Regarding Zhang Nan’s words, Guan Xingquan and others also think it is necessary to think about it, otherwise a bunch of old German tanks that are in good condition, let alone run, and even can be directly put into combat after maintenance, suddenly appear, 100% will arouse heated discussion. .

   Although Zhang Nan said that it has been more troublesome for a long time, it is always better to have fewer things.

   Think of a way, think slowly, don’t worry, there are a large group of think tanks, and raising those people is to do this kind of things, otherwise they will all become wine bags and rice bags.

   The boss wants to show off, the people underneath have to carry around, including this "strong tiger", Zhang Nan plans to get out the German chariot of World War II that was discovered this time.

   The chariot is not gold, but it is hidden and tucked, and it becomes Jinyi Night Walk.

  The number is scarce. Zhang Nan guessed that this car was not transferred to other fronts after taking part in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising. Instead, it stayed in Poland and the Lower Silesia area of ​​Germany.

   After that, as the German troops continued to be forced to shrink, they finally withdrew to the Sudetenland defense line, and finally waited for the news of the end of the war and entered the tunnel.

   There are only three cars left in the world, which is not a pity.

"Imagine that during the war, two Tiger Kings took the lead, followed by a Tiger Hunting, and then a Strong Tiger to provide fire support, and a few self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery to provide air cover. This scene. .."

   Military fans of World War II will be crazy about it 100%.

Regarding Zhang Nan’s reverie, Charlize Theron also let his thoughts go, saying: “I’ll have an exercise and a reenactment on the battlefield at a ranch in Montana. It’s best to put a bunch of Stalin 2 and T34-85s on the opposite side. Add 0 tank destroyers and there will be a battle on both sides, that scene!"

   is very imaginative, it can be said that thinking about it is exciting.

   Zhang Nan smiled, thinking that Charlie’s imagination is good, and he can have it!

The types of Soviet armored vehicles she said have their own, and they are all able to drive, so she added: "You can also add SU152 to provide fire cover for the Soviet side. We have that car and can run. This is all here."

  Listen to these brothers and sisters in their idleness, and listen to the story without disturbing others.

  Besides, I really want to come to play like this last time, I guess this group of people will also participate in it, it seems very fun to think about it.

   But there is a problem!

   The two brothers "Mourder" Mark Callaway and "Large Red Killing Machine" Thomas Jacobs suddenly became a little worried. The two of them thought they could not fit into the compartments of those tanks and destroyers. What should be done?

   Miss Charlie is a good person, and helped them think about it in advance.

   "If you want to be a German army, you can go to the anti-aircraft artillery at the back. It's open, and it can be stuffed.

   If you want to be the Red Army, then you can be a car infantryman, standing behind the Stalin tank turret.

   You can take your own guns. You two have long arms, and the tank turret is equipped with a large-caliber machine gun. The two brothers probably use it very well. "

  Good idea. It’s hard to find military uniforms that the two brothers can wear. They have to make them 100%.

   The battlefield repeats itself. Even if it is not staged on the old battlefield, such activities are very popular in Europe and America. Zhang Nan intends to learn the gameplay of European and American military fans.

   This trip was quite interesting. Compared with the gold pieces previously discovered, Zhang Nan valued the discovered German equipment of World War II more.

   A lot of money, I'm used to it.

   didn't get into the "Strong Tiger", he glanced in through the hatch, those huge shells were really scary.

   The muzzle is also big enough, 380 mm, even a small guy can see it!

   The first few vehicles are half-track self-propelled anti-aircraft guns. The anti-aircraft guns on the top are both 20 mm and 37 mm, especially the 20 mm anti-aircraft guns. There are single-barreled and four-barreled anti-aircraft guns.

   Zhang Nan looked at the anti-aircraft guns that were fully operational, and said casually: "It can be seen that the German equipment in the later stage of the war was messy enough, and they were all mixed up."

   The words were heard by Joseph, and the man smiled secretly, but didn't speak-a fool would point out some trivial mistakes of his boss!

   During World War II, the German 37mm anti-aircraft artillery had a large cover range, a high firing range and a large range, but the firepower density was low;

   20mm anti-aircraft artillery, on the contrary, has a small cover range, low shooting height, and short range, but the firepower density is high, especially after multiple installations, the shots shot out will be as exaggerated as a waterfall.

   These two kinds of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are not organized separately at all in the formation of the German armored units, but they are mixed.

   Zhang Nan didn’t know, but Joseph didn’t make any noise there. It didn’t matter anyway.

   Going forward, there are self-propelled anti-aircraft guns before the ammunition cart attached to the "Strong Tiger", but it looks different from the previous ones.

   Two vehicles, the two vehicles are actually crawler-type.

   Remove the canvas cover, and above it is a ball-shaped fully enclosed turret with a good bulletproof shape. The turret is equipped with two 30mm anti-aircraft guns. The muzzle brake is still very long, like two long corn cobs.

   "Boss, your museum can be even better now. Two ‘ball lightning’s, there is only an incomplete turret in the museum outside, not to mention that these two can still run and fire."

   Everyone likes to listen to good things, let alone his own boss. This Joseph has been in the KGB for so many years, not only learned to be an agent, but also very familiar with this little trick.

   "The code name of this car is Ball Lightning?"

   asked Zhang Nan.

   "Yes, boss." Joseph added, "This is Germany's best-performing small-caliber self-propelled artillery during World War II. It can fully keep up with the rhythm of tank battles.

  The half-tracks at the back are generally okay, and when the terrain conditions are too bad, they will drag the armoured back legs..."

   Half-track armored vehicle, the initial design is to address the shortcomings of the early track and wheel transmission systems, and want to learn from each other.

   Crawler-type vehicles have better off-road capabilities, but the load capacity is limited, and the life span of the crawler is shorter, especially in off-road driving environments.

   As for production costs, tracked vehicles are much higher than wheeled vehicles.

  The advantage of wheeled vehicles is that the life of the wheels is longer than that of the crawlers. At the same time, the effective load of the wheeled vehicles is relatively high under the same dead weight.

   However, when the wheeled vehicle has a high load capacity, the terrain that it can pass is very limited, and its walking ability in bad weather is far inferior to that of a crawler vehicle.

   Learn from each other's strengths. World War II became the peak period for the use of half-track vehicles. At that time, Germany and the United States produced a large number of half-track vehicles to serve as transportation and combat missions in the war.

  Whether it is American or German, wheels are used in the front, and the rear is the crawler propulsion part. In actual use, it is basically used as an auxiliary for crawler vehicles. Who makes their off-road capability stronger than wheeled vehicles.

   But here comes the problem!

Although the design of this special vehicle was originally designed to take the advantages of the wheeled and crawler types, it inevitably inherited the shortcomings of the two walking systems-the road speed of the half-track armored vehicle is not as good as the wheeled vehicle, and its off-road capability Inferior to tanks, the two walking systems also lead to complex structures and difficult maintenance. Even maintenance requires two sets of tools.

   This type of vehicle was quickly eliminated after World War II. Until the 1970s, only Britain, Iran, and Chile had newly developed half-track vehicles in more than 20 years.

As for the large-scale use of half-track armored vehicles after World War II, there is only one Israel. The weapons and equipment used in the first two Middle East wars are quite interesting. The German No. 4 tank and the Stalker have, and the other is like the M4 made in the United States. Sherman is also a lot.

   World War II ended, but weapons made by both sides flowed into the Middle East through various channels, and continued to fight in the Middle East.

At that meeting in Zhang Nan’s last life, the 150mm heavy howitzer and the No. 4 tank made in Germany during World War II could be seen on TV in the civil war in the Middle East. Many netizens yelled: "Don’t fight, these old antiques should Be a baby in the museum!"

   However, Zhang Nan would not be able to care about the old antiques of the Middle East war at this time. Instead, he looked back at the half-track self-propelled anti-aircraft guns that were almost blocked by the "strong tiger".

   "The Germans have so many models of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, and the logistics is terrible."

   Hearing what the boss said, Joseph, who knows the Soviet-German war better than Marc’s military fan, finally said: "The German is also forced..."

   In 1943, the Soviet-German War entered its third year. The German armored clusters that once swept across the European continent were far less aggressive than before, because they were facing the Soviet Red Army that had been relieved.

At that time, the German armored cluster, in addition to facing the superior number of Soviet ground armored forces, the "T34 shock" and the "armor torrent" from the mountains and plains, it also faced the Soviet Union represented by Il-2 from the air. Furious bombing by the army's assault aircraft group and front-line bomber group.

  According to the remaining German documents, in 1942 alone, the Germans consumed millimeter anti-aircraft shells on the Eastern Front, 400,000 rounds of 37 mm anti-aircraft shells and approximately millimeter anti-aircraft shells.

   Air defense has become extremely important. If the air defense force is insufficient, the "Black Reaper" of the Soviet Air Force can call a German man in minutes!

   At that time, with the Soviet Union equipped with a large number of new fighters, the skills and tactics of the Soviet Air Force pilots also became more and more sophisticated in the brutal war. The Luftwaffe, which once despised everything, also fell into a tug of war with the Soviet Air Force for air supremacy on the battlefield.

  The air force is often overwhelmed. The German army can only support itself and do everything possible to protect the sky above its head and keep its head.

After the Battle of Stalingrad, the German Army believed that the emergency "weapon carrier" series that had previously used platforms such as the No. I tank and various types of semi-wheel tracked vehicles to be retrofitted with anti-aircraft guns had inherent deficiencies. Satisfy the operational needs of "accompanied by armored forces offensive and provide field air defense."

   At this time, the war has entered a white-hot stage. The Soviet Union has just moved from defense to offense, and Germany has the ability to take the initiative in war.

   At this point, the German rear military factory is responsible for the heavy main battle weapons and equipment production tasks. At this time, it is undoubtedly unrealistic to require them to redesign a new armored chassis that meets the combat needs at the time.

   If you want a new type of self-propelled anti-aircraft gun that meets actual needs, there are not many options for the German army on the ground. At that time, the most suitable, or even the only suitable one, was the large number of tank 4 chassis to be repaired in the rear.

   The war was fierce, and many tanks were damaged. Some of them could not be repaired even at the first-level repair shops of the group army. However, the tanks are precious and it is a pity to discard them. They can only be sent back to China for repair when possible.

   For the No. 4 tank, repairing a tank saves more labor and hours than building a new tank, plus transportation costs.

   The performance of the German No. 4 tank is balanced. The anti-aircraft gun on this site has good off-road capability and carrying capacity. It is a good idea among the forced methods.

   The east line is in a hurry, and the German armored group is attacked by air every day, very anxious. The efficiency of this local military-industry department is not bad.

   By December of '43, Germany's first full-track air defense vehicle prototype was completed. The weapon was equipped with a quadruple 20 mm anti-aircraft gun that was hugely equipped by the German army at that time and was very convenient for mass production.

   But soon the problem came. In the test, the Germans found that the damage capability of this type of anti-aircraft gun was limited and could not effectively fight the Soviet Il-2.

   The "Black Death" of the Soviets was not called for nothing. Not only was the firepower fierce, but the vital parts were also equipped with 7 to 12 mm thick nickel-molybdenum alloy steel armor plates. It was simply an aerial tank.

   When the distance is a little farther, the shells with too small caliber will not penetrate at all, and this type of Soviet attack aircraft with heavy armor protection is all over the sky on the eastern front.

   And this kind of air defense vehicle, which has just been trial-produced and is nicknamed the "four-wheeled carriage", is too unique in appearance-four flat armor plates that open and close by hinges and have a thickness of 20 millimeters to protect anti-aircraft guns are obvious distinguishing features.

   The characteristics are obvious, but the shortcomings of this design are more obvious, and even fatal-when the four armor plates are raised, the anti-aircraft guns on the car will be limited to the rotating firing range and cannot be used, becoming a display.

If you want to shoot, you have to lay down four armor plates, but at this time the naked anti-aircraft gun members become "shirtless guys". In addition to facing attacks from Soviet infantry and artillery shrapnel, they also have to face attacks from the Il-2 The 23mm cannon fired from the assault aircraft.

   Close-range air-to-ground air strikes, anti-aircraft gun positions will be important targets for attack planes and frontline bombers, and they will not be deliberately avoided because of danger.

   Fighting, that is to kill one's life, kill the air defense force first, then the maximum air strike effect can be obtained.

   Once fired by the Il-2 machine gun...


  The German artillery can only ask for their blessings!

   From the point of view of protection alone, this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun based on the design of the No. 4 tank site, compared with the previous "weapon carrier" in the battle room, has better off-road capabilities, and nothing else has changed.

   However, during the war years, things were urgently required. Despite obvious shortcomings, the ventilated antiaircraft artillery was put into mass production, and a total of about 250 were produced.

   It would be great if the army of a small country could have 250 self-propelled artillery, but this amount is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket for the German Army and the entire Eastern Front!

  The German armored division's first-level combat unit has the opportunity to get a platoon of "four-wheeled carriages" as a supplement to the field air defense force, which is not enough!

   In 44 years, the air supremacy of the European battlefield was gradually controlled by the Allies, and the German army became more urgent to need more and better self-propelled anti-aircraft guns to counter the ubiquitous Allied fighters.

   I figured out a way, and finally came up with the concept of a "tornado" air defense tank, which is actually a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

The turret of the    No. 4 tank was replaced by a polyhedral open turret nicknamed "biscuit jar". Four 20mm anti-aircraft guns were arranged in the turret.

   This design can not only provide surrounding protection for the occupants, the "white space" vacated at the top is not large, and it can provide an omnidirectional firing boundary for air defense fire.

   Unfortunately, the production capacity is insufficient, and the total output of the "Tornado" self-propelled anti-aircraft guns is only about 100.

   The German Army also knows that millimeter anti-aircraft guns have inherent damage capabilities and insufficient shooting height, but because of their huge output, they are repeatedly used for emergency response. There is no alternative.

After the actual combat test, the German Army once again found that the "Tornado" equipped with quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft guns could not effectively solve the Allied fighters, and came up with a replacement with millimeter anti-aircraft guns. On this basis, the improved "Tornado" air defense tank was renamed. "Dongfeng" air defense tank, which is also the last air defense tank produced by the German army in mass production.

Since the production of the first prototype in July 1944, a total of 43 Dongfeng air defense tanks have come off the production line. Although their power is much higher than that of the Tornado, these 43 Dongfeng vehicles are very difficult for the ever-tightening front line. In other words, it is obvious that there is not enough rhythm between the teeth, so naturally there is no need to expect more results.

   When designing the "Dongfeng", in May 1944, after summarizing the gains and losses of the past designs, the German Army Ordnance Bureau and Daimler Benz jointly developed the German Army's last air defense tank, the "Spherical Lightning".

  "Spherical Lightning" chose the dual-mounted 30mm MK103 cannon as the main weapon from the beginning to avoid the embarrassment of changing the main weapon and modifying the design due to insufficient aftereffect.

   Advanced, good performance, using a fully enclosed spherical turret, the turret is hydraulically driven, the muzzle pointing ability reaches 60 degrees per second, and the response is very fast.

  The gunner is sitting in the enlarged ventral turret of the bomber, searching and aiming through the air periscope and rangefinder.

   Benefiting from the powerful performance of the MK103 cannon, the "Spherical Lightning" has a high rate of fire of 450 rounds per minute and a range of 5,700 meters, with a total of 1200 rounds of ammunition, and the bomber can kill it in three to five shots.

   As for single-engine fighters, basically as long as you fall in love with a 30mm shell, you have to drop it down!

It can not only prevent and control, in the event of a war, the economic moment can even be used to deal with the Allied tanks-if you use the 40 type tracer armor-piercing bullets that were precious to the Germans at the time, most Allied armored vehicles would see it. It's like meeting the **** of death!

When the MK103 cannon is mounted on German bombers and assault aircraft, its biggest role is to use it for anti-tank. Including the Stalin 2 tank, all Allied armored vehicles have side armors and rear armors that match the top armors. It's over.

   This sharp armor-piercing bullet has a 16 mm diameter and 231 g tungsten alloy core, which can penetrate 8 mm thick armor at a distance of 100 meters!

   Fortunately, German tungsten is in short supply. Otherwise, if a large-scale deployment of tungsten alloy single-core shells, the combat effectiveness of German "tigers, leopards, and elephants" would have to soar.

  "Spherical Lightning" has a muzzle pointing ability of 60 degrees per second and a gun firing rate of 450 rounds per minute. If a large number of tungsten alloy single-core armor-piercing bullets are equipped with a tank when the terrain is right, the tank will either become pockmarked or become a honeycomb!

   But everything is too late. According to the plan, the "Ball Lightning" will be put into production in February 45, and will replace all previous anti-aircraft tanks.

   But with the dramatic changes in the European battlefield, according to relevant statistics, until Germany was defeated, only 5 "Ball Lightning" were completed and put into battle.

   Joseph told Zhang Nan: "Until the end of the war, neither the Red Army nor the Western Allies had obtained a complete ‘ball lightning’, and only a part of the spherical turret was captured.

   As for the car body, only one photo is left to prove that this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was captured by the Red Army. The only relic of the "spherical lightning" from the outside world is a turret, which is housed in the German Air Defense Military History Exhibition Hall in Kiel.

   It was a complete spherical turret, which was captured by the British army at the end of the war. It was later transported back to the UK for research and was returned to West Germany in the 1970s.

  Boss, the only two in the world are with you. If you are willing to take out one, those large military museums will probably line up to exchange their treasures.

   If it sells, the world’s most expensive supercar is estimated to be worth only its two tracks. "

   Zhang Nan smiled "Hehe" and said, "Joseph, your boss, my favorite collection belongs to Grande. If you don't sell it, let's not change it.

   World War II classic cars, there are not many that can be driven, let alone such a rare commodity.

   Let's keep it and open it for fun. "

   I have it but others don’t, so Zhang Nan would not sell such things.

  Joseph smiled. This is what he said to let the boss understand the special features of this car.

   A group of people opened the turret of this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, and Zhang Nan climbed up to take a closer look.

  The design of this turret is very creative. It is a spherical structure composed of multiple arc-shaped armor components. Of course, it is not completely spherical. There are some recessed parts on the top of the turret to set up the hatch.

The entire turret is half buried in the car The exposed part is extremely low when the gun is horizontal, only about 60 cm-a truncated cone-shaped armor enclosure is installed around the turret to protect the base of the turret. .

   Zhang Nan looked again, Joseph, who also climbed on the roof, said on the side: "This spherical turret is hung in the enclosure by a pivot, and then hoisted to the turret seat to form a closed structure.

   Compared with the popular open structure before, this is a great improvement and can provide all-round protection for the crew members. Because the spherical turret is half-buried in the car body and is covered by an armored enclosure, the exposed part is actually very small and the protection is very good..."

   Looking in from the hatch, there are three gunners in this turret, and the seats are on the left and right sides and behind the gun.

   "The member seats and the artillery are linked, and the artillery pitches and pitches. This design is very convenient for air observation and tracking of targets..."

   Hearing what Joseph said, Zhang Nan said, "You know this car well."

  "In fact, it is general, because the design of the first generation of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns in various countries after the war was based on the design of ‘cyclone’ and ‘ball lightning’.

  The reason for the previous work required us to learn to use all the common equipment of the Soviet army, at least it can be loud, moved, and fly away, so I have seen some information.

  Also, in the missions I performed, there were projects of western small-caliber anti-aircraft guns, so I learned more about it. "

   The red devil, almighty, does not require all the proficiency, at least a little understanding, so as not to catch the blind at any moment.

  :. :

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