The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1682: Air and polite Gallic chicken

In the early morning of April 8th, at Kigali International Airport, the evacuating military transport aircraft sent by the fast-moving French arrived. The French troops originally in Kigali were all evacuated at the same time. Of Rwandan refugees simply ignored it.

After noon today, in the entire city of Kigali, apart from the French who may have refused to leave by the International Red Cross, all French forces will withdraw from this terror-shrouded city.

Worthy of being a veteran colonial power in Africa, Gaul Chicken's military transport planes do not need to come from the European continent. They have their own bases in Africa, and they will arrive in a short flight.

The French Foreign Legion, which has always been taken the lead by the French government, took the embassy's people, and decisively left those Tutsi employees who had worked for the embassy for many years!

Well, the style of doing things is very French, proper and no problem.

Lu Shudong, who was in the Huaxia Embassy, ​​answered a phone call last night. A French colonel called over and expressed his willingness to provide Chinese citizens with military aircraft for evacuation.

Out of courtesy, Mr. Counselor expressed his gratitude, and then...

No more!

The French military vehicle that evacuated Kigali this morning did not pass through the gate of the Chinese Embassy. This was not because of Jiang Hongrong and others in the embassy, ​​nor was it the same as the laser-guided bomb that hit the head of the national television station last night. Dime relationship.

The French didn't even know that the paratroopers sent by the coalition forces had parachuted into the southern city of Nyamata in the early hours of this morning.

Pick up the people from the Huaxia Embassy?

Gallic chicken is just playing air polite!

If there is no joint force to intervene, Counselor Lu Shudong and the others in the Huaxia Embassy will continue to wait. What is waiting is the broadcast that the French ambassador has been interviewed on French territory two days later!

The French ambassador said: "My life is threatened..."

But Counselor Lu and the others are not in vain. At least after listening to the French ambassador's speech on the radio, I learned that the embassies and consulates of most countries in Rwanda at that time had already withdrawn, and some of them were French. airplane!

Zhang Nan had heard one thing in his last life: "Don't trust French people, especially French men, they are unreliable!"

But why did he find Adjani?

There are very few good people in the little devil, not to mention that Adjani’s father is Algerian and her mother is German. She is not a French at all in her bones, but only fans of France, and even the whole of Europe and the world. Everyone thinks she is just French.

The earth is round. Half an hour after receiving satellite signals on the United Television Network, Ajani, who was in Long Island Manor, woke up and found Zhang Nan next to her sitting on the bed to answer the phone.

Since lying in bed before 11 o'clock last night, my own man has been answering the phone, especially during the day, and I haven't rested much all day.

Adjani knows why he is so busy. Boss Guan will lead people in remote Africa, trying to prevent a human tragedy that normally occurs there!

I thought he would fall asleep later, and he was very tired, otherwise he would not hide in the bed at this time: I heard Nicole and the others said that he did not sleep well in the past two days, and sleeps only three or four hours a day. .

Looking at the wind and the light, the pressure in my heart is still there, but I just try not to show it, not like a young man in his twenties.

Adjani admired the steadiness of her own man. She took a rest at night. With the ability to practice on the set, and Zhang Nan deliberately lowered her voice, she fell asleep without being affected by the phone in the first half of the night.

The man's voice was a little low at this time, and finally listened to him: "You decide for yourself, tomorrow morning... Yes, it's already today... Just come out in the morning news.

That's it. I'm tired. Don't call before 9 o'clock in the morning unless the sky falls. "

I hung up the phone and unplugged the phone line directly. I don’t need a cell phone to sleep at night, and I always feel that the electromagnetic radiation is too strong.

Seeing Adjani next to her, she was looking at herself and said, "Is it bothering you? Go to sleep, I'm tired too."

"Is there something big over there?" referring to Rwanda.

"Brother Guan and Thomas will take care of them. We are fine. There will be something to do with the United Nations tomorrow morning. Many people are expected to jump around. I would like to see that the Secretary-General and the Egyptian will continue to hide in Europe as an ostrich. "

Zhang Nan withdrew into the bed while talking.

Two people sleep in a quilt. When Zhang Nan feels tired and wants to sleep well, either find a room to sleep alone or use a quilt alone, so that the quality of sleep is the best.


The city of Nyamata was completely controlled by paratroopers. Almost all of the Rwandan government troops in military uniforms were killed in the process of fleeing the city. A small number of people who were too late to leave the city were lucky for the time being, and dozens of them were captured.

Regardless of killing?

All those who resisted were killed. As for those who surrendered, it took a few. Originally, two or three hundred beasts surrendered one after another, but many red-eyed paratroopers still smashed this group into a sieve.

Under the intervention of the officers, these 30 government prisoners were finally left behind in the final stage—the prisoners were needed, and a few of these scumbags were able to speak!

As for those Hutu militia thugs with machetes and spears, many of them were killed when they left the city, and more surrendered. According to preliminary calculations, they exceeded two hundred people. They will all be waiting in a potato field outside the city. .

There is a snake-bellied barbed wire in the airdropped materials, which will be used to shut down the gang of humanoid beasts, and none of them can escape!

Keep in the Let a few paratroopers stand machine guns and watch them in a cool place. If there is any movement, they can shoot directly with machine guns.

The paratroopers did not have time to rest in the city. The surviving people in the city cried and cheered to greet the soldiers. The Tutsi officials in the city were all dead. Fortunately, some prestigious people were found to cooperate with the paratroopers to rescue the survivors. .

At the same time, a large number of people who are familiar with the local situation and speak some English were sent to lead the paratroopers, scattered to nearby settlements and small towns to rescue and expel the rioters.

The whole city left a company of Captain Valery Serdyukov's field troops, plus medical personnel from the parachute group, and notified Angola and Botswana to send more surgeons as soon as possible.

The company is not easy. Surgeons are easy to find. You don't have to be a military doctor. You can hire some doctors temporarily in Gaborone or Banjul.

But there are really few surgeons who can skydive, so they have to prepare to send people to Bukavu in Zaire first, and then fly over the border to Niamata by helicopter.

Fortunately, the company's air capacity is sufficient, otherwise it will not be able to draw out the plane-the air power that the joint force will use today will make the whole world look at it and it will be very, very busy!

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