The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1649: Captain Jack's joke

Sure enough, he slept for more than two hours. It was not until Zhang Nan got up to wash up and the waiter came to the small dining room with breakfast before the butler Tom told him that there was an earthquake in Los Angeles.

Nicole gets up together, but women, it takes a long time to pick up oneself, and Zhang Nan doesn't need to wait for her to eat together.

"Sir, Mr. Thomas and Mr. Deboson have called before. The company's temporary rescue team in the Los Angeles area has been mobilized. Before dawn, Miss Jingzi and Miss Martha were temporarily sent to Laguna Beach by helicopter to the National Park. Villa.

Both houses in Beverly needed to be cleaned up and tested. Because of traffic jams, the company helicopter also helped several related persons living in Beverly Hills to evacuate.

So far, Columbia Pictures has known that there are employees who were injured, but they are not serious and the number is not large. No employees and family members of the company have died for the time being. "

Zhang Nan nodded and said that he understood that on the north side of Beverly Hills is the not-so-famous San Fernando Valley, and the most luxurious residential area in Los Angeles is close enough to the earthquake center.

Those mansions are all good at resisting earthquakes, but the sky will shake during the earthquake. It is estimated that the whole rich people living in Beverly Hills are trying to evacuate.

However, the road conditions in Los Angeles are definitely bad enough. Those viaducts will be a lot of trouble. Helicopters are the best choice.

In this earthquake, not many people died, and the property losses were large. The company drew a helicopter to make two trips by the way to send away those wealthy people and first-line celebrities who had a good relationship.

Tom stopped interrupting Zhang Nan's meal. It was just starting to eat, and when he saw Charlize Theron rushing in, he said, "Brother, Los Angeles has an earthquake! Jingzi and the others can't get through the phone..."

A little anxious.

"It's okay, I'll know it before dawn. They are all okay, but they were taken aback and have already been sent away."

Said and motioned for her to sit down, "The company is processing it. Level 6.6 means that you don't go to Los Angeles this month. It's a bit messy over there."

Charlie saw the news of the earthquake when she was going to the restaurant early in the morning. Calling there was busy and couldn't get through, so she came to Zhang Nan to listen to the news.

It's fine, as for the rest, it's not her turn to worry about it.

Seeing that my brother was eating with peace of mind at the beginning, he said to the butler who had not left yet: "Tom, get me a copy too."

"Yes, Miss Charlie."

Two days later, the initial loss of the Los Angeles earthquake was calculated. Although the intensity was only moderate, the economic loss was staggering.

By this time, the earthquake temporarily caused 58 deaths, but nearly 10,000 were injured, and almost 25,000 were left homeless.

The house was gone, and more than 4,000 buildings were completely reimbursed and severely damaged. Many viaducts were destroyed, and the total loss exceeded 30 billion U.S. dollars!

Los Angeles suffered heavy losses, but this has little to do with Zhang Nan. It is the "United Forces" that once again made the limelight. The company once again organized an effective rescue by Zall. Together with the full cooperation of the United Television Network, the influence of the front-line reports increased. One step.

Rich people trust it, politicians see it pleasingly, and ordinary people feel that the "united forces" are reliable!

Spend a little money and work hard to consolidate a positive image, and this account package will not make a loss.

Los Angeles was busy with disaster relief. On the 20th, Zhang Nan went to Gambia, because the new flagship of the Gambian Navy, the cruiser "Komsomol" is about to enter!

One of the world’s naval spectacles, the miniature nations have built a cruiser with amazing offensive power, which is even more exaggerated than the entire dreadnoughts of the South American countries before the First World War.

Just when the big boss of Star International, who is nominally owned by the Gambian Navy but actually belonged to his own big toy cruiser, looked strange, James Cameron and Jamie Bobst were in the Arabian Sea in the northern Indian Ocean on the other side of the African continent. Captain Vic was also watching it.

The "Deep Diver" is sailing 120 nautical miles east of the coast of Oman at a slow speed of four knots. Two working boats and two rigid assault boats have already been put down and fanned out in the north of the ship.

The director and the captain are standing on a small platform on the port side outside the cockpit. In the cockpit it is the chief officer who will direct the whole ship to sail.

Next to them stood the veteran World War II sailor Ed Lantis. All three of them were holding spectacles, looking towards the northwest sky for something.

Today, the Arabian Sea is sunny, and the dry air coming from the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa keeps this area of ​​the sea without a few rains throughout the year, even with Pakistan and northern Gujarat and Rajasthan in India. There are deserts everywhere.

The endless sea is not very windy, and the wave height is less than one meter. It is suitable for marine operations and also suitable for airdrops.

"I saw it!"

Jamie has a good look, and he finds a bright spot in his glasses. This is the An-22 giant transport plane that has been in contact for a while-the transport plane will eventually fly 2,000 kilometers away. The company leased it for 50 years in the past few years. The right to use the Coral Island in the northern part of the Maldives, transporting a batch of supplies there, happened to be on the way to the airdrop mission.

From the cruise altitude of more than 7,000 meters, it continued to drop. For the accuracy of the airdrop, the huge An 22 dropped to an altitude of 800 meters and leveled off.

The rear boarding bridge has been opened, and three tightly packed airdrop packages are lined up at once and pushed out of the rear cargo warehouse one by one.

The guiding parachute was dragged out first, and then a huge parachute flower appeared in the air.

At this time in the cockpit, the chief officer was talking to the captain on the plane using the intercom: "Thank you, I will leave it to us next, I wish you a safe journey!"

An 22 put away the rear boarding bridge, and then quickly raised the nose at an angle far beyond the climb of the civil aviation aircraft: Needless to say, 100% of the guy driving this big guy is a hairy enough fierce. !

This is a sentence from Cameron, the unit on the platform: "Fortunately, there is not enough time, otherwise I think they will throw the technician down too!"

Because two consecutive flights were delayed, the blaster technician from Nizhny Tagil finally arrived before the "Deep Diver" sailed from Fujairah Port the day before night. Otherwise, either the salvage ship would send a helicopter to pick up the people, or else Throw one down.

The old sailor Ed Landis just smiled, and Mr. Captain Jack suddenly thought of something funny, and said: "Skydiving is not bad, I am worried that those people on the plane will tie him directly to the bomb and throw it away. Come down.

A decent individual parachute costs several dollars, and it will be useless as soon as the water soaks.


It seems a little problem, because there are half of the Russian crew on this ship, Jamie had to add: "I said this is okay when joking, don't be too serious, or beware of someone invites you to an amateur boxing match."

The other two blanked their eyes. The captain said to himself, who else would be so boring?

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