"This guy is really big! Brother, this guy seems to be a bit bigger than our Soviet main battle tank!"

Zhang Nan stood with a large number of this super tank of World War II in front of him. Charlize Theron, who was talking to his side, could be 1.77 meters tall with bare feet. Standing next to the huge Tiger King tank, he looked small and exquisite.

Zhang Nan "hmm" and said, "It's going to be a big lap, and it's much heavier."

After speaking, he carefully looked at the solid turrets of these two heavy tanks, and said: "This should be the model with the Henschel turret in the later period. The total combat weight is nearly 70 tons. Not to mention our T80 and T72. The M1A2 just equipped last year is even heavier."

As for feeling big, it's really big!

When the Tiger King tank’s 88mm tank gun is moving forward, the length of the whole vehicle reaches an astonishing 10 meters 3, the body length is 7 meters 3, the width can be 3 meters 75, and the height 3 meters 09!

In comparison, the M1A2 gun has a forward length of 9 meters 77, a width of 3 meters 66, and a height of 2 meters 44. As for the Soviet T-80 main battle tank, the length of the gun is 9 meters 9 forward, the width of the vehicle is 3.40 meters, and the height is only 2 meters 2.

Compared with the same period, the famous Stalin-2 heavy tank with a total combat weight of 45 tons has a gun length of about 9 meters 6, a width of 3 meters 12 meters, and a height of 2.71 meters.

Among the heavy tanks among the heavy tanks, Germany produced such a giant during World War II. Although the armor protection performance cannot be compared with modern main battle tanks, half a century ago, it was an unshakable super steel fortress.

As long as you don’t run a long way and lay yourself down, in a defensive war, you can use all the mature and immature advanced technologies like the Tiger King Tank. A super heavy tank built at any time and regardless of cost is definitely your opponent. Nightmare!

Not only has the super heavy armor, but the extremely sharp and powerful 71-caliber 88mm tank gun is even more troublesome. At normal combat distance, perhaps only the frontal armor of the Stalin 3 tank that appeared at the end of the war can withstand it. .

Charlize Theron looked around the tank. Zhang Nan kicked the tank’s wide track and said: "If I were a tank captain in World War II and had to drive a car against enemy tanks, I would choose invincible. Tiger King!

If I were an armored battalion commander and wanted to command an armored battalion to participate in a tank encounter, I would choose a Panther tank with excellent offensive and defensive capabilities;

If I were a marshal and needed to lead an armored cluster to break through the enemy's defenses, drive straight into the enemy's defenses, and attack the city until I win the entire war, I would choose T-34!

This Tiger King was really drowned by the T34 and Stalin tanks. At that time, except for the Stalin Type 3, which almost missed the war, the Tiger King was singled out, and the other tanks were all dumbfounded.

Just... forget who said this, Marshal Plunyakov?

No, Zhukov?

Rokosowski? "

Joseph would take people to look at the half-track transport vehicles behind him. He didn’t hear the boss’s words. In fact, it’s hard to answer whether the Soviet marshals had said this before. As for others, it’s impossible to answer him. Question.

Zhang Nan didn't continue to struggle with this question, but asked Mark behind him again: "I heard that you were fine and went to the museum to study those old equipment. I remember this Tiger King has less than ten cars left now?"

The desire to collect, the rarer the more valuable.

Giant Mark looks like an ancient beast, but in fact he is very kind in nature. He likes to play with antique weapons for a long time in his spare time. He and his brother are also volunteer maintainers of Zhang Nan's private military equipment museum.

Born in a garage, the technology is not bad, and the museum can use it.

Hearing the boss' question, Mark said: "There are still eight cars in each museum, boss.

There is a prototype car in the Barvington Tank Museum in the United Kingdom, which is equipped with a Porsche-type turret, but that car is made of ordinary mild steel, which is pure appearance.

There is also a Tiger King with a Henschel turret in that museum. Like these two, there is a useless cement antimagnetic coating on it..."

What kind of cement coating Zhang Nan knows. It is said that in order to deal with the steel torrent of the Soviet Red Army, Germany, which had insufficient anti-tank capabilities in the later stages of the war, developed and produced many infantry anti-tank weapons, such as "Iron Fist" and magnetic anti-tank Grenade.

Because of this magnetic grenade, the Germans have coated many of them with antimagnetic coatings in order to protect their precious and amazing fighting performance Tiger King tanks.

The result...

Wishful thinking!

Whether it is the Allied forces in the west or the Red Army in the east, this type of individual magnetic anti-tank weapon is almost useless.

The offensive is still anti-tank with grenades?

The mountains and plains of T34 and M4 are here, who still uses anti-tank grenades?

But to be honest, this kind of camouflage cement coating, which is almost useless, only adds dead weight, and puts pressure on the overwhelmed walking system, is pretty good-looking. Tiger King has it and looks even more mighty.

This head Mark Callaway said: "Before the only Tiger King in the world that could drive was installed at the Somuel Chariot Museum in France, it was also installed with the Henschel turret, but I don’t think it will be the world soon. The only thing is that these two vehicles can be driven after thorough maintenance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The fourth Tiger King is in the Kubinka Museum in Russia, and the fifth is in the Armored Museum in Munster, Germany. The one is from France in the 1960s. Shipped back to Germany from the north.

In Germany, the exterior of the car was okay, but the tank gun was repaired, making it impossible to see people inside.

In September 44, the Tiger King ran out of fuel when it retreated from northern France. The crew of the tank had to destroy the tank artillery and detonated the shells in the car, using the tank as a roadblock.

The sixth is in the Nagolu Museum in Belgium. It is said that its engine and gearbox are still intact, but Belgians have always put it on display in the open air as a display.

The seventh was unlucky. It was in the Armored Cavalry Museum in Fort Benning, Georgia. It turned out to be at the Aberdeen Proving Ground. To facilitate teaching, the people at the Aberdeen Proving Ground cut off the left part of the tank in the 1940s.


The eighth is in the Tank Museum in Thun, Switzerland. I don’t know how the Tiger King would fall into the hands of those guys who only knew how to make a fortune in war. It is said that the car still has repair value.

In addition to these eight vehicles, there was another Tiger King under the ground beside a highway in France. The gun barrels were gone. It seemed that when the war had just ended, the locals couldn’t drag that vehicle when they were building roads The Tiger King who entered a big puddle simply buried it directly, revealing a little turret hatch.

Now that decades have passed, there are no traces on the surface. I heard that the non-governmental organization over there intends to dig out the guy, but I don't know if it is true or not.

The Germans built a total of 489 Tiger King vehicles, and only the 9 are known outside. The others have been destroyed or destroyed by war or disappeared. At most, they can find some parts or incomplete vehicles that are damaged into scrap. shell. "


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