The airport tower was quickly under control, and the air traffic above did not resist at all, and the two Ghanaians standing at the entrance gave way directly to both sides for several meters.

Several Russian paratroopers entered the terminal, took over with Kirill who was left behind, and showed their identities to the panicked crowd, asking everyone to stay where they are, and at the same time telling everyone that they will be sent off as soon as possible. Evacuate Kigali.

As long as it is not a Hutu army, the people in the terminal are also relieved. As for this private armed and the Gambia, how can there be a problem of Russian white soldiers...

People who care about their lives won't explore this problem, who has that thought!

Alexander and several people reached the first floor when the plane landed, and directly guided the largest group of paratroopers to the airport entrance-intensive gunfire sounded, and the contractor directly fired on the Rwandan government forces guarding the airport!

The Red Devils are considered as early "lurking personnel", and they are doing investigative work: the Hutu army can't switch to the airport, plus the constraints of the peacekeeping forces over the past few years. During this time, they will control the outside of the airport and prevent the map. The western people hid in the airport, but they were beaten up by the paratroopers!

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, let alone the fighting power is not at the same level, the Hutu butchers who reacted are not thinking about organizing forces to fight back, and most of them simply ran away!

Just help the government army to chop up the road leading to the airport and kill the corpses everywhere. Now when it encounters the army, it immediately becomes worse than the militia!

In less than ten minutes, the airport was completely controlled by the raid airborne troops. The Hercules transport aircraft was obviously not owned by the French army. It belonged to the combined forces fleet and used the skills of the Soviet airborne troops in the 68-year-old surprise attack on Prague.

At the same time, Guan Xingquan and others on the fifth floor of the Miller Collins Hotel heard a terrifying voice in the sky!

The sound is getting louder and louder, as if the whole sky is roaring!

Brigadier General Romeo Dallaire couldn't help covering his ears, but Pavel, who was usually steady, was waving his fists and shouting twice in the loud noise, "Ula! Ula!"

I'm sorry, people a little further away don't know what he is yelling.

The refugees in the safe zone have been informed in advance that there will be a loud noise, and they have also asked everyone to avoid the windows: they were still fighting just now, and it is necessary to avoid the location near the windows.

This person who can take refuge is calm: all the windows are trembling with the loud noise, and the "crackling" is broken a lot!

At least two to three thousand people in the safe zone were praying. The roar from the sky was something they had never heard before, like a roar from a god.

In fact, it was one of the cover techniques after the raid on the airport. It might not be useful if it was placed elsewhere.

But this is Africa and Rwanda. Such loud noises and things that cause loud noises can definitely temporarily divert the attention of government forces and buy more time for the full occupation of the airport and the area near the airport.

People all over Kigali and nearby areas heard the terrifying sound from the air, and the sharp-eyed people also saw the cause of this huge noise-two large fighter jets were never particularly high in the sky and moved extremely fast. The speed flew past, and the loud noise like the roar of the gods seemed to be left behind by the two fighters!

In fact, the flying heights of the two fighters that appeared were not particularly low, otherwise unprotected people on the ground would lose their ears temporarily, or even be shocked into a coma!

It turned out to be two MiG 31 interceptors, MiG 31s that appeared in the hinterland of Africa!

Flying over Kigali at a speed slightly higher than the speed of sound at a height where you can't blow up buildings on the ground and stun people with sound, many people in the city think that it is God's roar!

Flying over the city at supersonic speeds at mid-to-low altitudes, the strategy devised by the MiG 31 pilots who usually act as mascots, by the way, announced to countries that might interfere in the company's operations: any large aircraft should not come, and they can't get close!

"The MiG 31 is here, it's not our company's large aircraft to avoid it!"

It is not a fighting fighter, nor is it a multi-purpose fighter. It does not even carry air-to-ground weapons under normal circumstances, but it is definitely the most powerful interceptor in the world!

Attracting attention, it was very successful. Not only did it cause panic among the Hutu government and militia in the city, but the people on the other side of the airport could no longer hear the gunshots, and they would shout at each other in a short time!

At this moment, over the south side of the airport, several Su-30s appeared in mid-air to guard against possible surface-to-air fires: whether it was anti-aircraft guns or surface-to-air missiles, they would all be attacked by air-to-surface missiles.

If there is a large-scale Hutu government army close to the airport, then several Su-30 fighters are carrying two cluster bombs!

Regardless of the international conventions on cluster bombs, the old and the United States love to use them, and the joint forces can also use them. Anyway, the Gambia has not signed any conventions.

The MiG 31 came back in a big circle, and in the low east of the airport, a staggering huge plane was approaching the field.

Ann 124!

Without anti-aircraft firepower, the personnel controlling the tower guided the transport plane to land, and the people in the terminal just watched the giant transport plane land on the runway.

As soon as I turned into the apron, just stopped, the nose was raised, the tail of the aircraft was opened to both sides at the same time, the cargo bridge was lowered, and a large number of heavily armed soldiers trot off the aircraft, and behind them were eight-wheeled vehicles carrying soldiers. Armored vehicle.

At the same time, the second An-124 also landed on the runway!

Landing one after another, a total of three. When the third giant transport plane arrived at the apron, the first An-124 had already begun to take up the cargo bridge. It would immediately leave for takeoff and fly back to the company’s nest, Botswana.

The apron is a bit small, and the An 124 is too big.

The range of the An-124 is huge, and the personnel and materials transported by the first aircraft are not full at all, and the fuel is enough to fly back.

What came out of the second transport plane was still personnel plus armored vehicles, but the stuff that came out of the cargo hold of the third An-124 plane opened the eyes of the peacekeepers at the airport and those who were preparing to evacuate!

They were actually three Soviet-style main battle tanks with reactive armor all over the body. The transportation capacity of UU-Reading An 124 is amazing!


A Belgian soldier asked his brother next to him, remembering that this guy had done some research on Soviet tanks before.

"No, that's T64, or the Soviet version of T64!"


I exclaimed: This is not the T72 of the Iraqis that was beaten like a tattered monkey by the NATO army, but the T64 only equipped with the first-line Soviet armored unit!

In Central Africa, the T64 main battle tank with armored infantry is an invincible monster!

The second An-124 also flew away, landing one after another giant An-22 turboprop transport aircraft. Such a huge strategic transportation capacity makes the people who are still at the airport ready to evacuate look jealous!

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