The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1796: No. 1 in the world

The "Roof of the World" Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is undoubtedly the leader of the world's plateaus. The second place is the Altiprano Plateau in South America, and the capital of Bolivia, La Paz, where Zhang Nan is going this trip, is in Alti. Above the Plateau of Plano!

The last time I went to Chile and Peru, the **** high altitude and the dry climate made him choppy enough. In the end, he finally reached Machu Picchu, which can be regarded as a "low altitude". There will still be a slight air pressure response when sleeping at night, so wake up. Several times, I didn't sleep well.

   The Long Island Manor at this meeting is not more than ten meters above sea level. This time, he has to go to a place of 4,000 meters, and Zhang Nan immediately feels his head is big!

Generally speaking, people born in low-altitude areas will experience mild or severe altitude sickness when they go directly to places higher than 2500 meters above sea level. Even if they are too light, they can’t feel it at ordinary times, but when they are sleeping or running and other strenuous exercises, This difference comes out.

   It's not that people who have altitude sickness will be in poor health, and those who have no response or light reaction will be in good health. Normal people go to the plateau and have nothing to do with more than 3,000 meters. It is not uncommon for people who are confused and die!

   Seeing Zhang Nan looked a little worried, Jenny also specifically asked him not to worry too much, saying that the altitude in La Paz is high, but it is not the same as the general lack of oxygen in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China...

   did some homework.

"...The latitude is different, and the atmospheric troposphere height is also different. Where the latitude is low, the troposphere is high. The latitude of La Paz is lower than that of China Sunshine City. It is also close to the ocean and the Amazon rainforest, and has a much higher oxygen content. Not so scary, it is the oxygen content of more than 2,000 meters inside the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

   I have asked someone to check some information. It is said that people who go to La Paz will hardly have altitude sickness.

   And, Ellen, think about it, La Paz has a population of more than two million people. If the oxygen content is too low, the city can't be built, isn't it? "

  Jenny was so eloquent, Zhang Nan smiled bitterly and said: "Then you must have not asked the foreigners who have been there for a long time. There are some things in the information that can be believed to be ghosts!

   The Sunshine City on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is 3650 meters above sea level, with an oxygen content of 66% in summer and about 63% in winter. The Nyingchi Bayi Wool Spinning Mill is less than 3,000 meters above sea level and is surrounded by virgin forests. I remember my brother-in-law said that the oxygen content there can reach 80% of Shanghai's all year round.

   There were many textile factory masters who had been transferred from Shanghai 20 years ago in that small town, and my brother-in-law remembered this clearly.

   Just now I asked Andre to investigate. The airport in La Paz is at an altitude of 4061. There are emergency oxygen cylinders hanging everywhere in the airport. The oxygen content is only 60% of the sea level, not a little more.

   When the foreigners got off the plane, many of them just lay down, and some called for help after a day or two! The city of La Paz is 400 meters lower than the airport, but that is the lowest place in the city center.

   The terrain of that ghost place is like a big bowl. The higher part of the city is between 38,000 and 4,000, and the oxygen content is almost the same as Sunshine City.

   What leaning against the lungs of the Amazon Earth, it’s near the ocean, it’s useless! "

"Cracking" said a lot, but in the end he sighed, lest the two housekeepers continue to come and carry the bar by themselves: "Forget it, anyway, I have to go, I'll ask Master Xiao Chen if there is a Red King in New York Sell ​​it in heaven."

  Little Master Chen, Chen Zhengming, the son of Master Chen Zhanghua, like his father, are all Chinese medicine health doctors in Zhang Nan's family. Normally, even if there are no special circumstances, he will return to Star Manor every other day. .

   Now that Old Chen is getting older, he usually visits Master Chen on a regular basis.

   "Rhodiola, what is it?"

   Nicole has the same question as Jenny.

   "Chinese medicinal materials, it is said that soaking in water in advance can combat altitude sickness."

   Speaking of this, Zhang Nan seems to think of something else, "You have to drink that thing a few days in advance, and you can't drink it indiscriminately. It seems to have some side effects. I have to ask."

   said, it doesn't matter if the two housekeepers call themselves, it's better to ask them in person.

   It didn't take long to figure out the situation. Rhodiola is really there, and Chen Zhengming will send it over today.

   Rhodiola is not only used to deal with altitude sickness, it is a kind of commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, Tibetan medicine, to replenish qi, clear lungs, nourish the mind and nourish the mind, and has a wide range of uses.

   Drink three or five days in advance to be effective, but it should not be overdone.

   Get ready early.

   The women didn't go with them, and the children didn't go. Zhang Nan was ready to go on this trip. The big guys also try not to go. Going to high altitude areas, like the Mark brothers, is purely difficult for themselves and themselves. The two giants suffered a lot last time.

   Alyosha is okay. The soldier will be trained in the plateau area. Four kilometers can't defeat him. It happened that Xia Milli and Karimi reported work from Russia and Ukraine to the United States and temporarily requisitioned them.

   The two Tajik brothers grew up in the Pamirs. It is said that when they first went down to the plateau in their lives, they even passed out of oxygen for a short time!

   On the night of November 8, Zhang Nan’s Boeing 767 took off from Long Island’s own airport, and the reserve crew among the crew members was still a pilot who flew over La Paz.

   Boeing and Airbus test new models of aircraft. Some subjects like to go to La Paz Airport because it is high enough, the environment is special, and the runway is even more special!

   New York is only more than 6000 kilometers away from La Paz in a straight line, but this is not a direct Nan asked to bypass the Colombian airspace, and it took more than ten hours to arrive.

   There is no need for a bigger 747. Although the runway of La Paz International Airport is wide enough and the length is 4000 meters, but because of the **** altitude, it cannot meet the take-off requirements of the Boeing 747.

   The air is too thin, and the engine thrust cannot reach the maximum power during takeoff. Unless it is lightly loaded, it cannot fly.

   This meeting is still being repaired. The runway of China Bonda Airport, which was completed in 1978, is more than 5,500 meters long. This is also the reason-the altitude there is higher!

   Sleep well, come together the next day, under the porthole is already the western foot of the Amazon jungle, in front of which is the towering Andes Mountains, and La Paz is on the other side of the mountains.

  As soon as the snowy ridgeline passed, the plane began to slowly descend in altitude, and the world's highest civilian international airport is currently 40 kilometers away.

   Soon, the airport is right in front of you. At this time, the old city of La Paz in the valley is under the plane, and the surrounding hillsides are densely populated with residential areas.

  Compared with the old city, the elevation of these houses on the hillside is higher, many of them can be as high as 3,89, but they are not the highest!

  Because the airport, located more than a dozen kilometers west of the old city, is on a huge plateau, more than 400 meters above the sea level of the old city. Seen from the air, a large terrace area of ​​almost 10 by 20 kilometers around the airport is densely populated with residential areas. The altitudes of these communities are all close to 4,100 meters!

   At this time, the captain's voice came from the cabin broadcast: "I am the captain. Attention, everyone. We are about to land at La Paz International Airport. Please fasten your seat belts. There will be some bumps!"


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