Throughout May, except for going to North Korea, Zhang Nan was very leisurely, just the leisure of a family man, did not go out to hang around.

Men are busy, but Nicole is very busy over there. Dealing with Norway means doing it by hand: since the end of May, there have been more reports about Norway in the news of the US media, which is basically a good thing.

Terrorist attacks?

Yes, not many. There have been two consecutive terrorist attacks that the Norwegian local extreme-right organization claimed to be responsible for. It was just a small mess. How to investigate and look at it was the Norwegians themselves, which caused the Norwegian tourism industry to be a little panic.

The Norwegian fjord tour is very unique. This year's upcoming peak tourist season seems to be a bit lighter, and losses can be expected.

People are always afraid of death. Like in the United States, the foreign affairs department has warned its citizens that they must carefully consider their travel plans to Norway in the near future!

This is only the first wave. On Children's Day, the manor has organized a garden party for the children of employees as in previous years. Zhang Nan found that the buffet table was missing the previous dish: the salmon is gone!

The housekeeper made people start the Norwegian fishery. The company already has a huge influence. Not only does it not eat it at home. Starting this month, many countries will reduce the import volume of Norwegian salmon for various legitimate reasons. Anyway, the country that produces salmon. There is more than one in Norway.

In all-round attack, Norway is proud and self-righteous as a whole country, so it has to bear a wide range of attacks, not just a few people.

After entering June, Zhang Nan planned to take the children out to play, like Lily and her nephew Jianan are already on summer vacation. But my nephew didn't appreciate it. He flew back to China on the first day of the holiday to see his mother. He was a good boy.

Regarding Zhang Nan's plan, the women had no objection at all, and let their men be children, Wang Zheng was in line with them.

There are so many things in the family, but in fact, there is nothing that can't get out of it. A mature company can operate normally even if the leader is not there.

Going out and wandering, choosing a place is very particular, Europe is good, there is not much heat in June and July. Austria’s own two castles have to be visited, especially the super castle. At the end of this year, many areas will be put into use, and then you will be able to live there for skiing at your own home.

But where to go, or how many places in a row?

Have to think about it.

When he got a headache, Thomas came to the manor and said something. Because of this, a group of people decided to go to Poland first!

But in the end the children brought Lily and younger sister. The others were too young. Jenny stayed at home. Nicole, Alice and Weng Qianhui rarely went together, plus a Charlize-Say who always liked to join in the fun. Long.

After getting to the place, Adjani will also join in. She will be in France, so she can't fly back and forth in the Atlantic.

It’s a bit hard work. On June 5th, Zhang Nan flew for more than ten hours in a seat in the rear cabin. The plane used a 767, and the larger and more comfortable one was not available-the destination city in southwestern Poland. Wroclaw, where the airport runway is only 2,400 meters long, the Boeing 747 cannot take off with full load.

This Boeing 767 of my own has two bedrooms for women and children. Fortunately, the seats in the rear cabin are also first-class standard, so you can lie down and sleep, otherwise it will be more uncomfortable.

In the afternoon, Polish time, the plane approached Wroclaw, and Zhang Nan was too lazy to go to the living room and sat in the back cabin.

At Copernicus Airport, a group of people did not disembark on the tarmac, but took the VIP passage through the boarding passage to the exit.

The high-level situation in Poland at this meeting is a bit delicate. It is possible to set the scene on the tarmac, but Zhang Nan thinks it is better to keep a low profile.

This is the first time Zhang Nan has come to Poland. Before, I always felt that this country was a bit special, or strange: "There is no life from a big country, but the disease of a big country is still chronic. It has not changed for hundreds of years!"

This thought flashed through my mind, smiled, and walked away.

Just at the parking lot at the exit of the VIP channel, a group of bodyguards who arrived early were waiting with a long line of cars.

At this time, Joseph, who arrived two days earlier, brought a middle-aged man in his 40s to greet him and said to Zhang Nan: "Boss, this is Alexander Komorowski, the head of the company in Poland."

This Alexander is neither tall nor short, nor fat nor thin, and he has no distinctive appearance. In Europe, he is absolutely inconspicuous when he is thrown into the crowd.

But this person is not simple. Zhang Nan knows that this person was once a powerful colonel of the Polish Internal Security Bureau.

"It's a great honor to meet you in person, welcome to Poland, boss!"

I speak English, American English without an accent.

Not everyone can yell "Boss". Those who are more closely related call Zhang Nan "Mr.". Only very important personnel can use this somewhat common name.

Zhang Nan nodded and smiled: "Good job, Alexander, now we have two Alexanders."

Very well, the other Alexander is the Red Devil. As for the Alexander in front of him, he was a Polish intelligence officer a few years ago. In fact, his identity is a Soviet KGB, KGB colonel!

Yes, this humble middle-aged white man used to be a Soviet spy, and he is still a very powerful Soviet spy. Very few people know his true identity, and Pavel in the Red Devil is one of them.

The Polish native on the resume is actually of Russian descent. On the first day he joined the Polish intelligence agency, he was a KGB lieutenant.

As for his current identity, he is the owner of Poland's top three import and export companies, and he also owns many restructured enterprises.

Secretly, he is the biggest smuggler in Poland, the biggest gang leader, and the biggest arms dealer at the same time!

Nowadays, almost the entire Eastern Europe is moving closer to the West. In recent years, Russia has been overwhelmed by itself, has no energy or ability to intervene in Eastern Europe, but the Red Devils, under the instruction of their bosses, have established a huge network in Eastern European countries.

This net includes all aspects, whether it is the bright side or the dark side, all have large or small influence. It was successful, at least in Poland.

This Alexander Komorowski is very capable. Two years after the Eastern Europe- drastic changes, he was almost self-exiled, but after being recruited by Pavel and For the past two years, he supported the company. Next, with his own ability to lay down the current scene.

The political situation in Poland is a bit turbulent, but Alexander Komorowski is as stable as a mountain in Poland. No matter who wins the final political contest, forces like him will still exist.

At this time, Zhang Nan smiled and said: "This time you and Joseph really gave me a surprise. They sat next to me during dinner and talked to me about how you took down the Kschonj Castle."

Speaking of this, the meaning is obvious: now you are your own, and it's time to go.

Weng Qianhui, Alice, and Charlie have gotten into the car with Lily. They are two bullet-proof Mercedes-Benz cars, which are popular in Poland today.

The company's car is safe, and Zhang Nan didn't bring his own car.

As for himself, today it is with Nicole and his sister, a huge Jill 410451, a small super bulletproof car earlier than the Gill of the East German General Secretary Honecker in the New York garage.

"Boss, I heard that you like old cars. Alexander deliberately found a way to get this car last year. The entire car was refurbished by the company's engineers. It's the same as the new one, and it's safe.

Not only bulletproof, but also nuclear, biological and chemical protection capabilities. "

Good guys!

There are many bullet-proof vehicles, which are rare for three defenses, and military technology.

The huge facing the car door, despising all the leather flannel seats, Zhang Nan asked before sitting in, "Whose car originally owned this car?"

"The first book of the former Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party-Notes, Chairman of the Polish People's Republic, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in Wartime, President Wojciech-Jaruzelski.

However, he seldom took this car, and drove less than 10,000 kilometers. "

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