The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1679: Run into town

The gunboat is not a high-tech equipment. The Soviet Union didn’t build it because of its own strategic thinking, and the US military liked it because of the special environment of the Vietnam battlefield: many don’t know it. In fact, the Red Empire air power. The support to the frontline is far greater than that of the U.S. military. This is a tradition since the Great Patriotic War.

Armed helicopters, assault aircraft, fighter-bombers, and the Soviet Union’s ground-supported air power construction are far more important than the United States, so they really don’t need low-end goods like gunboats.

Besides, the Soviet Union is preparing large-scale mechanization and armored cluster tactics to deal with the battlefields of Western Europe.

Take a gunboat to Western Europe?

Funny, looking for death!

Since it is not a high-tech, it was once something that the Soviet Union looked down upon, so it's natural to spend some money in Russia.

There is no need for 105mm cannons, just install a few 23mm Gatling guns and 12.7mm Gatling guns. In Africa, even 30mm cannons are unnecessary. This trip is just right.

The special equipment installed on the gunboat is usually removed, and the aircraft can still function as a transport aircraft.

Two gunboats were shielding on both sides, and any target that dared to fire at the airborne troops would be covered by rain-like fire-very good, so far nothing has happened.

There were very few Rwandans running on the ground, but all of them were running desperately or simply in a daze, no one shot.

The airborne fleet is not particularly worried about the Rwandan anti-aircraft missiles. In Kigali, there may be one or two unsatisfactory Sam 7s, but in Nyamata City, it is impossible to change any tricks.

Portable air defense missiles are strictly controlled in various countries, and the price is even higher. The Hutu government army and the poor can not afford it; even if there are one or two, the defense system of the airborne formation against infrared-guided portable surface-to-air missiles is also high. Not a vegetarian!

Don’t be too familiar with your own missiles.

In the air at a higher position, several Su-30 fighters are in circles, which will provide at least one hour of air cover for this parachute assault.

The range is not enough. The Il-78 tanker will soon wait in the airspace of Zaire not far to the west. Fighter pilots can take a good look at the scenery of Rwanda in the air.

Captain Valery Serdyukov was the first group of paratroopers to reach the ground, and as soon as they landed and unhooked their parachutes, they gathered at the nearby men who landed.

The Soviet Union once had the largest airborne force in the world, with 15 airborne divisions at most, and 7 airborne divisions and 1 trainer on the eve of its disintegration. They belonged to an independent service directly under the Ministry of Armed Forces of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union will be gone, but the Airborne Army is still an independent service of Russia, and it does not belong to the army, navy, air force, air defense or rocket force.

The Soviet Union Valery Serdyukov was the captain and company commander of the paratroopers. In this case, he still commanded a company. All his subordinates came from the former Soviet paratroopers-the Great Disarmament. The paratroopers were cut off even if they were elite. A lot.

After being introduced by a friend to join the joint force, he fought in Angola before, and later the company formed an airborne force that could be used for combat if necessary, and Valery immediately signed up.

Don't be too cool when you jumped down from the plane just now. When you caught up with the tail of the war in Afghanistan, it was just a plane landing. Parachute landing is the basis of airborne troops and the most embarrassing way of participating in the war.

The subordinates arrived on the ground one after another, and the parachutes hung in the potato fields hadtily cleaned up. This trip is a battle. You don't need to carry the umbrella bag to go back, just leave it in place for the time being.

It doesn't matter if it is damaged, there are a lot of parachutes in the company's warehouse.

The paratroopers were few in number, with a total of 98 people, not a few, and none of them had an ankle. Fortunately, this parachute landing field is not particularly ideal, as long as no one gets injured.

Unlike other combat units of the company that are accustomed to wearing US military uniforms, Valery’s unit has stubbornly retrieved the sea soul shirts and blue berets that were used to it since the last time it was reorganized into the paratrooper sequence. Come.

Since they are happy to wear it like this, the Russian and Ukrainian munitions warehouses have these things. As a result, the paratroopers who are preparing to set off in the potato fields, except for the lightweight and communicator paratrooper helmets worn on the skulls of some personnel, are from the United States. In addition to custom-made, most people are Soviet goods from head to toe, including paratrooper boots.

Out of personal habit, in Africa, many people don't wear helmets at all. Just now they put on an old-fashioned hat that resembles a tanker cotton anti-collision cap.

This would take advantage of the free time, put that warm hat, which is purely a mess in Africa, into the paratrooper bag behind him, and take out his favorite blue beret and put it on.

There is a company logo on the front of the hat, and some Soviet paratrooper metal logos are pinned on the side. In this regard, the company management is very relaxed. In the camp next door, the former Chinese paratroopers, American paratroopers, and Israeli paratroopers all have this hobby, each wearing their own.

The Soviet style characteristic berets are a little different from the blue berets of the United Nations. It is estimated that the peacekeepers who hit this trip will be stupid!

The city of Niammata was just three kilometers away, and there was no special combat plan. With the platoon as a unit, with the support of some paratroopers, it dispersed and drove toward there mightily.

It’s part of the tanks, but there’s no way. The Ivans who parachuted with the car were all alive and kicking, but there were two flying dogs. One of the BMD-2 paratrooper tanks could not start after landing, and it will be repaired. , Had to stay in place with a few people protecting the parachute landing field.

8 tanks were thrown down, 7 of them worked, that's okay!

The airdrop field is very important. There is no airport nearby. The people of the two battalions will have to temporarily get supplies by airdrop. The company's airdrop capacity is enough. One An-22 is enough for one trip. Let people enjoy it for a few days, but there is no shortage of airborne fields.

Before the people here entered the city, another transport plane arrived in the air and landed at a low altitude. Even a dozen off-road vehicles were thrown down.

The buggy of the walking chariot that had been nestled before was finally repaired, and it rushed over with the newly arrived team of off-road vehicles, and these two paratrooper chariots ran the fastest.

No shells smashed, and even no opponents with AKs were shooting randomly. But when they were hundreds of meters away from the small and simple buildings in the city, the paratroopers intuitively felt the special features of this mission.

Corpses, more and more civilian corpses appeared in fields, roadsides, and small woods!

Some were robbed to death, and more were killed by stab wounds-men, women, old, young, and even babies were brutally killed!

After seeing the corpses of a mother and a son on the side of the road, Valery Serdyukov shouted directly to his subordinates without using the intercom: "According to the class, speed up and run into the city!"

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