The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1689: Block the door!

The United Nations Headquarters, the only piece of "international territory" in the world, is on the east side of Manhattan. The west side is bordered by First Avenue, the south side is East 42nd Street, the north side is East 48th Street, and the east side overlooks the East River. Good place properly.

As usual, today's United Nations headquarters is as lively as ever, or more lively than usual. Who caused something strange in Rwanda, Africa today.

Order, the international inherent order is torn apart by a private company that does not follow the rules. Many countries feel that they are losing face, and more countries and international organizations are waiting to see the excitement!

The headquarters gate opens to the west. This morning, some people who come to the UN headquarters to work and do errands occasionally found a very interesting scene: just opposite the UN headquarters gate, in the Ralph Bunche Park across the First Avenue , A huge awning was added overnight, I don’t know what to do.

I didn't pay much attention. The United Nations was on the east side of the avenue, and the park on the opposite side was not. It felt a little strange-after turning into the headquarters compound, most people temporarily left the matter behind.

Outside is Manhattan, New York, the United States of America, and even the core economic regions of the world. Whatever weird things will happen, even if there are occasional large numbers of people holding protest signs taking to the streets, it is not uncommon.

Everyone went to work as soon as they entered the compound. Everyone was busy, but today, except for those who have all kinds of important and urgent matters to be done, everyone else is discussing the same thing-the "united forces" raid on Rwanda!

Some people learned about this a few hours ago, some people learned about the hot news when they watched the morning news, and some later learned people only heard of such an unthinkable situation after they went to work.

The compound is paying attention to the messy things on the earth every day, but today it’s not enough to discuss Rwanda: private companies and joint forces, regardless of the rules, directly send at least thousands of private troops into a sovereign country, that sovereign country. The government army and the government fled in embarrassment like a bereaved dog!

It is not heard from the hearsay that other private companies also bring large-scale international media groups, and they are always open to the world, even the first-line satellite link live broadcast.

If only the footage of the African guerrillas' level and nature were released, it would be okay. Anyway, there are warlords and armed leaders who control this type of army in Africa, and everyone is used to it.

But this time is really different!

Apart from other things, the scene of occupying Kigali International Airport is like copying the classic operation of the Soviet special forces raid on Prague Airport in 1968.

The action is perfect, efficient, and the scale is large, and the whole world is stunned1

The C-130 Hercules transport plane took the lead, disguised as a plane from another country and landed at the airport, and then quickly occupied various key departments of the airport.

Immediately behind them are at least 6 An-124 and 4 An-22 giant transport aircraft, as well as 4 C141s and a larger number of C130s.

Not to mention military operations, even if it is a peaceful rescue transportation, this powerful strategic transportation capability alone is super hot news!

Except for the United States and Russia, it is a private company that can achieve strategic transportation of this scale today!

Forget the transport planes. In order to make the raid on the airport smooth, there are also MiG 31 interceptors to demonstrate the force, and the latest Sukhoi fighters cover...

After occupying the airport, T64 main battle tanks and BTR-80 armored vehicles appeared collectively, and even S300 long-range air defense missile positions were quickly deployed near the airport...

How many countries can do such an action!

What is unscrupulous?

This is!

Just think you are a green onion, not a green onion, but a small green onion!

As for the reason why Mr. Allen, who lives in New York, disregarded international customary rules and went to war, people at the United Nations Headquarters basically knew: The various propaganda activities of other news media groups in the past two days are rampant. The bombing was not in vain, but today there are still various voices in the UN headquarters.

It's so shameless!

There is a big question: Is it an American private company or a private company whose parent company's tentacles extend to all corners of the world? The United Nations can only stare at it!

What about the United States?

Don't tease, Washington is not coming to join the team-what is the starting point for joining the team? The most shameless thing is not it.


I haven’t had time to come up with an ABCD. It’s because other people react too quickly, and there is also a Gambia who likes to behave like earth and once threatened to occupy the forest. The Soviet Union has issued an official public statement: any unauthorized entry into Rwanda Airplanes in airspace will be intercepted by air defense!

They deployed S300 air defense missiles there, and possibly the latest of them, with a maximum range of more than 150 kilometers.

Rwanda is such a large area, and a whole set is deployed on the hills of Kigali. It is not completely bragging to say this, let alone the cooperation of fighters.

Belgium is completely confessing counsel, Russia is overwhelmed by itself, Britain is happy for France, Belgium is deflated...

Neighboring countries in Africa?

Tanzania, Burundi, Zaire, plus The largest one is infiltrated like a sieve by other companies, and the real power and ordinary people in the eastern region are the economic interests of the parent company of the "united forces". There are inextricably linked.


With a big **** and a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, it is too late for my family to prepare to continue the civil war.

As for the remaining two, let alone whether they have the ability to intervene, their governments can't wait to hold other companies' economic thighs!

Where is the Black Africa region, against the "Sunshine Star" group?

Fools are too talented!

After a lap, no one would interfere, at most they would have verbal battles in the UN headquarters.

It was very lively, but soon, the security staff at the headquarters discovered that the situation in the Ralph Bunche Park opposite was a bit problematic. There seemed to be more and more people staying in the awning.

More than ten minutes later, some important people in the headquarters learned an incredible thing: Someone was playing a movie in the park opposite the headquarters!

What movie is shown early in the morning?

Someone immediately went to inquire about the situation, but it broke!

The day before yesterday, they said that they were a civil war. Yesterday they kept silent and evacuated the peacekeeping forces. Today they came to the United Nations directly. The movie was shown on the opposite side of the gate. It was almost the same as blocking the gate!

It was the Rwanda massacre!

They are all pictures that have been simply edited and dubbed. If you look at the picture quality, you still use the TV signal to convert the film.

The picture quality is average, but the content inside shocks people who watched it for a few minutes. A few shots have appeared in TV news and newspaper photos, but many of the pictures that were too **** did not appear on the TV before.


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