The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1761: Protect one's own interests

Without having to play too many memories, Zhang Nan knew that the Indian government was unable to deal with the plague epidemic by itself this time, and who made the concept of "people" in this country different from other countries.

  The population is large, the distribution is large, etc., and the public facilities are still seriously incomplete;

   is not only unsound, but also severely unbalanced: the level of high-end medical care is actually among the best in developing countries, and it is also sought after by many Europeans and Americans, and even developed the concept of medical tourism.

   Here, some high-end private hospitals have green grass outdoors, elegant indoor environments, all kinds of advanced medical equipment, and medical staff with outstanding skills and services.

   These private hospitals look like five-star hotels, but it is not foreigners who come in and out all the time, or the wealthy local Indians in suits and shoes.


   The registration fee of such private hospitals can discourage the poor in India, let alone those "talking animals."

   Many private hospitals in India have good medical skills and cheaper fees than similar hospitals in Western countries, but they only serve a very small number of people.

   Just like the private hospital called Apollo where Li Panfeng and others went to buy streptomycin, the registration fee alone is 500 rupees, which is equivalent to more than ten dollars. How many Indians can afford it?

   When the boss goes to any country, the location and level of the medical point near this place must be clearly understood, just in case, so Li Panfeng and others know the situation of the Apollo hospital.

  What about the poor?

   Go to a public hospital.

   Some public hospitals can be found in cities, as for rural areas...

  It is said that since the early 1980s, the Indian government has set the ambitious goal of gradually establishing a three-level medical care network in rural areas across the country.

   But the goal is the goal, how difficult it is to achieve it! India's plan to "let all people enjoy medical care" basically stays on paper.

   There are not enough doctors, hospitals, and medicines!

   Saying that generic drugs are popular in India, is it "the conscience of the poor" and "the paradise of the poor"?

not that simple!

  In fact, for the poor in India, most generic drugs used for export are far away from them!

   The high medical expenses of private hospitals are far beyond the affordability of ordinary Indians, and the free public medical care "looks beautiful".

  India has what is known as the world’s largest “free medical” system. In addition to the cost of medicine, registration fees, examination fees, medical treatment fees, and even nutritious meals in public hospitals!

   However, Indians are talking about "public" discoloration!

  As long as the families with the conditions, they will choose the private hospitals with high fees for medical treatment. Only the poor who cannot afford the high medical expenses have to choose public hospitals.

   Public hospitals are unreliable!

In public hospitals in India, even a hospital may be deprived of oxygen because it cannot afford the oxygen money from the supplier. The hospital cannot find oxygen, causing the newborn to be deprived of oxygen. As a result, thousands of newborns died within a few months. !

  Free medical care for all people in India?

  The actual situation is: India is currently the country with the lowest per capita medical expenditure in the world!

   About two thousand patients have one bed. Except for a few "developed" cities, a doctor has to serve nearly 10,000 ordinary people. In some states, the ratio of population to doctor is even close to 30,000 to 1!

   The number of medical institutions is also severely insufficient: the relative population is not much less, and medical institutions are less than one-fifteenth of China!

  The medical field in India is like a microcosm of this country's society, highly torn apart, not related to each other, it is both heaven and hell.

   What’s even more frightening is that with the digging of memories, Zhang Nan’s memory has a description of the outbreak of the plague in India: in the hospital housing plague patients, trash is everywhere, and rats even scurry around in the ward and on the windowsill!

  The plague broke out, and the hospital was still full of rats. This time, as long as the patients were still able to move, all the patients fled the hospital, which caused the spread of the epidemic.

   Coming to India, Zhang Nan brought his personal doctor, Edward, and a pediatrician.

   Just now, I asked Dr. Edward what kind of medicine is needed to treat the plague and how to treat it.

  "Strict isolation and disinfection, early, joint, adequate, and sensitive antibacterial drugs.

  The special drug streptomycin is the most important of the drugs, and both glandular and pulmonary plague can be dealt with.

   there are gentamicin, tetracycline and chloramphenicol..."

   Dr. Edward, in his fifties, has never been in contact with the plague, but he still knows how to deal with the disease. This is a doctor’s common sense, but he doesn’t know the specific treatment process and the amount of medicine.

   After listening to the doctor's introduction, Zhang Nan knew that these are all mass-produced, mature products, and cheap medicines. They are all essential items in the health centers of rural villages in China.

   Have you used chloramphenicol eye drops?

   Have you seen ugly tetracycline teeth?

   The gentamicin for injection was taken directly by some people. Zhang Nan has done it just like that. The taste is super twisted and maddening!

As for streptomycin, it is even more famous. It almost kills tuberculosis, but people born in the 60s and 80s have basically heard "The child of so and so is deaf!" or "This person is not born deaf. , I had a high fever when I was young, and I used too much... and it ended up like this." This kind of thing.

  Edward said that these are common medicines in China, but this is India. These common medicines for the plague are not as common in China.

   As for the lactam and quinolone drugs that the doctor mentioned, I'm sorry, Zhang Nan, a layman, doesn't understand at all.

   Zhang Nan didn't delay Dr. Edward's time. This will be very busy. He has to check the physical condition of all boarding personnel, including Zhang Nan, Masha and Xiang Weirong.

   The content of the check is very simple: do you have a fever!

  Except for the boss’s family, if anyone else has fever symptoms, no matter who they are, they will be driven off the plane by Dr. Edward without hesitation and sent to the best private hospital in Surat!

   After a check, there was nothing wrong with Zhang Nan. My sister asked Martha to take it to the suite, plus a female pediatrician.

   Zhang Nan’s instructions were very clear. The pediatrician was responsible for the safety of his daughter and Martha. The three of them did not leave the suite before the plane arrived in Botswana.

   "I hope it is not pneumonic plague!"

   These are the words of Dr. Edward, the pneumonic plague has a fast outbreak speed, a short incubation time, and what is more terrible is that it is airborne, and the air on the plane circulates each other.

   Zhang Nan did not call China, but contacted the company to see if he could dispatch a batch of drugs such as streptomycin and gentamicin.

It’s not that he wants it, it’s that the Jain family needs at least hundreds of thousands of copies: most of the people in Surat City work for their family, and the patriarch of the family Manu is temporarily running away, but it's interesting to know what to do. no.

   After the outbreak of the epidemic, administering drugs to the Surat people is actually protecting the property of the Jia Yin family, and at the same time protecting Zhang Nan's interests to a certain extent.

   More than half of the diamonds processed by the Surat people are purchased from Zhang Nan’s Diamond Group.

   If all the workers are gone, the loss will be great!

   Manu Jain was sitting next to Zhang Nan, and he was slightly relieved when he finished the call.

  " In 24 hours at the fastest and 36 hours at the slowest, 300,000 antibiotics will arrive at this airport on a plane transporting rough diamonds.

   Customs and receiving goods will be left to you who stayed here.

   I don’t know how many tens of thousands of units are 300,000 copies. My people said that it’s enough to treat tuberculosis, and then 300,000 people will get an injection each.

   As for normal saline and syringes, there are always there in Surat’s hospital, right? "

  The plague hasn’t even broken out yet. It’s enough to secretly mobilize a batch of antibiotics. Is it possible to get medical assistance if nothing happens?

  Zhang Nan's brain is not funny yet!

   "Enough for the time being. Once these medicines arrive, they will be delivered to the group's several medical rooms and hospitals near the group's several large processing plants..."

   Manu-Jain will let people drag the batch of medicines, and they won’t be scattered at the customs.

   At this time, Xiang Weirong, who was sitting on the other side, said: "Manu, you can relax. As long as the medicine is in place, the treatment effect is still good. It is not a time without antibiotics.

  In other words..."

   Xiang Weirong paused, and said, "I have had hemorrhagic fever. Even if the thing is treated, it is said that the case fatality rate is as high as 20% to 90%, which is scary!"

   This is in the heart of Kuan Manu.

   With modern technology and medical methods properly treated, what is the fatality rate of the plague?

   Zhang Nan doesn't know.

   Haemorrhagic fever, an infectious disease that is also transmitted by mice, sounds terrible, but it should be reported as a category B infectious disease!

   "Mr. Xiang, you have had hemorrhagic fever? Is that epidemic hemorrhagic fever?!"

   Manu-Jain looked surprised, with an expression of "you are fatal": This disease is fatal. In India, once you get it, you will be dead, even if you are treated in a private hospital!

   Zhang Nan interrupted at this time: "Manu, not only did my brother-in-law have it, but also the family of my brother-in-law's old colleague, the old neighbor who lives next door.

   Don’t listen to him being scary, in our hometown, treat this disease trivially. "

   Manu looked disbelief, none of the rat-infected diseases, plague and hemorrhagic fever, seemed to be related!

  " In 1983, my brother-in-law drove home. After a short period of time, he was burnt and confused. The car was sent to the local People's Hospital for a checkup and found hemorrhagic fever.

  The place where I live is backed by a lot of rats.

   He wanted to go home to sleep that night, but the doctor refused. The next day I ran home to sleep, and went to have some IV drips during the day.

   After hanging up for three days, he recovered. "

   "My friend, that's a severe infectious disease!"

   Manu has an expression of "You are teasing me!"

   Zhang Nan smiled and said, "What am I doing to lie to you."

  The county in my hometown has several tops in the world. The production of neckties is the world's first, the reserves of natural raw materials for fireproofing materials are the world's first, and the ability to treat hemorrhagic fever is the world's best!

  Cow, big city hospitals will jump around when they hear of this disease. Our home hospital dealt with this handily...

   Don’t ask me how to treat it, I don’t know, but it’s so powerful.

   Even the urine is gone, and the patients who are believed to be unsaved elsewhere are treated for you in our care, anyway, they can't die, they will be alive and kicking in a week.

  All seminars on the treatment of hemorrhagic fever in the world have been held in our place..."

   "A Nan, is there such a meeting?" Xiang Weirong asked: He had never heard of it.

   "You are on a business trip."

   Zhang Nan broke off casually and forgot, it will take more than ten or twenty years before it will open in his hometown.

   At this time, the relatives of Comrade Manu, the bodyguard, arrived, and the plane was about to take off.

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