The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1794: 2 boring gang leaders

The Akhaldi Golden Horse from Central Asia, anyone who loves horses will like it, but that kind of elves is too rare-purebreds are rare, not to mention the top pedigree batch, it is absolutely impossible to come across. beg!

   If you want to own a thoroughbred Akhalje Golden Horse, there is a deadly hard premise: you have to have enough money!

   Akhalje Golden Horse maintains the highest world record for a famous horse auction, and is also the world record for the most expensive single-person vehicle price so far-a full 50 million US dollars. The creation time was 1986!

   Maybe there will be other famous horses whose auction price exceeds 50 million US dollars in the future, but the actual price is 100% unable to compare with the record set by Akhalje Golden Horse, because of time!

   In 1986, the U.S. dollar would be valuable!

The daughters of the two families were discussing the matter of riding a beautiful horse together. The President on this side looked at this scene and smiled at Zhang Nan and said, "Allen, your frighteningly expensive Akhaltier. Golden Horse Transport America is coming?"

"There are only about 30 horses. In the Montana ranch, the place is big enough for people to spend some time thinking about getting some facilities. This horse is said to be good and easy to raise. It can be raised as a military horse, but it needs to be raised well. It is troublesome to spend money and manpower and thoughts!

   Most of them are still located in the breeding centers of Kazakhstan. The climate conditions there are more suitable than Montana, and the manpower is more suitable.

  The Russians have experience in raising this horse. They come to the United States all the time. It is inconvenient. The Immigration Bureau guys have to come and add to the chaos.

   By the way, I only heard that you like running very much. If you like riding horses, let’s go hunting. Next time we go to Montana, we will go horse riding and hunting.

   There are so many deer in the forest farm that they have to go down the mountain and the free-range cattle grab extra feed. The cowboys hired during the hunting season are too lazy to shoot.

   At that time, we will ride the best Akhalje Golden Horse. Except for a few horses to participate in the competition, most of them can ride.

The horses are still descendants of'Dan Singer-Brief'. The sister's \'elf\' means that it belongs to her. In fact, the horse will participate in several competitions in the next half a year, the middle and long distance. kind.

  According to the horse trainer, by the middle of next year, the horse will be worth at least 25 million US dollars, and it will even surpass the record of its father's "Dan Singer-Briyev". "

   At this time, Hillary interjected: "Allen, surpassing the auction world record, I think it is absolutely impossible!"

   Okay, now a few adults are laughing.

   is absolutely impossible. No matter how great the horse race is, it cannot be shot because it belongs to Zhang Yuchen!

   can't be shot, how can I record it?

   is at most an estimate.

   "I haven't seen a golden horse yet," Hillary said again, "I heard that our Hollywood princess also has a pure silver Akhalje golden horse?"

   Hollywood princess, talking about Charlize Theron, which is her new and universally recognized name for this year: Except for Star Columbia, there are no similar figures in other major companies.

  To build a huge ship and film, she must be the Hollywood princess!

   As for those precious horses of Zhang Nan, everyone in the famous horse ring and race ring knows that many ordinary people have also heard about it, and it has been mentioned many times in the news.

   Hearing the question from the presidential mansion, Zhang Nan smiled and said: "Yes, it is called \'Silver Spirit\', but this will still be in Kazakhstan.

   Because of it, my sister also wanted the same color, so she brought the silver bell from Kazakhstan. "

The pronunciation of    is the same in Chinese. Fortunately, these two words are pronounced differently in English, otherwise you have to explain.

   It’s a deal. When the two houses are free next time, I will go to Zhang Nan’s super ranch in Montana for a vacation, which is more comfortable than Camp David.

   The place is big enough!

  The dinner was still in the birch house. There were only seven people in the family, Zhang Nan and Nicole were cooking, and even Tom didn’t let him serve as a waiter.

   A real family gathering, combining Chinese and Western with a meal, it’s fun.

   It’s not easy to be a president, especially when there are many rules in office. It’s rare to have a meal like this.

   After drinking some wine, the slightly high Mr. President asked a question during the meal: How did Zhang Nan get the hundreds of Akhalty Golden Horses from Turkmenistan?

   In fact, only half of them are from Turkmenistan, but there is no need to explain.

Zhang Nan has just been in place today, and the answer he got from him makes the president and his wife unable to answer: "William, you are now the biggest gang leader on the planet. There are things you can't do and can't do. I, the biggest gang leader in the dark world on earth, can just do it.

   The reverse is also true. There are some things you can do that I cannot do. "

   is simple and clear, anyway, it has been explained that the method is not very glorious.

  As for the specific process, everyone is smart, so why bother to get to the bottom?

   What kind of energy Zhang Nan had on the original Soviet turf, President Zipper is quite clear.

   Almost nothing was arranged on the third day, so I did what I wanted.

   Vacationing is just a boring and relaxing experience, let alone being in a “prison” with a high level of security.

   The president is boring, and the guests are even more boring.

   Zhang Nan took his children for a walk on the towering green forest trails of Camp David in the morning, and then went to the fish pond to fish.

   said it was a fish pond, but it was actually a pond with hundreds of square meters of water.

   The area of ​​Camp David is not very large. There are not many recreational activities in the countryside. In order to prevent the president and his family from getting bored, the staff deliberately raise some fish in the pond, and they don’t feed them much.

   The afternoon was really boring. My sister yelled to play a treasure hunt in the woods: She had played this game in Montana and also on Long Island. Sometimes on the beach of her peninsula, she could find some weird gadgets.

   As a result, the staff here is completely dizzy: the customer wants a metal ask where can I buy it nearby?

   The staff didn't know that the nearest city is dozens of kilometers away, and there are probably no treasure hunters in the nearby towns.

   But this can’t help the staff!

   The president who serves the president, the president with iron and steel, and all the strange requests have been met.

   No need to drive to buy, let alone fly to Baltimore by helicopter, because there is it in the camp!

   took them as soon as they took them, and Zhang Nan shook his head straight: not the exquisite goods used before, but two genuine military mine detectors!

   Before Zhang Nan's family made the president and his wife dumbfounded several times, this time it was Zhang Nan's turn to have nothing to say!

   These two guys, how silly and thick, they all doubt whether they are leftover materials from the Vietnam War...

   This is the presidential resort. This thing is probably to prevent people from planting landmines nearby?

   I don't care, anyway, I was idle, and I went with Charlie one by one, and started searching around the birch hut with my sister.

   It's just for fun, who cares what to find out.

  Treasures, don’t even think about it, but I really found something: two flat cans, from the 1960s; a metal button, identified, a button on the navy uniform of the 1940s.

   is worth one dollar!

   Finally it was the fourth day. After lunch, two "Dark Shadows" landed at Camp David with special permission. This was Zhang Nan's own business jet. .

   The family ended their vacation and returned to New York.

   Not coming again next time, Camp David, why not go to the countryside to grow vegetables?

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