The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1709: I don't like the neighbors being too close

The destination is the city of Waubrijh, the capital of the young Waubrijh Province. This province was only established in 1975. The capital is located at the northern foot of the Sudeten Mountains, only 20 kilometers away from the border between Poland and the Czech Republic.

This province is not only "young", it is also pitifully small, with an area of ​​just over 4,000 square kilometers and a population of 730,000.

Very small, according to China's standards, that is the size of a county.

As for the capital city of Wałbrzych, it has a population of 130,000, not much, but its status is more important. It is not only the coal field center in Lower Silesia, but also the largest industrial center in the Sudetenland of Poland.

The environment is also good, at the junction of plains, hills, and mountains-it is in the southwest of Wroclaw, which was also German territory before the war.

Since the middle of World War II, Waubrzych has been a key fortress area, which is different from Wroclaw, which became a "fortress" in the final stage of the war.

Today, the road between the two provincial capitals is still in good condition. Although it is not a high speed, it is flat: this road number 35 has to enter the hills only three or four kilometers northeast of Ubrih. The reason why Waubrich was built into an important fortress early in World War II.

The city is located in a valley, with coal mines nearby. The northern and eastern circles are surrounded by hills of varying widths ranging from 1 to 3 kilometers, and the west is next to towering mountains. The typical terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

As for the large-scale Kschonj Castle, it happens to be on the Castle Hill next to the new city in the north of the city. It not only guards this important industrial center, railway and highway junction, but also overlooks the vast plains next to the northeast and east.

Once the war is near, strategically important!

As soon as the convoy passed the city of Svidnica on the plain, you could see Kexiong Ri, which was surrounded by woods about 10 kilometers away, and stood on the top of the mountain with an altitude difference of more than 100 meters. Castle.

The city of Waubrich is on the other side of the mountain, and it is invisible from this end. The hills rising from the ground are as high as the mountains and hold the key points of the two different terrain areas, and also block the line of sight.

The basin on the other side of the mountain is much higher than this one. The new city in the north of Waubrich is more than 20 to 50 or 60 meters below the castle hill, and six kilometers away is separated by a mountain beam to the south. In the southern old town, some places can be almost as high as Castle Hill.

The hills and mountains, the city is not a "large area", but according to the topography, it is like a reduced Chinese mountain city.

Castle Hill appeared at the end of the plain in such a careless manner. The motorcade passed along the road through the small town of Świebodzice on the northeast side of Castle Hill, and then entered the mountain. Many sections of the road were under the watch of the castle.

After more than one kilometer, the sight was bright again, and this entered the small basin where the city of Waubrich was located.

The new city appeared on the side of the highway. There were many ten-storey residential buildings in the distance. From a distance, it looked like the Brezhnev Building in the Soviet Union. It has a strong oriental atmosphere and the top level is almost as high as the top of Castle Hill. .

Fortunately, those houses are at least two kilometers away, otherwise it would be a bit distracting.

As for the closeness...

Zhang Nan saw freight yards, gas stations, warehouses, factories, and even a big chimney that could be thirty or forty meters tall!

I rub, this is actually an industrial zone!

Fortunately, there is no smoke from the chimney, and the surrounding environment is fairly clean, otherwise it will not only be an eyesore, but will be a terrible sight!

No one wants their castle to be next to the industrial zone, walking in the garden to see a **** hole chimney mouth that is almost the same height one kilometer away!

The convoy did not continue to the south, but followed the south side of the foot of the mountain and continued westward for five to six hundred meters, then drove up the mountain from the fork road.

There was a roadblock at the fork road. Zhang Nan noticed that a large flat area on the west side of the road was a huge professional racecourse, and some people were training horses.

In spring, the entire castle hill is full of greenery, the eastern side of the mountain is low, and there is a large flat area at the half-way of the mountain. Above it is a large piece of late 19th century-style three-story red exterior wall "Hui"-shaped building. Judging from the decoration, it looks like it used to be a hotel.

This was also the property that was bought together. The Alexander Komorowski was very courageous. The entire castle hill, which was nearly four kilometers long and 1 to 1.5 kilometers wide, and the horse farm under the mountain were all eaten. !

The convoy quickly reached the top of the mountain, but did not drive into the castle because it could not get in at all. Instead, it stopped at the parking lot of the Kschönge Castle Hotel on the east side of the castle.

There are two hotels on the entire site, but they are no longer open for a long time. The one halfway up the mountain now houses decorators and racecourse employees. As for the top of the mountain...

The castle is not a hotel. The so-called Kschonj Castle Hotel is just the original two rows of outbuildings of the castle, so you can see the castle up close.

100 years ago, this place was where the servants lived in the castle. It was turned into a hotel decades ago because of tourism needs.

Get off the car and stand at this parking lot paved with stones and some years ago. Through the trees, you can vaguely see the plains to the northeast, the cities on the south, and Swiebo at the foot of the mountain 1.5 kilometers to the northeast. The small town of Zicai.

You can see so far from here. It is conceivable that if you stand high above the castle, this view is absolutely amazing!

At this time, Joseph, Alexander, and others who got off the car ahead of time greeted us, and the Poles said: "Boss, the castle is still in the final interior decoration, and it was messed up inside.

Beginning in 43, the Germans had renovated the castle on a large scale. It was said to the outside world that it was going to be a mustache mansion, and complicated passages and storage spaces were built inside and underground, and the structure was completely messed up.

After this became Polish territory, another inexplicable development took place in the 1970s. There were movie theaters, old furniture stores and galleries in it..."

In a word: the amount of repair and reconstruction works is huge today!

This Alexander should not be too familiar with the Eastern style of bureaucracy. Zhang Nan doesn't care about his merits.

People, it’s better to let everyone know about the contributions they make, otherwise this too noble person...Zhang Nan generally doesn’t dare to use it.

This time I stayed at the castle hotel, I can't live in the castle, and the decoration is still there.

It doesn't matter where the servants lived. The gang of aristocratic masters had long since become dead bones, and they were dug up and moved by the German army 51 years ago: there was originally a cemetery of the original owner of the castle and a marquis family nearby.

Before I came here, I learned about the situation of the castle. At this time, Zhang Nan didn't focus on the castle, although several women had already taken their children to see the scenery.

After listening to him, Zhang Nan pointed to the location below the south side of the mountain, and said, "That big chimney is a bit distracting. Have you thought about getting rid of it?"

"That piece was originally a glass factory, but it has closed down. The entire area was bought by the company three months ago. It is planned to gradually develop it into a villa area at the right time in the future."

Zhang Nan smiled. This Alexander has economic acumen and knows better the theory of giving gifts and a full set: If a high-level community is built up, it is in a hurry to ask the big boss to have an opinion on him.

However, he still didn't understand his temper.

"There is no need to develop the villa area, it is completely demolished, half of which is planted with trees, and the other half is expanded to the racecourse.

Make a report together with the loss and future earnings, and the head office will subsidize you.

I don't like the neighbors being too close, so be it. "

Alexander Komorowski was shocked!


The drop of the mountain is at least 40 meters. The nearest outer wall of the glass factory is still 700 meters away from the castle oblique line. This is called near?

It was a large piece of land of nearly one square kilometer. Originally, I wanted to develop it in batches and make a profit for ten years. As a result...

The big boss has already moved to chase his children. Joseph patted Alexander on the shoulder and said to him: "Old man, just do what the boss says, you are guaranteed to be lost.

Whatever the economy of Poland is now, it’s what the boss says is what the boss says.

By the way, your recent main business is arms, don't get confused. What happened to you about the two missile brigades, the dumb bureaucrats, and the NATO dumbs? "

. Writing Chinese Network m.

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