The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1644: Andre's simple way

The depth of the sinking of the "John Barry" is 8,500 feet, or about 2,590 meters, which is 259 atmospheres in theory according to the roughest calculation.

The pressure is so high that the difficulty of salvaging operations in such an environment can be imagined.

Jamie Bostwijk also told Zhang Nan: "The Barry was sitting down in the first half, and it was about ten degrees to the left.

All these are good news. The No. 3 cargo hold where the silver ingots are stored is on the starboard side, so at least you don’t have to worry about the hull tipping over when you take things from the sunken ship.

But that section of the cargo hold was actually reinforced, and the information we got from the shipyard in advance was not marked at all, and the underwater cutter equipped on the Mir was basically unable to chew..."

During the Second World War in the United States, the freewheels produced in large quantities were simply for a "fast", not fast, but to build fast, the performance indicators and quality of the cargo ship is so-so.

The result of so-so is that it is easy and fast to manufacture, and the number of free-wheelers is huge, which naturally leads to the quality of some free-wheelers is really so-so.

In wartime standards and speed, you don't even think about being meticulously crafted. There have even been cases in the free-wheeling wheel that opened up at sea, and the ship broke into two in a muddled way.

The structural strength is defective, and the metal is fatigued and overloaded after high-strength use...

It's not particularly strong anyway.

In order to avoid this situation from happening again, some free-wheelers manufactured in the mid-to-late stages have been structurally reinforced during construction, and some ships that have been used for one or two years at sea have micro cracks and fatigued metal structures.

This will be the veteran sailor who participated in World War II on the "Deep Diver", but has not been working on the "John Barry" since the new ship.

At that time, the crew obeyed the needs of the war and often changed jobs, especially the old crew members who had experience and were responsible for bringing new people.

Anyway, the free-wheels are all printed out of the same model, and they are all the same on which ship they work.

The "John Barry" was built in a private small shipyard in the south of the west coast. The shipyard has been closed for decades, and now there is no drawing of the ship. The drawings Jack said are just the standard drawings of Freewheel.

In fact, even if the shipyard is still there, there will be no drawings belonging to the "John Barry" alone: ​​mass-produced things can be launched in a few weeks, and the same set of drawings will win the world.

Sailors often change. Even if they don’t change it, it’s unlikely that the section of cargo hold No. 3 has been reinforced;

Even if you can tell, who would pay attention to this in those years?

Even if I have noticed it, half a century has passed, and I have forgotten all about it.

"...You can only use blasting. I contacted the company. One or two hundred meters deep blasting technology, personnel and equipment can be found in the international civilian market. The deeper ones are hidden to death. Don't even think about it. Not to mention the blasting operations carried out at depths below one thousand meters, even if there is one, it is a state secret.

Let’s do a calculation. If the cutting method is used forcibly, the two Mirs will take turns and rotate on the shaft. This time will take more than a month, or even a quarter.

The world can afford it, but it costs too much. The most terrible thing is that if you do that, the two deep submersibles will wear too much. "

This Jack paused, then said again: "So this... Boss, see if you can do it?"

Underwater blasting is a trivial matter. Even those who pirate the ancient shipwreck in the south can use this craft, but the water depth of those sea areas is less than one meter, and the depth is only a few meters or more than ten meters, which is completely incomparable.

Blasting within a few tens of meters, the own salvage company has done it in the Java Sea, 2590 meters?

be thrown off balance!

The company catches the blind, Zhang Nan also catches the blind!

"Jack, the company professionals can't help it. I'm a liberal arts student or a liberal arts student, don't I understand?

I have a hairy way! "

It's all swearing, but the old saying is not "Finding a leader if you have difficulty." Although it doesn't work out of the box, you still have to find it.

This Jack Bostewerk is also in a hurry to go to the doctor, not only the company leaders are useless, even the technical personnel are temporarily absent, and they are still inquiring everywhere.

He also had to find a boss with difficulty, and perhaps a boss with great abilities would have a way but not necessarily.

As soon as Zhang Nan finished his foul language, he felt that it was not a problem to pretend to be a dead dog and helpless, and said: "Our deep-submersible vehicle can carry the finished bomb, but there is no suitable bomb, right?"

"Yes, boss. The water pressure is too high. The bombs of general structure are either squashed or seeped. The problem of detonation is more difficult..."

The general "light-body explosive" can also be used in shallow water blasting. Under deep water pressure, there is no expectation. Initiation can not be achieved, so a finished bomb is required!

At a depth of 2590 meters, this requires a guy that can withstand 300 atmospheres to be reliable, and this will be the most advanced deep-water anti-submarine torpedo, and the maximum working depth seems to be 800 to 1,000 meters.

As for the deep-water anti-diving mine, it is even shallower. The books I have read said that the maximum working depth seems to be only three or five hundred meters.

Standard equipment cannot be counted on, only special equipment can be expected!

The question is: where to find?

Even if there is such a technology, the controller must not hide it as a treasure!

After thinking about it, Zhang Nan didn't have a particularly good idea for the time being, but he also had a general direction: small countries and weak countries are excluded, and the United States should not count on it. Even if such technology exists, it is still in the Navy.

With the United States' attitude towards explosives, high-precision technology, don't even think about it!

For the same reason in Europe, Britain, France and Germany may be able to do it, but without that friendship, even if there is friendship, it is unlikely to be given.

Even if they will, don't people come to share a piece of the pie?

Does China have this technology?

Forget it, I don’t even bother to ask if there are any. It must be a secret from the online portal. It’s too much trouble, and it’s likely to be thankless.

There is only one place left: Russia!

Thinking of this, Zhang Nan said into the microphone: "I'm going to find a way. You have been floating on the sea for long enough, and you are going to find a suitable port nearby to take a break.

By the way, you have calculated the number and power of the bombs needed, and let me know as soon as possible.

When I hear from me, even if I can find it, it's almost impossible to complete it. Once it's finished, I will know when it will be shipped. "

Two thousand tons of silver, even if you can get half of it, the current price can be hundreds of millions of dollars. If the price is not high, you can try it. The company needs it.

Jamie Bostwick on the other end of the phone smiled and said: "We are relatively close to the coast of Oman, more than a hundred nautical miles away, but we will go to the Emirate of Fujairah in the UAE.

It’s more convenient. It’s the entrepot of the US Presidential Shipping Company. Our company has signed an agreement with the other party to make it easy to use the port facilities they invested in Fujairah. The UAE and Fujairah also welcome U.S. ships to the port. The cost is still low. "

Zhang Nan didn't care about the specific operations of these subsidiaries, leaving the salvage company and Jack to make their own decisions.

I hung up the phone and saw Andre poured himself a drink at the bar, and asked him: "Andre, there is something, do you know if Russia has the technology to blast under the water at a depth of 2500 meters?

It can blow up, blow up the hull of a shipwreck. "

Andre is actually paying attention to the boss's phone number, and he said: "Yes, at least two.

The first one I've heard is that hot springs are used in deep wells. It is common for more than a thousand meters, and it should be possible to do it at 2500 meters. It just takes some effort.

It is basically a pressure-resistant steel barrel stuffed with explosives and detonators, which are detonated by wired remote control.

I don't know how to seal these, but there are factories that can be built, or for civilian use. I can let people try to find and contact them.

But it’s still time. A bomb may cost tens of thousands of dollars, but it’s normal to wait for a month or two.

Transportation is more troublesome. Even if air transportation is combined with sea transportation, it will take a lot of time to reach the Arabian Sea. "

Zhang Nan couldn't help it, but Andre said it was two!

I haven't heard of it, but I can't help it. As a result, people actually have such a useful trick in civilian technology.

"What is the second one?"

Andre took a sip of vodka. Today is the New Year. He is not on duty and comes to play. Drinking is normal.

"It's faster and more expensive.

Now Russia should seal up and eliminate many unmanned submersibles, many of which can reach a depth of three to four The remote control equipment can also match our salvage vessels.

Even if it is eliminated and sealed, it can almost be used, just because it is not used at all now, and the maintenance fee is not available.

Many of those deep-submersibles have their own payloads. Finding one or two cables and batteries for dual-purpose power supply, the battery is reduced, and it does not take dozens or hundreds of hours of work.

The vacated battery space and payload are filled with high-energy explosives. When the time comes, the boss will blow up as you want. It will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per sound, which is slightly more expensive. "

Slightly expensive?

Not expensive anymore!

This is the "improved ultra-large depth line-guided torpedo" that is useful under special conditions. This speed is so slow that the speed of the general unmanned submersible is only a few knots, and it is not expected to be used for naval warfare.

But this time, it’s just right to use this method to blow up the ship’s hull!

Hundreds of thousands of dollars per shot is really not expensive.

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