The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1694: No one dares to stab!

Ten days later, with the exception of a small number of medical personnel who will stay for a while, the armed personnel of the joint forces have basically withdrawn from Rwanda and returned to their original bases on the territories of several countries.

Except for the few "leaders, partners, and orphans" who followed and left, the contractors of the joint forces who had arrived in Rwanda like soldiers from the sky before would really wave their sleeves without taking away a cloud.

Come in time and walk smartly.

For Rwandans, the terms "united forces, Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Allen" will be a long-standing legend. When the Tutsi people were on the brink of national extinction, it was these gods who saved them.

Rwanda wanted nothing but people. The joint forces didn't take anything with them this trip. Instead, they shipped a lot of relief supplies into Rwanda.

Great kind person, Zhang Nan is the super kind person in the eyes of the Tutsi people in Rwanda. Now the Rwanda Patriotic Front, which has basically occupied the entire territory of Rwanda, has also become a solid friend of the "united forces."

Perhaps it is an ally. The Tutsi regime in Rwanda is about to be established. The leaders of the Patriotic Front know very well that if it weren’t for Mr. Allen, who was far away in New York, unreasonably and inconceivably sending a private army to prevent the massacre, they The Tutsi people are estimated to be extinct!

If there are no people, then form a Mao government to entertain themselves!

This is not an exaggeration. The slaughter is nationwide. The situation in Kigali is bad enough, and the situation in Nyamata has made the whole world chill!

Not only that, a few days ago in the Mulambi area in the southern region, the original conspiracy of the local district governor and a bishop of the church was exposed-if it weren't for the people of the united forces to launch a long-distance rescue from Kigali, there is a technical school. It will be the grave of 65,000 people!

The bishop and the local mayor of the Murambi region set a trap for the refugees. On the morning of April 7, they deceived the nearby Tutsi people to take refuge in a local technical school that had just been built but not yet put into use. They also claimed The French army will protect them.

The school is spacious and covers a large area. In less than two days, about 65,000 Tutsi people fled to take refuge there.

The environment in which the technical school is located is really "good nothing to say". It is surrounded by mountains, with beautiful scenery and sufficient water supply. However, there is a problem: once someone guards the entrances of the two valleys, the people inside will want to run unless they are good at climbing over the mountains. It's hard to get out!

At about noon on the 8th, a large number of refugees rushed to the technical school. The French troops in the nearby military camp were all evacuated to the new camp on the border of Burundi, and 65,000 Tutsi refugees were just lost.

A few hours later Kigali was occupied by the coalition forces and the Hutu government forces fled, but the Mulanbi area is more than 160 kilometers away from Kigali. The Hutu government forces and thugs here use African thinking and think that those foreign countries The interveners will never come to the south within a few days, and they will organize their forces to take some time to slaughter the technical school first.


All this happened under the eyelids of the observers dispatched by the joint forces in advance and immediately notified their superiors. Soon, more than 300 joint forces airborne troops boarded armored vehicles and trucks and ran 165 kilometers from Kigali to Mulambi. At night that day, thousands of Hutu government troops and militiamen who had just assembled and were about to slaughter the technical school collided at the entrance of the valley on the south side of the technical school.

No nonsense, after a bombardment of a 14.5mm large-caliber machine gun and an АГС-17 grenade launcher, the Hutu mobs with heavy casualties were divided into birds and beasts.

According to the special instructions of the command headquarters, the assault rescue force captured some Hutu prisoners, only after the conspiracy of the local bishop and the mayor was exposed.

This will be the judgment of a bunch of experts in the international community that if the airborne troops of the joint force hadn't arrived in time, as long as one day or half a day at night, at least 50,000 refugees in that school would have been slaughtered!

Who is God?

Anyway, it will not be the United Nations, nor the few **** Hutu bishops, but the armed personnel of the joint force, and their boss with a special brain circuit!

In the United Nations, while a bunch of countries planning to send peacekeeping troops were still wrangling over the issue of peacekeeping cost sharing, Zhang Nan spoke through the newspapers of the subordinate group: "The huge cost of the rescue operation of the joint force will be borne by the company itself. ...Life is a matter of life, this cannot be measured by money!"

The posture is high, although if you go to the Gambia, you may get some money back from the United Nations after a while, but Zhang Nan doesn't like it. This trip is just to show the United Nations, who only eats and does nothing.

Brother is not bad for money!

Go, you guys play slowly.

Guan Xingquan took away the orphans rescued from the church orphanage, and the children were sent to Botswana, where there is a large area and there is no pressure to feed them.

Thanks to the previous education of the church orphanage, these children know a little English and French, and it will be easy to adapt to the new environment and learn in the future.

Zhang Nan never had orphans among the bodyguards he was looking for because they were not insured, but Guan Xingquan told him on the phone during this trip: Those children may not have the best physical fitness and intelligence, but as long as they are well trained, wait for these. When the black boy grows up, he will dedicate himself to Zhang Nan at any time!

On April 25, when Andre, who returned to Long Island, met Zhang Nan, he told him about the orphans: "Childhood memories are very important. When despair and death are approaching, the savior appears.

Don't say ten years later, even now, you give a gun to those older kids, and then tell them who you want to die, those kids will shoot that guy without hesitation..."

It was raining outside, and Zhang Nan was drinking tea as always.

This is the first batch of Huibai from Yanxian that just arrived by air this year. Compared with Longjing in the Ming Dynasty, smoking Zhang Nan prefers the richer Huibai tea.

"How many children are there?"

"More than a thousand, and some will be sent to Botswana one after another.

The entire Rwanda is full of Tutsi orphans. The country’s economy and agricultural production have collapsed for a few years. The people of the Patriotic Front are happy to give these children to us. Their country is really unable to support them now. Many of the United Nations rescues have gone to the surrounding Hutu refugee camps...

Andrei shook his head slightly, and said: "Before I came back, I went to the Bukavu refugee camp in Zaire and it was very miserable. The old, weak, sick and the butcher from more than ten days ago were all mixed together. Can't tell who is an ordinary person and who is a beast...

The corpses in Rwanda are almost buried, and bulldozers are used in many places. The current statistics are more than 250,000, and there is no way to get an exact figure..."

Kill 100,000 in a day!

In this way, Western countries will not agree to talk about united forces anymore, let alone slap their own ears; the same is true for Zhang Nan, anyway, the whole world knows what happened, it's almost enough, too much.

Slowly fade, it's good, anyway, the goal has been achieved.

Zhang Nan is now the king of sub-Saharan Africa, and South Africa is also standing aside-just yesterday, a bomb exploded 200 meters away from the headquarters of the African National Congress, killing eight and injuring seventy to eighty~www.wuxiaspot. com~ The explosion shocked all walks of life in South Africa, as well as 5,000 international observers and 3,000 journalists in South Africa-in a few days there will be the South African election. The ANC and Mandela will win, but South Africa will soon be a quasi-developed country. All the way back, a strange scene in modern history is about to appear.

Zhang Nan prepared the company to accept some poor white South African immigrants in two years, and arranged them in Botswana. The wealthy white South Africans either immigrated in advance, or the mine owners who have partners like Zhang Nan will still be local tyrants in the future, and the average whites will soon become poor in South Africa.

No way, Mandela is an admirable fighter in his position, but he really doesn't know how to manage a country.

South Africa, it's over.

This is of course a good thing for Zhang Nan. His most important nest is in Botswana, and he never wants to have a strong neighbor. The new South African government will soon get rid of itself. The future is really bright...

When it comes to the basic bases in Africa, there is a lot of good news and a lot of troubles. For example, there are so many people for alms this year!

As soon as Jenny went home, when she heard Zhang Nan talking about Africa, she told them a lot of troubles.

“Last year, Zimbabwe’s grain output was only one-third of the previous year’s, and there was going to be a famine. Their mining minister hoped that I could not give some food aid.

"No problem, we open a mine in their place, and give some more favorable terms. The food is a small problem, and the price of food in the United States is cheap." When it came to this, Zhang Nan smiled and said: "We are doing this in Rwanda, sub-Saharan. No one dares to stab us, good thing!"

The government of Zimbabwe used to be difficult to deal with, because the diamond mine in Umtalina has been arguing with each other over the years.


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