The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1780: To make big money

"Giving up guns and not killing, we treat the prisoners preferentially." Brothers and sisters who participated in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and the two-mountain round battle will remember the Vietnamese pronunciation of this sentence for many years.

The original must-learn content is included in the pamphlets distributed before and during the war. It’s okay if you can’t remember the pronunciation of other short sentences. This sentence must be kept in mind and used when capturing prisoners.

As for Boss Guan and Wu Wei, who often have to go deep into the enemy's territory to perform missions, or even perform makeup investigation missions, they need to master more Vietnamese.

The two talked a few words in Vietnamese at will. They can’t be wrong. Guan Xingquan is now 800% able to determine Wu Wei’s identity as a former scout. He speaks Vietnamese better than himself. In addition to scouts and translators, Ghosts would be interested in learning so many monkey words. Just remember one or two of the most important sentences.

Except in rare cases, dead monkeys are the best monkeys.

Guan Xingquan can speak Vietnamese, but after all, the distance is long, and even if his figure was performing makeup tasks in the jungle, it was not his turn to wear civilian clothes to deal with monkeys.

Is too big and appears among the monkeys

Bright as the sun

It's like Wu Wei's one meter and seven zeros. Although he is also a big man in Vietnam, he is not particularly obtrusive.

Before, Pavel Koshevoi accompanied the two women to look at the shoes, and did not go too much about Xingquan.

At one end of the store, I would hear the monkey words "Jiliya", and casually say "vitnaunchunh, vàtrongtayanhtrthànhthngh."

Fuck, the two of them here were taken aback, they only understood a general idea

Especially Wu Wei, he never expected that a chubby middle-aged white man could speak such fluent Vietnamese.

This is Italy, and he feels a little bit of space chaos in an instant.

Seeing the reaction of the two, Pavel showed the expression of a good old man next door. He knew that he was speaking too fast, and the two did not understand all of them. He smiled and changed to Chinese saying "I said the battle of the Vietnamese army." The will is still very strong.

It's not easy, and it can only be beaten into a clown in your hands.

For more than 20 years, I lived in Vietnam for a long time at that time, basically in Hanoi. Those Vietnamese have fought for almost three generations since 45 years, and they are more difficult to deal with than the Afghan gang.

Soldiers who have fought for a lifetime are difficult to deal with. They are three generations, better than monkeys, true jungle warfare experts.

The Soviet Union and China have been their teachers for so many years. The U.S. military suffered a big loss, and only the China Army had the strength, and they actually managed to teach these jungle warfare experts how to behave. "

Speaking of this, Pavel sighed with emotion, "It won't work if I change to the Soviet army. The jungle is hell, the real hell, **** it."

After finishing speaking, very coolly no longer caring about the two of Guan Xingquan, but continued to advise Albina who was picking shoes.

Is the Yue Army really a monkey?

Strategically, you can despise this opponent, but tactically, if you dare to do this, think about what happened to the Americans back then.

This gang of monkeys can only fight guerrilla warfare and dare not head-on

These jungle monkeys harden up, they still make you crazy

Guan Xingquan remembered one such battle in 1984. Six Vietnamese infantry regiments stormed a position in Laoshan at night, and above it was an infantry regiment guarded by China.

If the early intelligence work was not done well and the movements of the Vietnamese army were known in advance, the infantry regiment that returned to the position would have suffered heavy losses even if the infantry regiment was not completely filled with dumplings.

Thanks to the investigation, we have time to mobilize and assemble two heavy artillery regiments directly under the army to take the most violent intermittent shelling when the battle begins, and use heavy artillery shells to provide three lines of defense for the infantry position.

In this way, a large number of Vietnamese troops rushed to the infantry position in the end.

Such a Vietnamese army is a funny monkey

Their fighting will is more ferocious than tigers

It was a night in the world, and the statistics were that the Vietnamese army had reimbursed more than 3,000. What is uncountable is that as long as there is heavy rain, skeletons and bones will be rushed out everywhere on the hillside on the opposite side of the position.

The main peak is in the hands of the opponent, and it can be attacked by the two military heavy artillery regiments with precise and long-range interdiction artillery. The armies of several countries can do it

Are they stupid

Knowing that they will be blown to pieces by the terrifying 152 and 130 shells, they charge like that.

It can only do that, because there is no other way, and that position is extremely important, and only in this way can it be possible to capture.

Boss Guan had never despised the Yue army in tactics, who despised who was an idiot.

Don't underestimate the Vietnamese monkeys

This Wu Wei glanced at Pavel with a slightly surprised look: Today's situation is special. He didn't go up to introduce the goods in the store and the customers gave him enough surprises.

"Don't be surprised, he used to be a Soviet officer, and it's normal to have been to Vietnam" Guan Xingquan didn't go on with this topic, nor did he mention that Pavel was once a KGB or a general.

"By the way, Vietnamese is basically useless in the company, and there is no Vietnamese monkey in the company. I mean the security company.

We are not called mercenaries, one of them is now popularly called a security contractor, and there is a branch in Milan.

This category is mainly responsible for security work, some who serve as bodyguards for the rich, and some are responsible for the safety of major companies, such as the safety of mines and enterprises in some non-safe areas.

Those fighting in Africa are called military contractors, and this part is similar to traditional mercenaries.

Want to join our company, now you have three options.

The first one is the simplest and best meets your language requirements.

I'll give you an address, and take your green card to Milan in a few days. The people over there will send you to receive short-term training, and then you will be an ordinary security contractor in Italy.

The person I arranged may not have much income this year. Forty-five thousand dollars is not a big problem, and the risk is low. It's just a normal job, but it's a waste of your own conditions.

The second option is slightly more troublesome. It requires at least half a year of training and strict company scrutiny.

We also have a relationship in China. It is very simple to investigate your old bottom. It is trivial to check three generations.

After that, most of the time will be in southern France, the mission scope will be in Europe and the French-speaking area of ​​Africa, and the annual salary will be 100,000 dollars after the tax

Don’t be happy. It’s not surprising that you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year when you are lucky.

Of course, most of the time you can still live like an ordinary person, drinking coffee, fishing, and changing the state when you have a task.

If you choose this, if something that shouldn’t be leaked is revealed, the consequences will be very serious if the ugly talk is the first.

The third option is simple and simple. It is troublesome and troublesome. You have to learn a little English, the everyday language, and then send to Africa.

When you get there, you will be arranged by the company as a teacher or a military contractor, either as a mine security or going to war. The income you can endure is also a hundred thousand dollars.

Several jobs are signed every five years at the beginning. After five years, depending on the status, those with poor physical fitness will usually change their jobs. As long as you don’t break your body or violate company regulations, you will be given to the company when you get older. Mines or wealthy people watch the gates and become armed drivers. It’s okay to work until you are in your fifties.

As for the desperate work, there are very few people in the company who are still in their 40s or 50s. I think your kid will still have this physical fitness by then.

This is a bit like the British special forces. They have grandparents, and it depends on how well they maintain themselves.

For more than fifteen years of work, except for the first type, believe me, the pension is enough for you to lead a decent middle-class life in Europe.

As for the first type, a pension of 25 years of service is enough, not counting your own salary. "

Hearing this, Wu Wei thought for a while, looked at Pavel and others on the other side of the store, and asked, "Like that one."

Guan Xingquan smiled and said in Wenzhou dialect: "You may or may not be able to do their work. If you want to do it, you will have to undergo a long period of training and review.

The most important point is that many of their lives are not their own, you hope this

For you, the first type is too wasteful to be an ordinary security staff. I suggest that if you are confident, courageous enough, and innocent, then start with the second type, and there is more room for development within the company.

Also, when you have money, you can find a wife and have children early, so that you can get a higher-paying job."

Wu Wei is not stupid at all, and he would not fail to understand why there is a connection between "wife, child" and high income.

Those who don’t have permanent property have no perseverance, he understands this truth, and he also knows that those who have concerns can be reliable.

"Brother Guan, I choose the second one. I want to make a lot of money and let my family live a real good life."

"The right choice."

With that said, Guan Xingquan suddenly got up and put his hand on Wu Wei's shoulder, and he would overturn it with every effort. The latter's conditioned reflexes were generally staggered and succeeded.

"Try it out"

Continuing to deceive him, "bang, bang, bang" a few times, the two have already fought back and forth several times.

At the beginning, Wu Wei just subconsciously made a defensive posture, without taking any further action.

After hearing what Guan Xingquan said, I still tried to bring Boss Guan down close, but almost knocked myself Yes, the number of paths in the company didn’t slow down. Now I completely believe that you are a man. Scout

When the time comes, learn more English, and some are opportunities to make a lot of money. "

Stopped, very satisfied.

Guan Xingquan had just tightened his strength a bit, otherwise Wu Wei should have been lying down in a desperate state, but even so, this Wu Wei is already very good.

"Space tourists" won't rob his leather goods store, so what is their life?

The important thing is: Guan Xingquan has tried out that Wu Wei's unarmed combat with heavy Chinese scouts is still a master, no worse than the single brothers Jiang Wangfeng and Wang Qiu.

The treasure hunt of an antique dealer

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