The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1764: Impressive efficiency

The problem of jet lag, after more than ten hours of flying, it will be almost dawn in India, and Botswana is the deepest time of night.

   a big airport, the apron where the Boeing 767 slowly slides into is illuminated like daylight, and you can vaguely see the outline of the huge transport aircraft on other aprons in the distance. As for the hangar building, it is even more powerful.

   This is Southern Africa. With unparalleled strength, Sunshine Star Group has created this super-large airport, which can embarrass South Africa further south!

   Zhang Nan’s nest has been built over the years. The air base alone has a huge area and complete facilities, comparable to any other air base in Russia and Ukraine.

   There are all things that the Soviet-style military air base has, and there are not many things that the Russians don’t have!

  In Botswana, there is more than this air base belonging to Chief Allen!

   I greeted the guests before getting off the plane, and I will be temporarily quarantined when I get there, and I need to undergo a physical examination.

  Except for those who are too young, everyone else needs to be professionally decontaminated.

   Everyone was mentally prepared, but when they got there, Manu Jain and the others were still a little frustrated when they saw the battle on the tarmac.

   As long as they are ordinary people, and see a large group of soldiers in chemical protective clothing waiting for them, they will be ghosts if they are not nervous!

   It is a stab at shrinking his head and stretching his head. Accept your fate, at least you can feel more at ease after checking and washing it.

  Get off the plane. On the side of the apron, the medical tent has already been set up, and there is a special decontamination tent.

  Professional decontamination, changing clothes, regardless of what brand name you are wearing, or the most expensive sari, will be destroyed afterwards.

   All military measures are taken, who cares how much your clothes are worth!

   Fortunately, a bunch of Indian tyrants don't care about the money for a few pieces of clothing. After changing into the military clothing prepared by the base, everyone still finds it very interesting.

   The valuables are temporarily taken away and will be returned to the owner after disinfection. Manu and others are not worried about this, and are not afraid of losing it at all.

   The pre-selected and assembled military doctors wore protective equipment to conduct a careful inspection of everyone. It took more than two hours before and after the calculation was completed, and everyone was sent to the isolation location in batches.

   The self-isolation point of Zhang Nan's family is the manor where they live every time they come here, because everyone hasn't found any problems for the time being. After the 9-day quarantine period is over, the manor does not need to be disinfected.

   Yuchen child certainly does not need to be decontaminated, she was sent to the big bed in the manor bedroom in her sleep.

   Decontamination requires the use of chemicals, which is not good for the child. After a group of experts checked the physical condition of their little princess during self-study, they believed that the possibility of her being infected with the plague virus is less than that of a person being hit by a meteorite.

   As for Zhang Nan and Martha, in order to make Indian friends not feel awkward, they honestly took a spray and took a bath.

   can be washed away, both of them are dressed in Soviet-style spring and autumn military uniforms, still from the inside to the outside.

   The child can sleep peacefully on the plane, and Martha has slept in the suite on the plane, but Zhang Nan can’t.

   After arriving at the manor, no matter what else, I will talk about it after a good night's sleep.

   Sleep peacefully. There are no biological weapons in my home in Africa, but there are many doctors and experts who are the best and can deal with biological viruses.

   The boss escaped from the epidemic area, and several of them were prepared in the manor and near the manor.

   Everything just in case!

  Since no symptoms broke out when I got off the plane, even if I had been infected before, there is no need to worry about those people who are there.

  Professional matters are dealt with by professional people, to deal with the plague, some experts in Zhang Nan's lair are!


   Zhang Nan, who cultivated his body in the manor, has been paying attention to the situation in India. Friends such as Jia Yin have contacted the country several times a day, which is not good news.

Elephant God Festival was supposed to be a happy and peaceful day for Indians to sing and dance, but a news ruined it. On the morning of the third day when Zhang Nan and others fled India, that is, the morning of September 20, a terrible news was like The plague spread throughout the city of Sutra!

   Plague, plague appeared in the city!

   Sushang-Jiain reminded the hospital director about the plague, and the man immediately took action, asking the doctor below to test the patients while reporting to the higher level health.

   But it's big-trouble is coming!

   The efficiency of government departments in India is touching. Although this public hospital is new, its medical equipment is incomplete, let alone the supply of medicines.

The dean "guess" that the "unknown" disease encountered this time is the plague, so let's treat it according to the plague. Although the tetracycline and sulfa drugs that can deal with the plague in the hospital are extremely scarce, the treatment of the twenty-odd people is still Can deal with it for a while.


   There is only one disease in the world, and that is the disease of poverty!

   The rich will go to the doctor if they have a little headache and brain fever, but ordinary people and poor people in India basically rely on minor illnesses for their livelihoods, and go to the hospital only after they get very sick.

   The medicine is used, the dean said that the dosage is appropriate; the dean, I called to ask.

   The first batch of patients who have been sent have high fevers, coughing, sneezing, vomiting blood, until fainting, which is obviously a dying illness. Only then medication...

   Whether it can live or not, probably only Xiangshen knows What's worse is that similar patients are constantly being sent to the hospital. The isolation ward and protective equipment of the hospital are not enough, and the medicines are running out!

This hospital is like a bomb and has become a gathering place for plague patients. The doctors are panicking, not to mention that the patients and their families have not yet determined whether the plague is or not at this time, because Surat does not have the testing equipment at all, and the case samples. It must be sent to Mumbai or New Delhi to be tested.

   Seeking help from superiors, urgently in need of medicine, but no!

   There is a shortage in all of India, and it takes time to mobilize medicines. According to the consistent efficiency of the Indian government, this speed makes patients and their families desperate!

   Besides, none of these medicines are rich, and the autonomy of the states is not enough. What should we do if the medicines are given to you?

   Mr. Dean is going crazy!

   Fortunately, at noon on the 19th, the first batch of medicines aided by the Jain family and transported urgently from abroad arrived at the hospital. At this time, several major hospitals in Surat admitted patients with similar symptoms.

   At this time, the test report finally returned from New Delhi to bubonic plague!

   is not a pneumonic plague that can be transmitted by breathing. Mr. Dean took a slight breath of relief, but in the early morning of the next day, the first patient died in the hospital!

   Before dawn, several died!

   All the deceased were black, with a pair of wide-open eyes protruding, and the pain was horrible!

   Disaster has come. At this time, Surat City is facing a cruel war. The news of the plague epidemic spread like wildfire, and the whole city was blown up!

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