The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1671: More unscrupulous than a mustache

House-to-house searches and killings are time-consuming and labor-intensive. If the people who need to be dealt with can be collected first, and then come to a one-time solution, it will obviously be much easier and faster to operate!

This is how the moustaches did in World War II. The Germans used death camps and, as the Germans did in Poland and Russia, they drove a large number of citizens to places like suburban ravines and then massacred them with machine guns.

Every time a batch is killed, the corpse will roll down the ravine, and then go round and round, and finally when the corpse is almost flush with the mouth of the ditch, use a bulldozer to push the soil over it.

Clean, efficient and fast, and there are no traces!

But the frenzied Hutu government troops outside apparently came up with a more efficient method than the Na (the two words before and after are not allowed to appear) in World War II, and it is also a mustache (this miscellaneous name is also not allowed to appear) Means that can't be done: Let the people who need to be dealt with automatically gather, which is convenient for one-time solution!

Today's Hutu government army and militiamen are even crazier than the mustaches of fifty years ago: less than a day after the start of the massacre, it can be seen that these beasts have no idea to cover up the facts of the massacre at all.

The corpses of the slaughtered victims were left lying on the side of the road. The murderers were not afraid of seeing this. They were unscrupulous and frenzied even by the butchers of Auschwitz!

I think that the German butchers and executioners were factory killings, but they also spent a lot of thought to deal with the corpses and cover up the truth.

What is the burial in the early stage, the incinerator in the middle stage, and in the later stage, there is a layer of corpses and a layer of firewood. It has been stacked on dozens of layers, tied with wire to form super large firewood stacks of corpses, and finally put on gasoline and burned...

When Moustache’s action to exterminate the Jews, everyone knew that they had to cover up from the outside world. At least they should not pile up corpses everywhere, otherwise they would not look good and would pollute the environment.

Fifty years ago, like the local residents near many death camps run by the German army, they didn't know that the ashes that floated out of the smoke and fire chimneys in the distance were human ashes!

I don't even know that there are factory assembly-line killings, because the confidentiality work is well done. Unless you enter the concentration camp, the outside world will not see any corpses, and you don't even know what's going on inside.

But the beasts of the Hutu government army outside this society don't care about this at all, they are frantic to the extreme!

Because of colonial history, regardless of the ethnic group, most Rwandans believe in Brother Jesus, regardless of the priest’s church or the pastor’s church, their boss is the brother **** on the cross.

The Tutsi and the moderate Hutu who felt their lives were really threatened voluntarily went to the church to seek refuge. On the other hand, let alone the radical Hutu, even the Hutu who didn’t want to kill people and shouted slogans and pretended to be asylum. There is no need to seek refuge in church.

If it is just a checkpoint to let those who want to take refuge, it may be a coincidence. Perhaps the officers and soldiers on the checkpoint still have some conscience.

But all the nearby cards were doing this. After a little thought, the conclusions reached made Lu Shudong shudder!

"They want to use the church as a slaughterhouse!"

Lu Shudong finally said this creepy guess.

Jiang Hongrong nodded, "Should be, you also come and have a look."

After speaking, he gave up a large-magnification observation telescope in front, through which Lu Shudong could clearly see the situation at the checkpoint more than 300 meters away.

There was no machete, head cut, or gunshot, just to check the documents, and inquire, and then let him go directly, at least in most cases.

After watching it for more than ten minutes, only one car was detained: with a magnification of 30 times, it was seen that it was a more distinguished person and was taken away by the government forces.

This may be an official, but he was not shot on the spot. According to the judgment just now, Lu Shudong guessed that this was to avoid irritating most ordinary people who fled.

If the checkpoint becomes the execution ground directly, people who are going to seek refuge in the church around here will not dare to pass here, that...

"It will reduce efficiency!" Lu Shudong concluded in his mind.

The observation post continued to monitor the surrounding situation, and there were people in the Swiss Consulate next door, and they were even able to see that those people seemed a little curious about the fact that there were armed personnel in the Chinese Embassy.

As for the less distant Belgian embassy, ​​there are a few Belgian soldiers with guns standing guard on the roof, and I don't know what they are thinking about.

Huohuo, afraid, still thinking about the people in the embassy below to clean up quickly, and then leave this ghost place immediately!

"This is the embassy area. That church is directly next to the two embassies, and there is another one diagonally across the road!

If they can do it, this... this..."

Lu Shudong, whose eyes left the vertical observation telescope, didn't know how to use appropriate words to describe it!

Here Jiang Hongrong also put down his binoculars and pointed to the Swiss consulate next door to the north, saying: "You don't need to do it now. The Belgian will run away. Our neighbor will probably hold on for another day or two at most.

Counselor Lu, if you insist on it for another three or five days, it will be almost the same. Really, when the order of this country is restored and then come back, there is no risk, and there is no point in staying longer.

We estimate that the group of butchers will wait for you to leave before starting to attack the church next door, or they may drive away together after the church is full in one or two days, and find a good place to deal with them. "

Lu Shudong didn't know what to say!

Stay for the church next door?

This is not in compliance with the rules. There are still more than 50 people in the embassy. My last responsibility is to bring everyone home safely ~ You can't use these people as a bargaining chip!

But after a few days of leaving here, there is a pimple in my heart!

Jiang Hongrong smiled weirdly, and said: "Now you know, you don't want to know what you said just now, but you want to ask!

Don't worry, after sending you away, we will not sit idly by and ignore the things next door.

Let me tell you the truth, once our captain thinks that you are no longer suitable for staying here, even if you are forced to **** you, you will be escorted to the airport and boarded the plane!

There is no discussion about this. Your life safety is the first priority. Even if you send troops to airborne the Kigali International Airport, you will not hesitate to do so. You know our boss has this ability. "

Lu Shudong did not refute. Ordinary people in China may not know that he is mixed with Africa, and he knows what his boss has done in Angola and Gambia.

As a civil servant, would this be as good as others with a gun? Besides, this Jiang Hongrong in front of him is also thinking about his compatriots.

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