

How great! "

Zhang Nan smiled and said, "This is called face-saving, and the company can make a lot of money."

At the end of 1943, the Soviet Red Army fought tenaciously on the Eastern Front, not only regaining the strategic initiative in the war, but also winning steadily, which greatly injured Germany's vitality.

However, the price paid by the Soviet Union and the Red Army was also huge. It would be terrifying to the Western world: the cruelty and casualties of the Eastern Front War were beyond imagination!

Roosevelt tried every means to persuade the Soviet Red Army to advance westward without rushing to the price, and go straight to the German capital Berlin. Of course, he did not want the Soviets to completely occupy Germany, let alone see the Soviet Union march into Western Europe.

In addition to the "Lease Act", the United States continued to send a large number of cargo ships to provide various material assistance to the Soviet Union, Roosevelt had to use other methods to avoid Stalin and the Soviet Red Army hairy!

World War II was a world war, and American isolationism could not continue. Although the allies had been providing various assistance to the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States dragged on the issue of opening up the second battlefield on the Western Front. Stalin was very angry.

Therefore, there is a legend, a rumor that was only vaguely recorded and archived by the U.S. Navy Department, and Washington has always denied it: In order to reduce losses on its own side, continue to let the Soviet Red Army smash its moustaches.

Soon after the Tehran Conference at the end of 43, Roosevelt decided to give Stalin an American silver bullion weighing 2,000 tons and worth more than $26 million at the time to quell Stalin and the Soviet Union's dissatisfaction with the opening time of the second battlefield.

Washington wants face, in order to avoid people's eyes and ears, especially to not let the United Kingdom think that the United States is trying to please the Soviet Union. This operation is absolutely confidential.

A free-wheeler named "John Barry" was assigned to undertake this transportation task. Industrial precious metals will be shipped to the Soviet Union along with other materials.

For safety reasons, the cargo ship’s route is along the southern route, bypassing the Suez Sea, the Red Sea, and the Arabian Peninsula before arriving in Iran.

At that time, Iran was occupied by the Soviet Union, the British army, and the US army. It was very convenient to transfer a large number of industrial precious metals there, and although the southern route was long, the danger was much smaller than that of the northern route.

The plan was perfect, the loading was confidential, and even the FBI was involved in the operation.

The reality is cruel. The first half of the voyage is almost without surprises, but the Persian Gulf is almost here. A torpedo launched by a submarine sent the "John Barry" into the bottom of the Arabian Sea.

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