The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1753: All have problems

In the previous life, some fans who loved Baggio would sometimes say without a pity: "Baggio, only one goal away from the king!"

  Because of a serious injury when he was less than 20 years old, 220 stitches were sewn on his leg. Throughout his football career, Baggio has been playing with a half-leg.

   is not tall, 1.74 meters;

   can't be regarded as a muscular maniac, not strong looking;

Because of injuries, he lost the acceleration and explosive power that God had given him from the beginning of his career, but Baggio won the "FIFA World Footballer of the World" and the "European Golden Globe Award" last year with his hard work. .

  Work hard, this guy is an inspirational model of world football!

   Standing on a high place, watching Baggio celebrating the goal on the green field, Zhang Nan calmed down after the cheers. Regardless of the hustle and bustle of the outside scene, he patted himself and clapped his hands.

   "One and a half leg, 6 balls, you have become Baggio, congratulations!"

   With a bit of self-talk, the dialect that is the most natural and almost requires no brain thinking, Charlize Theron and Yu Feihong on the one side can't understand it.

   It was a little strange that they didn't know that this man next to him was saying goodbye to a past, a pseudo-fan in the same past.

  The referee urged the Italian players to return to the half-time, using the funny sentence: "There is not much time left for the Samba Army!"

   There are not many, almost none, overtime has come, and even the goalkeeper of the Brazil team rushed up.

   Half a minute later, the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game, and half of the stadium seemed to explode!

   Zhang Nan put his arms around his chest, looked at the winners and losers on the court from a distance, and smiled to himself. After a while, he turned around and said to the two people beside him: "I'm leaving now. It's easy to get stuck in traffic. The award ceremony after the meeting should be worth seeing."

   After speaking, I ignored everyone's reaction and walked to the door of the box.

   When the bodyguards and attendants saw this situation, they immediately prepared to divide into two teams, but although the two women were surprised, they only glanced at the stadium again and took their respective pouches and walked to the door together.

   He only came to see Baggio's fateful battle, but he was also to see a past in his own life. Now that I have finished reading it, the result has changed, and I am quite satisfied, and it is natural that it is time to part.

   Italy became a four-star, and even Baggio won the cup, these Zhang Nan are no longer interested. From then on, there is no "Melancholy Prince" in the world. For him, it is a memory to say goodbye, but there is another regret.

   Shi Shiran went out, and saw that Zha Li and Yu Feihong were following him, Zhang Nan stopped and said: "Why are you out here, don't you watch?"

   I have said that the award ceremony will be worth seeing, and even if the ball is blind, the two women should know that it is the final highlight of the World Cup. It would be a pity not to watch it.

   Charlize Theron took his brother's hand in a thousand steps, smiled and intimately said, "I'll go wherever you go."

   Yu Feihong on the other side smiled and said nothing.

   gently squeezed Charlie's face, just like she did when she was young a few years ago. Without speaking, the three of them hugged and walked towards the elevator after the bodyguards and entourage called forward.

   At this time, the atmosphere in the stadium is slowly easing. After the meeting, the two teams will prepare and change their clothes for the award ceremony. The broadcast footage is finally empty, and more audience reaction footage can be switched.


   Some of the fans in front of TVs all over the world have discovered a strange thing: the box where Princess Star is actually empty!


   Go to the bathroom?

   It's not like, it's all gone!

This unscientific!

   It is the Azzurri, not the Brazilian who won the Hercules Cup today. How could the two guys in the Azzurri No. 10 jersey leave first?

   Is there any reason?

  The world of the rich is only understood by the rich. There will be many rich people in the Rose Bowl, but only the people around him understand Mr. Allen’s world.

   Changed the car on the return trip. Instead of taking the big red flag, it was replaced by Jill 41047. The sickles, compasses, and ears of wheat decorated in the car were even more surprised by the use of metal and enamel marks.

   This is the country logo of the Eastern countries, but I can’t remember which country it is at once, but I look familiar.

   There is one next to the seat, and I can't help but touch it. Charlize Theron sitting in the middle said: "This is a Gill armored car custom-made by the Soviet Union to give the leaders and leaders of the Warsaw Pact Allies. The company's buddies got it from East Germany.

  Originally belonging to Erich Honecker, there is also a Polish President Gill. The model is similar to this one. It will be overhauled and refurbished.

   Brother likes this kind of car, it’s very comfortable to sit on. "

   "The head of state uses a car!" She didn't say anything, she knew who Erich Honecker was, and her grades in political class while studying were not bad.

   "He went to Chile and heard that he won't live long." Zhang Nan said coldly.

   "Who?" Charlie didn't react.

  "Honecker, cancer. This man, his body is more important than anything else. If his body has a problem, he will not be insured if he has more money.

   By the way, Charlie, I usually use less cosmetics and perfumes. It's no good to use more of these things. "

   Charlize Theron quickly interrupted him: "If you know your brother, you will become a Tang monk after all!"

   Tang Seng reciting sutras, Yu Feihong was surprised, but she didn't expect that the star princess even knew this. She didn't know, Charlie had seen "Journey to the West"!

   Hearing what Charlie said, Zhang Nan thought of another thing: Zhou Xingxing’s "Western Journey" should be filming at Zhenbei Fort in the northwest.

   This year is a sad year for Hong Kong films. Production at its peak last year began to decline sharply, and the golden age of Hong Kong films has passed.

   If Zhou Xingxing’s film can be released in the winter, he won’t be a loser. If it is delayed until next summer...

   There will be no residue left!

   My own Mengguan ship is two years ahead of schedule. Next year, all commercial films on this planet will be crushed and crushed! Your own Titanic will be the last and most powerful blow to send Hong Kong movies to hell!

   After thinking about something, the two girls on the side were basically silent, one consciously, and the other knew that it was best to talk less when his brother was thinking.

I recalled that a bit nonsensical, not knowing, but pretty good-looking movie, I quickly put it aside, and said to Charlize Theron: "Are you ready for the photos Cameron said yesterday? If you have anything to add, then quickly shoot.

   There is no need for computer splicing. Cameron, the money-burning machine, is thinking about saving us money. "

  "Just black and white photos of India riding an elephant and hunting tigers can be I wear hunting suits for a few more chapters, and the style has not changed much in the past few decades.

  Others are not good. It seems that there is only one suitable tuna fishing. The vintage Prada model was worn that time, but it was a style from the 1940s. At that time, Ruth was already middle-aged.

  The beach horseback riding has to be synthesized by film, the background is not easy to find the old-fashioned roller coaster. Finally, to fly a biplane, I have to make a custom-made flight suit from the 1920s..."

   are all the details in the film. The photos on the bedside of the elderly Ruth are used, and perhaps many viewers who only watch it once will not find it. The "Titanic" in Zhang Nan's memory is a classic. This time, I want to make it a perfect classic.

   At the beginning of the script, Ruth said that she must carry her photos with her when she travels. There is another paragraph: "I don't even have a picture of him, he will always live in my memory."

   Ruth in the movie is a woman who has been persistent and indestructible, who has to carry all the pain and bravely through this life. She wants to live for a long time with the memory of Jack, so Jack will always exist in this world in another form. This is Ruth's best reward for Jack.

   The photo is the life of Ruth.

In the car, Zhang Nan thought of the movies he had seen before, and said something that made the two girls in the car dumbfounded: "The nobleman and the rich girl have betrayed the family and the fiance without principle and sense of responsibility, and fell in love with an encounter The dog-blood story of the poor boy could become a classic by the guy Cameron. This man...

   All the fucking-everything is wrong! "

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